take in hand

[tek ɪn hænd][teik in hænd]


  • She must take them in hand .

    她得 他们

  • That boy has been badly behaved recently I can see I shall have to take him in hand .

    那男孩最近表现极差,我看我得 着手 调教他了。

  • Verily the woman hath been like a possessed one ; and there lacks little that I should take in hand to drive Satan out of her with stripes .

    真的,这女人一直象是魔鬼缠身;我简直使尽了招数,就差用鞭子 撤旦从她身上赶走啦。

  • Corporations should not only take in hand risk bravely but also are good at it so as to gain investment income and realize long-term healthy development .

    企业要想取得投资收益,实现企业的长期健康发展,不仅 勇于承担风险,而且还要善于承担风险。

  • Something you take it in your hand and hold it very firmly .

    如果你 抓住了什么东西,就意味你 手里并紧紧握住。

  • I would take him in hand as soon as the winter was well over .

    冬天过去之后,我就 收拾一下

  • And take in your hand this rod with which you will do the signs .


  • As the forerunner in research and application of hi-tech university must take in a great hand in research development of digital city digital globe especially the practice of digital campus .

    大学作为高科技技术研究和开发、利用的前沿 阵地,理应实现数字校园的工程,并为数字城市、数字地球提供有力的技术和 经验

  • Or would you take the pen in hand plunge right in and just do it struggling to keep up with the twists and turns of the torrents of words that take you where they take you ?

    或者你只是 手里 着笔, 头扎进去写,不停地写,艰难地随着文字汹涌的浪涛而随波逐流?

  • They should take their daughter in hand before she does something really serious like setting fire to her school .

    他们的女儿干出向学校纵火这类严重事情之前他们应当 好好 管住她。

  • I 'm going to take that boy in hand and teach him a lesson or two .

    我要 那个男孩子管 起来,教训教训他。

  • The company is in trouble we need a strong man to take it in hand .

    公司陷于困境,我们需要有个 强手来管理。

  • You Americans have just got to take this thing firmly in hand . Plunging his hand eagerly into his bookbag he pulled out a piece of paper . Look at this !

    你们美国人就应该 这件事实实在 地抓 。他猛地一把从书包里抓出一张纸,你看

  • Show my smiling face wishing you take it in hand .

    把我的笑脸 上来,等着你 手里

  • It needs professional project management company to take in hand the operation of project management ( PM ) and provide cycle life professional consultation and management service in the construction market .

    在工程建设市场中,需要有专业化的项目管理公司,专门 承接项目管理业务,为业主和投资者提供全过程的专业化咨询和管理服务。

  • And you will be certain that I am the lord when I take you in hand for the honour of my name and not for your evil ways or your unclean doings O children of israel says the lord .

    主耶和华说,以色列家阿,我为我名的缘故,不照着 你们的恶行和你们的坏事待你们。你们就知道我是耶和华。

  • Will your heart be high or your hands strong in the days when I take you in hand ? I the LORD have said it and will do it .

    到了我 惩罚你的日子,你的心还能忍受吗?你的 还能有力吗?我耶和华说了这话,就必照着行。

  • David Grief took him away but not till next morning did he take him in hand .

    大卫·格里菲 带走了他,但到第二天早晨才 加以处置。

  • If you could just take her in hand .

    如果你能指导她 一下

  • - while as to her reading I can take that in hand .

    而说到读书,我可以 亲自

  • The justice regulations for solving genetic discrimination in the field of insurance should be : Allow insurance companies to carry out reasonable genetic discrimination and the State should take in hand the responsibilities of social insurance to help the carriers .

    解决保险领域基因歧视的正义规则应是:允许保险公司进行合理的基因歧视,同时国家要 承担 发展社会保险以救助带因者的责任。

  • Ordinary Elizabeth would then try to take that character in hand forcing her to diet and behave .

    平时,伊丽莎白会尽力 管住自己,注意饮食且举止得体。

  • We take the conceit in hand and rub it for good luck .

    我们 拿起这好感, 揩拭它以求好运。

  • I hope that Parliament will soon take the NHS in hand

    我希望议会能很快 接管国民医疗 保健系统。

  • Elisha said to Gehazi 'Tuck your cloak into your belt take my staff in your hand and run .

    以利沙吩咐基哈西说,你束上腰, 我的杖前去。

  • Schools and teachers would have to take in hand part of the civil duty if they didn 't pay appropriate attention to it .

    学校和教师如果没有尽到适当的注意义务,那么就要 承担 一定的民事责任;事故责任的认定和 处理 具体情况而定;

  • I 'm going to take you in hand my girl .

    我会 分担的,孩子。

  • Take matters in hand when it comes to dealing with clients or colleagues .

    与客户或同事打 交道 自己处理事情。

  • Ah take the cash in hand and waive the rest ;

    啊, 取走 手中的现金,放弃其余;