


  • The activation of SOD and ATP in schizophrenic patients with tardive dyskinesia


  • Conclusion Neutrophil and TNF - α may participated in the spinal cord secondary injury may be one of important factors to trigger tardive neuron apoptosis .

    结论中性粒细胞及TNF-α参与了脊髓继发性损伤,并可能是触发 神经元凋亡的重要因素之一。

  • Effect of Chaihu-Taoren Tang on tardive dyskinesia and the possible mechanism

    柴胡桃仁汤对 运动障碍的治疗及可能机制

  • Clinical analysis of 232 cases with tardive fetal heart rate decrease induced by oxytocin provocation test

    催产素激惹试验中 胎心率减速232例临床分析

  • Objective To discuss the relation ship between low voltage electric shock and tardive death due to myocardial necrosis .

    目的探讨低压电触电引起心肌坏死 导致 死亡的关系。

  • The mouth movements are a side effect ( not the actual condition ) of taking antipsychotic meds which is called tardive dyskinesia .

    这张嘴的动作是没病却吃称为“ 运动障碍”的精神病药物的副作用。

  • Current product labeling warns of the risk of tardive dyskinesia with chronic metoclopramide treatment .

    近期的产品标签已对长期应用甲氧氯普胺可 导致 发型运动障碍的风险提出警示。

  • Melatonin in treatment of schizophrenia with tardive dyskinesia : A comparison study of cognitive function

    褪黑素治疗 伴有 运动障碍认知功能对照研究

  • Objective To observe the efficacy of deep brain stimulation in the treatment of one case of tardive dystonia .

    目的观察脑深部电刺激治疗1例 肌张力障碍的手术效果。

  • Objective : To study effect of clonazepam on persistent tardive dyskinesia ( TD ) .

    目的:探讨氯硝西泮对持续 TD的临床作用。

  • Objective To explore the major points of diagnosis and treatment in traumatic tardive intracranial hematoma .

    目的探讨外伤性 颅内血肿的诊治要点。

  • We developed an experimental animal model of tardive dyskinesia simply by treating rats with neuroleptics .

    我们仅仅通过对大鼠施用神经松驰剂,就搞出了一个 运动障碍的实验动物模型。

  • Objective To investigate the relationship between Catechol-O-Methyltransferase ( COMT ) gene polymorphism and susceptibility severity of tardive dyskinesia ( TD ) .

    目的探讨广东地区汉族人群中儿茶酚氧位甲基转移酶(COMT)基因Val158/108Met多态性与 精神药物 所致 运动障碍(TD)及其严重程度的关系。

  • Treatment of severe tardive dystonia with pallidal deep brain stimulation

    苍白球深部脑刺激治疗严重的 肌张力障碍

  • Objective To investigate pathophysiological mechanism of tardive dyskinesia ( TD ) by treating the TD model rats with Vitamin E ( Vit E ) .

    目的观察维生素E(VitE)对 运动障碍(TD)大鼠的影响,探讨TD可能的病理生理机制。

  • Objective : To investigate whether withdrawal emergent dyskinesia ( WE D ) is the early signal of tardive dyskinesia ( TD ) .

    目的:调查撤药出现的运动障碍(WE-D)是否为 运动障碍(TD)的早期征象。

  • Study on Serum Levels of Sex Hormones and Cortisol in Women with Tardive Acne Vulgaris

    女性 痤疮血清性激素及皮质醇水平的研究

  • Persistent Tardive Dyskinesia Treated with Clonazepam

    氯硝西泮治疗持续性 运动障碍

  • Results Atacr rate of forme tardive epileptic after apoplexy was5.19 % .

    结果卒中后 癫痫的发生率为5.19%;

  • Conclusion Early detection of trauma-induced tardive intracranial hematoma is critical for the timely treatment and improvement of prognosis .

    结论早期发现 颅内血肿并进行及时的诊治和处理是改善预后的关键。

  • Conclusion w_2176 Tardive cyanosis caused by some congenital heart diseases must be carefully diagnosed for the similarity to that of Eisenmenger syndrome .

    【结论】某些迟 紫绀的先天性心脏病与艾森门格综合征较难鉴别,诊断务必谨慎。

  • Tardive splenic rupture 6 cases ;


  • Therapeutic effects of EEG biofeedback in the treatment of chronic schizophrenics with tardive dyskinesia : a preliminary study

    脑电生物反馈对慢性精神分裂症 运动障碍治疗效果的初步研究

  • Anaphase it can reduce the tardive ulcer .

    后期减少 发行溃疡。

  • METHODS We adopted carbon particle clearance test tardive allergy induced by PC in mice and serum hemolysin test . The mononuclear-macrophage function cellular immune function and humoral immune function were observed .

    方法通过碳粒廓清试验,三硝基氯苯(PC)诱导小鼠 变态反应试验和血清溶血素测定,分别观察参萸保健酒对小鼠单核-巨噬细胞功能、细胞免疫功能和体液免疫功能的影响。

  • Therapeutic Effect of Herbal-medicine Artificial Menstrual Cycle Therapy for Female Tardive Acne

    中药人工周期法治疗女性 痤疮疗效观察

  • Objective To investigate the prevalence of extrapyramidal symptoms ( EPS ) and tardive dyskinesia ( TD ) in affective disordered patients and to study the association of these symptoms with medication and other factors .

    探索住院情感障碍病人 锥体外系症状(EPS)的发生率,并研究这些症状与药物和其它因素的关系。

  • Study of serum iron indices in patients with tardive dyskinesia


  • Tardive extrapyramidal syndrome ( TES ): risk factors analysis in a case-control study


  • Chronic use of metoclopramide has been linked to tardive dyskinesia which may include involuntary and repetitive movements of the body even after the drugs are no longer taken .

    长期应用胃复安被证明与 发型运动障碍相关,表现为机体的不随意和重复性的运动,即便服用时间不长( 亦可出现)。