take-over bid

[tek ˈovɚ bɪd][teik ˈəuvə bid]


  • Moreover BHP could attempt to structure a take-over of Rio using a so-called scheme of arrangement an alternative legal structure for a bid which would only require acceptances from 75 per cent of Rio shareholders .

    此外,必和必拓可以尝试利用所谓的协议安排( scheme of arrangement)来构建 自己 收购策略这是另一种合法的 竞购架构,只需75%的力拓股东同意即可实现收购。

  • The stock market got wind of a possible take-over bid and share prices soared .

    股票市场 风闻可能有 进出 ,因而股份价格扶摇直上。

  • Ferrous Resources the Brazilian iron ore company heading for a London listing later this year is understood to have been approached by several Chinese companies considering a take-over bid .

    据悉,数家中国公司已经与今年晚些时候将前往伦敦上市的巴西铁资源公司(FerrousResources)接洽,考虑对 后者 发出 收购 要约

  • Fresh reports that rival Royal Dutch Shell considered a take-over bid for the UK oil group also helped drive up the shares .

    有关竞争对手荷兰皇家壳牌(royaldutchshell)曾考虑对这家英国石油集团 发起 收购的最新消息,也推动了其股价上涨。

  • The board of directors met the major shareholders behind closed doors to discuss the take-over bid .

    董事会秘密会见主要股票讨论 接受 报价

  • Share prices are bound to tumble when the take-over bid hits the headlines .

    合并 出价成为头条新闻时,股票价格必定会暴跌。

  • Still on a budget ? Try these cheap fashion tips : His technique is to purchase a few shares to gain a foothold and then quietly buy up enough stock until he can make a take-over bid for the whole company .

    手头还是有点紧?试试以下几个省钱时尚小窍门:他的窍门是买进一些股份取得立足点,然后悄悄地买够股票直至他能 出价 买下整个公司。

  • Investor confidence in Rio was shaken last month when BHP Billiton dropped its hostile $ 62bn take-over bid citing worries about the size of Rio 's debt .

    上月,必和必拓(BHPBilliton)以担心力拓的债务规模为由,放弃了对力拓620亿美元的敌意 收购,这动摇了投资者对力拓的信心。

  • This take-over bid has broader implications .

    并购 具有更广泛的涵义。