target system

[ˈtɑrɡɪt ˈsɪstəm][ˈtɑ:ɡit ˈsistəm]


  • On the Service Concept and Target System of EXPO Management

    世博会管理的服务性和 目标 体系初探

  • The LPAR 's name is not already in use on the target system .

    目标 系统上没有使用这个LPAR的名称。

  • A partition shell is created on the target system .

    目标 系统上创建一个分区shell。

  • Transfer the portable collector file to the target system .

    将便携收集器文件传输到 目标 系统

  • You can then deploy the project on a target system with this command

    然后,您可以使用以下命令将项目部署到 目标 系统

  • This link provides access to the verification reports generated during the verification of the target system .

    该链接将链接到 目标 系统验证过程中生成的报告。

  • This paper advances a set of appraisal target system on city fire protection system . It relates the synthetical appraisal method on protection and fire .

    针对城市消防 系统提出了一套评价 指标 体系,给出了城市消防系统防与消的综合评价方法。

  • The target System Interface packages the request appropriately and delivers it synchronously to the originating System Interface .

    目标 系统接口对请求进行恰当打包,并将其以同步方式传递给原始系统接口。

  • Important : Your target system must have the same SID as the source system .

    要点: 目标 系统与源系统必须有相同的SID。

  • Function points : Function points are concerned with determining the functionality and functional complexity associated with the target system .

    功能点:功能点考虑的是确定与 目标 系统相关的功能和功能复杂性。

  • The technical method for integrating taxonomies and taxonomy subsets is typically dictated by the capabilities of both the taxonomy modeling system and by the target system .

    对分类法和分类法子集进行集成的技术方法,通常取决于分类法建模系统和 目标 系统的功能。

  • You can accomplish both tasks by editing the target system 's registry .

    你可以通过编辑 目标 系统的注册表来完成这两个任务。

  • Instead they are a straight-line path through one specific execution of the target system .

    相反,它们是穿过 目标 系统特定执行的直线路径。

  • The target System processes the request .

    目标 系统处理请求。

  • When the target system receives the last dirty page from the source system the migration is complete .

    目标 系统从源系统接收到最新的脏页面时,转移过程结束。

  • The target System generates a response and passes it on to its System Interface for delivery .

    目标 系统生成响应,并将其传递给系统接口,以便进行交付。

  • The jps utility lists the virtual machines for the current user on the target system .

    jps工具为 目标 系统的当前用户列出虚拟机。

  • The tool creates a single named pipe for each partition on the target system and begins loading the data .

    这个工具为 目标 系统上的每个分区创建了一个指定管道并开始加载数据。

  • Based on University library evaluation target system the paper has set up a mathematical model of comparative evaluation and studied the integrated library evaluation through examples .

    本文在对高校图书馆评估 指标 体系进行了分析的基础上,建立多院校图书馆比较性评估的数学模型,并通过实例分析研究图书馆综合评价问题。

  • This paper has carried on the discussion from the target system of the library management assessment at university according to AHP .

    本文对层次分析法在高校图书馆管理评价方面的 指标 体系等方面进行了探讨。

  • The console uses the information you provide to verify the target system ( s ) .

    控制台会使用您提供的信息来验证 目标 系统

  • For the target system we can perform the following tasks .

    对于 目标 系统,可以执行以下任务。

  • During the active migration of the LPAR state information is transferred from the source to the target system .

    在动态转移LPAR期间,状态信息会从源系统传输到 目标 系统

  • Ensuring the target system has sufficient memory and processor resources to meet the LPAR 's current entitlements .

    确认 目标 系统有足够的内存和处理器资源,可以满足LPAR当前的需求。

  • The material cutability is described and evaluated with a target system and the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method .

    试图用 指标 体系来描述和评价材料的切削加工性。

  • The deployment designer uses the advantages of both BPM and SOA when considering the components ' target system .

    在考虑组件的 目标 系统时,部署设计师可同时利用BPM和SOA的优势。

  • The virtual target devices and virtual SCSI adapters are created on the target system .

    目标 系统上创建虚拟目标设备和虚拟SCSI适配器。

  • Test-Debug-Adapt on Every Target System .

    测试-调试-适应每一个 指标 体系