[计] T1级小型终端

  • Especially an optimal precoding codeword selection method named PS-SC is proposed according to the intrinsic feature of TAST codes .

    针对该空时码的内在结构特点,优化了预编码码字选择方法,提出一种称之为奇异值之积选择准则( PS-SC)。

  • Determination the content of carboplatin injection and stability tast

    注射用卡铂的含量测定及稳定性 试验

  • It has distinctive national features in theory technique material implied meaning of painting and the tast of appreciation .

    工具材料、 笔墨含义、审美 情趣和技法理论 方面都有着本民族的特色。

  • The accuracy of gas-bearing area is of important effect on the reliability of gas reserve calculation and the main tast of determining the gas-bearing area is to divide gas reservoir contour .

    含气面积的精度对天然气 储量的可靠性具有决定性的影响,而确定含气面积最主要的 工作是划分含气边界。

  • The job will be a lasting and important tast to economize energy sources .

    节约能源工作将是 经济 工作的一项长期重要 任务

  • On the day of the test I remember feeling very confident and found the tast fairly easy to write .

    考试当天,我记得感觉非常有自信,而且发现 考试很简单。

  • Therefore it is becoming a urgent tast to innovating this management system for local government and scholar .

    因此,对 火车 地区的管理体制进行 较为 深入的改革,已是政府和学术界面临的紧迫 课题之一,这也是本课题提出创新 火车 地区管理体制的根本原因。

  • For a long time Fire prevention has been one of the most arduous tast .

    长期以来,火灾防治是最艰巨的 任务 之一

  • Accelerated Simplex Algorithm to Determine the Longitudinal Dispersion Coefficient in a River by Tracer Tast


  • Tast of growth retarded European eel careful feeding with Hexin formulated feed Effects of three feed additives on growth performance of Anguilla anguilla

    3种饲料添加剂对欧洲 生长性能的影响

  • The Determination of Dismutation Rate Constant of Superoxide Ion Catalyzed by SOD Model Compound with Tast Polarography


  • Observation of Tast Raising on Xiao Wei Sheep 's Introduced Variety

    小尾寒羊 引种 养观察

  • So the establishment and perfect of the standardization system of e-Government which is according to the fast development of e-Government are the first tast of the constructure of out e-Government .

    因此建立和完善与电子政务快速发展相适应的 国家电子政务标准体系,尽快制定 支撑电子政务建设和发展的基础性 关键标准 成为 当前电子政务建设的首要 任务

  • I shouldn 't have lett so tast .


  • Preliminary research on speedup lift tast of cylinder & Identical load test in radial direction of cylinder

    气缸寿命加速 试验初探&气缸径向 恒力加载试验

  • How to realize the the implementation of functions and class ( object ) share between Delphi and C + + is a primary tast of integrated programming .

    在Delphi与C++中,实现函数与类(对象)的共享是实现集成编程的主要 课题 之一

  • We 'll get them married tast .

    我们立刻让孩子 结婚

  • Shear Test on Rock At Its Original Place in Shuangjiang Hydropower Station And Tast Analysis


  • This paper introduced a new type micro-displacement measurement instrument which has a high accuracy called digital capacitive micrometer . It can be used for the precision measurement of workpiece shape error and dimensions parameters and the dynamic tast of mechanical vibration and shock .

    本文介绍一种新型的高精度微位移测量仪器一数字式电容测微仪,它可以广泛应用于工件形状误差、尺寸参数的精密测量以及机械振动、冲击的动态 测试

  • This paper described the Counting formulas and the software frame of the parabola interpolation with the negative deviation It has mang advantages such as tast speed stable moving high precision and the simple import .

    本文给出具有负偏差特性的抛物线插补计算公式及软件框图。此 插补方法具有运行速度快、平稳、精度高。

  • On the Developing Situation and Major Tast of the Feed Science and Technology in Our Country

    我国饲料科技发展态势和重点 任务探讨

  • Along with the environmental problem brought by reduction of extraction of fossil energy and utilizing the exploitation and development of renewable energy is an important tast for the researchers .

    随着化石能源可开采量的减少及其使用给环境带来的问题, 尽快寻找与开发一种环境 污染 的可再生能源是科研工作者一项重要 任务

  • The products organization fine and smooth wellbubricated a person 's tast soft and pure .

    本产品组织细腻、 滑润,口感柔和、纯正。

  • Protecting Ocean Environment is a Tast Which Brooks No Delay

    保护海洋环境 刻不容缓

  • Flies tast actually a little bit sweet .

    苍蝇 起来有点甜。

  • In practice marketing is an intrinsically difficult tast for public agencies to perform well .

    对公共机构来说,做好市场销售 工作实际上是一项 为艰巨的 任务

  • This is the same as that the bitter tast of bitter peptides come from the hydrophobic amino acids .

    这与 苦味多肽的苦味由其中的疏水性氨基酸引起的相一致。