take action

[tek ˈækʃən][teik ˈækʃən]


  • Claim it as your reality now and that will encourage you to take action .

    现在就宣称你的梦想就是现实,这样会激励你 采取 行动

  • When you understand you have options you take action .

    当你了解你有选择时,你 付诸 行动

  • It 's high time that we should take action to protect the water resources .

    是我们 采取 措施保护水资源的时候了。

  • We have the ability to respond or the ability to take action .

    我们有能力去做出回应,我们也有能力 采取 行动

  • We must take action at once .

    我们一定 立即 采取 行动

  • We must take action to keep up with new developments .

    我们必须 采取 行动跟上新的发展形势。

  • I knew I needed to take action .

    我知道我该 采取 行动了。

  • He also sexually harassed many women and so we decided to take action against him .

    他还对许多妇女性骚扰,所以我们决定对他 采取 行动

  • You must take action if you want to stop people cheating you .

    如果你要阻止众欺骗你,你必须 采取 行动

  • If something is wrong with the world and you can change it take action .

    如果这个世界有什么不对的地方,你又可以改变它,那就 采取 行动

  • We had to take action to protect the proprietary technology .

    我们必须 采取 措施保护专利技术。

  • Therefore another unit of work might take action on in-process data .

    因此,另一个工作单元可能 对正在处理中的数据进行 操作

  • A : I think it 's time for the govemment to take action .

    我认为政府该 采取 行动了。

  • If we do not take action there will be no bears in the world .

    如果咱们不 采取 行动,世上就没有熊了。

  • If you want to avoid the unhealthy effects of obesity then you must take action now .

    如果你想要避免肥胖的不良影响,那么,你必须现在就 采取 行动

  • We must take action before it is too late .

    我们必须 趁早 采取 行动,否则来不及了。

  • Let us take action protecting the environment and improving the ecological environment .

    我们 行动 起来,保护环境和改善生态环境。

  • I now start to take action !

    我现在就 开始 行动

  • We must take action to deal with the problem before it spreads to other areas .

    我们必须 采取 行动,在问题扩展到其他地区之前将其解决。

  • The profession 's leaders must take action now to promote equal opportunities for all .

    该行业的领导们现在必须 采取 措施促使所有人获得均等机会。

  • We hope this information will help them understand and make them actively take action to protect wildlife .

    我希望这个信息将帮助他们理解并且使他们积极地 采取 行动来保护野生动物。

  • Don 't hesitate ! Don 't lose heart ! All you have to do is just take action !

    不要再灰心了,不要再犹豫了,你要做的就是 快快 行动

  • You have to actually take ACTION .

    你要真正地 采取 行动

  • I think we may as well take action at once .

    我认为,我们不妨立即 采取 行动

  • What if someone begins to take action ?

    要是现在有人 开始 行动了呢?

  • It is time for us to take action .

    该是我们 采取 行动的时候了。

  • We take action on every front that China puts in front of us he said .

    在中国对我国开辟的每一条战线上,我们都 采取行动,他说。

  • We must take action right now otherwise we 'll be late .

    我们现在就得 采取 行动了,否则就迟到了。

  • A dashboard is a view of the most important information needed to take action and make decisions .

    仪表板是对需要 采取 行动和作出决定的最重要信息进行展示的视图。

  • Let us take action together and bring happiness to you & me and the world .

    让我们 一起 行动起来,把幸福带给你我和世界。