


  • The geometries relative energies and activation energy of the tautomer and transition state were determined .

    确定了 变异 及过渡态的几何构型、相对能量和活化能。

  • The AMH anion undergoes an excited state intramolecular proton transfer from the enol tautomer to trans-keto tautomer after UV excitation and the relaxed back-isomerization to the ground state of enol tautomer was investigated by transient UV-vis spectroscopy .

    紫外光激发后,AMH经历激发态分子内质子转移由烯醇式 转变为反酮式,瞬态紫外吸收光谱监测到其复原过程。

  • The free energy of solvation is well correlated with the dipole moments of2 thioxanthine tautomer .

    水溶剂化自由能与异构体的气相 偶极矩存在相关性。

  • Each tautomer with different concentration is in acid-base equilibria in the solution at various pH values .

    在不同pH值的溶液中, 它们 具有不同的浓度而处于酸碱平衡。