take as

[tek æz][teik æz]


  • Take as an example a vehicle data service in an automotive company .

    汽车公司中的车辆数据服务 例。

  • Most of the students of our class take Japanese as an elective course .

    我们班大部分同学 选修日语。

  • Not only do you want a longer hash ( which reduces the chance of hash collisions & two phrases generating the same hash ) but you also want it to take as long as possible for the hash to be generated .

    您不仅想要更长的哈希值(这会减少哈希碰撞的机会,也就是说,减少两个短语生成相同的哈希值的机会),您还希望生成哈希值所 的时间 可能长。

  • It is precisely such ignorant people who take Marxism-Leninism as a religious dogma .

    那些 马克思列宁主义 宗教教条看待的人,就是这种蒙昧无知的人。

  • This is a mission we take as part of the overall Carter Center project to promote peace in the region .


  • Please take as much as rice cake you want !

    带走一些年糕吧,想要多少就 多少!

  • Do you take yourself as a musician ?

    认为自己 个音乐家吗?

  • Development of such projects can take as little as three days though in this case the Dark Knight app took 30 days to develop .

    这类项目的开发通常只 三天时间,但开发《黑暗骑士》的相关应用却花了30天时间。

  • The parser will take as its input an existing message definition and the sequence of data in the file .

    解析器会 其输入 文件的现有消息定义和数据的序列。

  • The other step you might want to take as you deal with errors through the error () message is to use what you know about your application 's business logic to make smart decisions .

    使用error()消息处理错误 的另外一个必要步骤是使用您的应用程序的业务逻辑制定明智的决策。

  • You can buy the root and make it into a tea or soup ; otherwise buy extracts in liquid or capsule form and take as directed .

    你可以买一点泡茶或把它放在汤里,也可以 服用口服液、胶囊或者直接口服。

  • I will take you as my own people and I will be your God .

    我要 你们 我的百姓,我也要作你们的上帝。

  • What we take as typical British reserve has been significantly eroded .

    我们 恪守的典型的英国式保守已经发生了很大的变化。

  • He and Carla Torgerson take turns as the band 's lead vocalist .

    他和卡拉·托格森 轮流 担当乐队的主唱。

  • Never had she seen him so tense so quick to take offence as he had been in recent weeks .

    她从未见过他 最近几周这样高度紧张,动不动 生气

  • Both procedures take as input the type of policy being updated and an XML document ( passed either as a file or a BLOB ) .

    这两个过程 要更新的策略类型和XML文档(以文件或BLOB传递) 作为输入。

  • You would take things as they came . All you had to do was think a little harder and come up with a new solution .


  • Going forward Ive asked my national security team to assess the implications of the actions taken by the interim government and further steps that we may take as necessary with respect to the U.S. - Egyptian relationship .

    着眼于今后,我已要求我的国家安全团队评估埃及临时政府所采取的行动造成的影响,以及我们 美埃关系 必要情况下可能进一步 采取的步骤。

  • Please don 't take this as a defense of actually criminal or even unethical behavior .

    请不要 这些话 看作 对真正的犯罪或不道德行为的辩护。

  • You should take as much space as you need to make your diagrams easy to understand .


  • We have checked with the Department concerned and find that the meeting will take place as planned .

    我们跟有关部门联系过,知道那个会 原计划举行。

  • Only take as much money as you can fit in these bags .

    这些袋子能装多少 装多少。

  • Take grain as the key link develop a diversified economy and ensure an all-round development .


  • Take as long as you like dear boy .

    小伙子,随你 多长时间都行。

  • Take over as a phrasal verb means to get control of a company by buying most of its shares .

    takeover 一个动词词组,意思也是通过购买某一个公司的大部分股份从而掌管了该公司,即收购。

  • The scripts take as parameters machine server node and cell names as well as SIB port numbers .

    这些脚本 需要的参数有机器名、服务器名、节点名、单元名以及SIB端口号。

  • Will you take me as your assistant ?

    我给你 二手怎么样?

  • If looser-binding operators take as operands expressions using tighter-binding operators precedence is handled automatically .

    如果松绑定( looser-binding)运算符使用紧绑定(tighter-binding)运算符 作为操作数表达式,那么优先级是自动处理的。