take measure

[tek ˈmɛʒɚ][teik ˈmeʒə]

[经] 采取步骤

  • We take measure for inhibition interference by power supply system and signal wire and ground wire etc. Using digital filter in software through isolate screen filter and ground connection etc.

    抑制干扰也从电源系统、地线、信号线等方面 采取 措施,通过隔离、屏蔽、滤波、接地等方法,在软件上采取数字滤波。

  • The Resonance Method to Take Measure of Damping of Viscous & Shear Damper

    测量硅油 减振器阻尼的共振法

  • Non-pecuniary damage is a kind of form of damage that have no the direct relation with property changes and can 't take measure and calculating with money . It is a fact of law in essence .

    非财产损害是财产损害以外、与财产变动无直接关系、不能用金钱 予以 衡量和计算的损害形式,本质上是一个法律事实。

  • While implementing the construction of modern villages we should at the same time take measure to enforce and guarantee the moral and political education the fundamental education the occupational education continuing education and the country community education in the countryside .

    在进行现代村庄建设的同时, 加强对农民的思想道德教育,统筹发展农村基础教育、职业教育、继续教育,开展农村社区教育。

  • For guaranteeing the realization of multiple objectives for monetary policy we should take the quantification into the currency value stabilization and economic growth and take measure of double objectives system of inflation rate and economic growth rate .

    为了保证多重货币政策目标的实现,应该对币值稳定、经济增长两大目标加以量化, 实施通货膨胀率、经济增长率双目标制。

  • If we can get fire alarm information and take measure at the beginning of the fire accident the loss would be reduced largely .

    在火灾发生时能尽早得到报警信息并 采取相应 措施能够在火灾发生初期控制险情,大大减少人员伤亡和经济损失。

  • Objective : By exploring the personality 's character and sexual function of heroine abuser we hope that it could offer beneficial reference to take measure on psychological intervention and treatment .

    目的:本课题欲了解海洛因依赖者的人格特征和性功能情况,为制订心理干预 措施和治疗海洛因成瘾者的性功能障碍提供依据。

  • The college should take measure on students'quali ty of thought and politics mentality health and development of campus culture to enhance their resistibility and immunity to the negative influence .

    学院必须在学生的思想、政治素质、心理健康、校园文化建设等方面 采取一定的 措施,提高学生对网络负面影响的抵抗力和免疫力。

  • The government must take measure to guide the price of land agent .

    因此,政府必须 采取 多种 措施对房地产开发商的定价行为进行规制。

  • China should realize these problems and take measure to solve them so as to make faster and more steady development in international service cooperation .

    我们应该正视存在的问题,并 采取 措施解决这些问题,只有这样才能发挥优势,消除劣势,从而使中国的国际劳务合作更快、更稳健地发展。

  • At the same time We should take measure to improve the quality of village cadres to establish a rural cadres with the characteristic of strong work ability high professional level high quality good cultivation and handling affairs for civilians .

    同时, 还要 努力提高村集体干部的素质,建立一支工作能力强、业务水平高、有素质、有修养、能为老百姓办实事的农村干部队伍。

  • We must take measure to protect the crops from insect pests .

    我们必须 采取 措施保护庄稼,使之不受虫害。

  • Across the analysis the factors which effect the blasting vibration by gray correlation analysis method it can conclude the main effect factors and it can offer gist to take measure in order to control and decrease blasting vibration .

    通过对影响爆破震动的因素进行灰色关联分析,得出主要的影响因素,为 采取控制和降低爆破震动的 措施提供依据。

  • In this way it was very important to take measure to prevent increase of water content in that area near the slope toe of to soften expansive soil due to infiltration of rain water .

    鉴于膨胀性土路堑在雨水入渗后发生浅层滑动破坏,因此,单纯放缓边坡坡度并不是 防治这种破坏的最有效措施,重要的是 做好隔水防水等处治工作。

  • This essay pass through compare of foreign realize circulation economy take taxation policy analyse our country exist question of in this territory take measure at present .

    通过对国外为实现循环型经济所采取的税收政策的比较,分析我国目前在该领域 采取 措施和存在的问题。

  • In order to save energy and reduce costs . We should take measure to reuse this energy .

    为了节约试验能耗和降低成本,应 采取 措施将这部分能量回收再利用。

  • Commercial bank and the financial supervision institution around the world begin to take measure to control the risk of intermediary business .

    于是各个国家商业银行及其金融监管机构纷纷 着手对中间业务风险的控制。

  • At present AD only to take measure with symptomatic and lack of effective methods of early diagnosis and treatment .

    目前AD 对症治疗,缺乏有效的早期诊断方法和药物治疗。

  • If human kind dose not take measure to deal with the whole world environment degradation problem the human being will be ruined finally .

    如果人们不寻求 妥善地应对全球环境退化问题的 措施,那么等到的将会是人类自身的毁灭。

  • The paper anticipates that this software can provide reliable and valid data and information of transient voltage fluctuation in order to farther analyze transient problems of power quality and take measure to improve power quality .

    本文期望通过该软件得到的暂态电压扰动现象的信息,能够为后期进一步分析暂态电能质量问题以及 采取合理 措施提高电能质量提供有效的依据。

  • On the power we encourage teachers to conduct the appropriate teaching research on education through take measure include in building active and healthy school culture establish developmental appraise system on teacher and developing duty training which is welcomed for teachers .

    在动力方面,建设积极健康的学校文化,建立发展性的教师评价体系,开展受教师们欢迎的职后培训等 措施,鼓励教师 进行合适的教育教学研究。

  • At the same time we take measure to deal with anti-jamming and analyze ADC dynamic characteristic . Effective number of bits is 7.2 which is tested by FFT test technique .

    同时叙述了本电路设计中的抗干扰处理 措施,分析了ADC的动态特性,采用了FFT测试方法测试出其有效比特位 ENOB达到7.2位。

  • Articulated arm coordinate measuring machine is a new type of coordinate measuring machines . It is flexible light and convenient . Also it has high efficiency and can take measure directly when the object measured has a complex shape or some points in the covert area .

    关节臂是一种新型的坐标测量机,具有灵活轻便,效率高, 能够 实现对复杂结构和隐蔽点的测量等特点。

  • It should only take a few meetings for the committee to take the measure of the new chairman and then they will know how to deal with him .

    这个委员会只要开几次会 估量出这位新主席的能力,然后他们就会知道怎么对付他。

  • It has increasingly been the eyes of regulatory authorities at all levels and enterprises that how to take measure against hidden danger of accidents and avoid the accidents in production .

    如何消除事故 隐患,避免安全生产事故 发生越来越成为了各级监管部门和企业关注的重点。

  • Thus it is essential to take measure to improve their Chinese and speciality knowledge .

    所以, 采取各种 措施提高他们的汉语水平和专业知识是十分必要的。

  • During the process of internationalization the enterprises should take measure to reduce the political and economic risk .

    企业的组织结构 国际化经营相适应;

  • I shall take what measure is none of you business .

    我要 采取什么 措施都与你无关。

  • Objective To understand the impact of SARS on blood-donating and blood-receiving in Jiangmen City and take measure to ensure the safety of clinical blood using .

    目的了解SARS对江门市献血、受血的影响,制定应急 供血预防 措施,以保证临床用血的 需要与安全。