


  • Morphological Characteristics and Function of Raptorial Tarsometatarsus

    猛禽类 跖骨形态特征与功能的 分析

  • The lengths of tarsometatarsus body and wing increased remarkably before 50 60 and 70 days and stopped growth later .

    、体长、翼 分别 50、60、70日 前增长显著,之后便停止增长。

  • Morphology of Distal Tarsometatarsus and Perching Habits in Birds

    鸟类 跖骨远端形态的 模式及其栖息行为

  • By comparing the morphological variations of the tarsometatarsus of living birds I conclude that the morphology of the distal tarsometatarsus of birds can be used as an indicator of their habits .

    鸟类的 跖骨远端特征可以被用来作为判断鸟类栖息习性的依据。

  • Statistic analysis of the morphology of the distal tarsometatarsus of extant birds was conducted .

    跖骨各形态 特征进行 量化分析研究, 引入 相关分析和 因子分析等统计分析方法。

  • Research on the diversity of shape and structure of avian tarsometatarsus not only did it present evidences to realize the ecological habit of birds of different species but made the knowledge of functional behavior of avian hindlimbs perfect progressively also .

    鸟类 跖骨形态结构多样性的研究不仅为了解不同类型鸟类的生态习性提供证据,也使鸟类后肢骨骼的功能行为学得以逐步完善。