take silk

[tek sɪlk][teik silk]

[法] 被任命王室律师

  • So the scientists got to wondering whether they could take a similar tactic to make silk even stronger .

    从中受到启发,科学家们开始设想是否能够 运用类似的方法来使增强 的韧性。

  • Yet if business and government leaders take constructive action now they will ensure that the development of the new silk road will make both headlines and history .

    但是,如果商业领袖和政府首脑现在 采取建设性的行动,他们就能够确保新 丝绸 路的发展,既成为头条新闻,又名垂史册。

  • During idle period take down the bracing rod one-way overturn the silk adhesion branch with the movable hinge the volume of cocoon breeding device superposed may be minimized .

    在闲置时, 下撑杆,并利用活动铰链将粘 枝单向覆倒,营茧器就能以最小体积叠放。

  • Well I 'll take the silk fan .

    嗯,我要这 绢扇

  • And Judas returned to take the spoils of the camp and they got much gold and silver and blue silk and purple of the sea and great riches .

    犹大回来 拾取军营的战利品,得了很金银、 紫红和珍贵的朱红色衣服,还有大量的财物。

  • We take the liberty to enclose herewith for your inspection the sample and price of our new season silk fabric .

    冒昧寄上新季节 丝绸样品与价目表,请参阅。

  • Therefore the government and enterprises should take effective measures to promote the development of Sichuan silk export .

    本文探讨如何从政府层面和企业层面 采取合理有效的措施,促进我省 丝绸出口的发展。

  • Therefore to have a correct understanding of the current situation and existing problems concerning Si-chuan 's silk production and export and then take positive measures to cope with the problems is an important task that Si-chuan has to face in its silk industry development .

    正确认识四川省丝绸生产和对外贸易的现状及存在的问题, 采取积极应对措施,是四川省 丝绸行业发展所面临的一项重要课题。

  • Analysis of paucity hydrocarbon : take the adsorption silk adsorb hydrocarbon of rock sample .

    微量烃分析是 吸附 对岩样散发出的烃类进行直接吸附并分析各组份含量的一种方法。

  • We also take on a variety of silk piece goods

    我们也 各类 丝织品生意

  • If you must cry take this print to cry over that won 't mark like this beautiful silk .

    要是你一定要哭, 拿起这块印花布去哭个够吧。那不会象漂亮的 绸子一样不能 沾水

  • Here again there are steam-air finishers that take care of all your silk needs and with a steam electric hand iron on the press .

    在这里再次有蒸汽空气选手的 照顾您所有的 丝绸的需求,并有蒸汽电动手铁对新闻界。

  • This paper aims to take the relationship between the Silk Road and Jews in traditional China as the research subject and to try to solve problems of Chinese Jews from the angle of the Silk Road .

    本文 丝绸 路和古代中国犹太人为研究对象,旨在从丝绸之路的角度对古代中国犹太人问题加以系统的解读。

  • China 's Silk Reeling Industry Must Take the Road to Get Proper Form and Technical Progress Family 's Silk Reeling Industry in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces during the Resistance War Against Japan

    我国缫丝企业必须 适度规模与技术进步的道路抗日战争时期日伪控制下的江浙家庭

  • Take my silk handkerchief and wrap your throat up .

    我的 手帕把你的脖子缠上。

  • We take the liberty to introduce ourselves as exporters of silk piece goods which we have been exporting to Europe and Janpan .

    我们 冒昧地向你方介绍,我们经营 丝绸产品,并出口欧洲和日本。

  • Besides the regular traveling to the various ETS offices in China and to our headquarter in Princeton I plan to take some time off to retrace the Silk Route later this year .

    除了定期的去中国各个ETS组织及位于普林斯顿的公司总部,我计划今年 些时间探寻 丝绸 路。

  • And even now we also continue to deepen the technology it is necessary to take the KX series wire system to enhance the control of silk meet the requirements of walking .

    而即使是现在,我们也继续深化技术,要 KX系列中走丝系统,提升达到慢走 的控制要求。

  • They take a variety of forms from traditional folk dances involving silk fans and drumming to improvised routines set to patriotic songs saccharine pop and sanitized rap .

    广场舞的形式也多种多样,有人 丝质的扇子、敲着鼓跳传统民族舞,也有人自创套路,配合红歌、抒情歌曲和洁版说唱乐跳舞。

  • OnEconomy of Jiang Village Fei Xiao-Tong take the silk cooperation for example bring forward developing rural economic corporation organization keep the profits of country industry in countryside ;

    在《江村经济》中,费孝通 开弦弓村 蚕丝合作社为例,提出要发展农村经济合作组织,将乡土工业的收益留在农村;

  • So after that interlude it was time to take a look at our silk and paper .

    隔了这么一小段时间后,我们 回去察看 丝质 和纸张。