target practice

[ˈtɑrɡɪt ˈpræktɪs][ˈtɑ:ɡit ˈpræktis]


  • Research on Laser Imitating System for Rifle Target Practice

    激光模拟步枪 打靶系统的研究

  • The laser simulation system of individual solider integration tactics counterwork which is based on the wireless laser target practice is improved according to the USA MILES .

    单兵综合战术训练对抗模拟系统是在已有无线激光 打靶 的基础上,借鉴美国MILES模拟系统进行改进的激光模拟训练系统。

  • That reaction may rule out a method said to have been employed earlier to cut the numbers of the ( also alien ) goats : during the Second World War they were used for target practice .

    这种反应或许能让政府放弃采用据说是过去用来减少山羊(也是外来物种)数量的方法:二战期间,山羊被用作 射击 训练 靶子

  • We will be efficient as well as the implementation of a solid target practice with their own strategic planning and development .

    我们将以高效的执行力以及坚实的 目标 实践着自身的战略规划及发展。

  • Then on the performance of construction in Sichuan Province to the background and guiding principles to introduce the core with separate Danleng test report and up to City township authorities to enhance government efficiency target practice .

    接着,对四川省进行效能建设的背景和核心指导思想作出介绍,并分别就丹棱县、青神县和达州市乡镇机关的政府效能提升 实践对象

  • Suspicions were fuelled by recent Israeli military manoeuvres over the Mediterranean which some US officials described as target practice for an Iran strike .

    近期以色列在地中海上空的军事演习助长了上述猜疑,一些美国官员将此次 演习描述为旨在 攻击伊朗的演练。

  • The requirement of the distributed virtual target practice system is analysed . The federation is designed and the SOM / FOM is built .

    针对分布式 系统进行了需求分析、功能特性分析,并进行了联邦设计和SOM/FOM模型。

  • If you fancy trying your hand at a bit of target practice sir come and see me during morning exercise or afternoon free time .

    如果长官你想要来 练习一下的话,你可以在晨间运动时间或是下午自由时间来找我。

  • These were pistols of an especial pattern which Monte Cristo had had made for target practice in his own room .

    这只手枪,是基督山特地定制的用它在房间里 练习 打靶用的。

  • Alas by the time the French invaded Milan and deposed the Duke Leonardo had succeeded only in making a22-foot clay model which the French soldiers used for target practice .

    可叹的是,截至法军入侵米兰废黜了公爵时,李奥纳杜仅仅完成了一个22英尺的黏土模型,并且还被法军士兵作为实战 练习的射击 目标

  • At Dominic Whitford was target practice ?

    难道是在练 打靶

  • After that they were used for target practice or were dug into the ground around some important airfields to serve as protection against unwanted landings .

    之后被用作 靶标或被安在一些重要机场附近的土地上。

  • Study of Distributed Virtual Target Practice System Based on HLA

    基于HLA的分布式虚拟 系统研究

  • Its accuracy and stability of the level to direct impact on the quality of target practice and in order to control the laser beam wave front quality the mirror lenses have the strict requirements of accuracy .

    其精度及稳定性的高低直接影响 打靶的质量;并且为了控制激光光束的波前质量,对反射镜镜片的面形精度要求严格。

  • In order to improve the applicability and practicability we design a new laser target practice system without the connection between the gun and target .

    为了提高适应性和实用性,我们设计了一种新型的靶枪分离型激光 打靶器。

  • According to the requirement of the modern policemen target training this paper describes a kind of intelligent target practice system for the policemen shooting drill .

    根据现代警察射击增训的需要,设计了一种智能化的警察射击训练 使用 打靶机系统。

  • In this paper we introduce the basic principle of the laser target practice system and specifically illustrate the whole design of device from hardware and software aspects .

    本文主要介绍 无线激光 打靶器的基本工作原理,并对系统的整体设计从硬件和软件两方面作出详细叙述。

  • Modeling and Design of a New Laser Target Practice System In order to improve the applicability and practicability and increase the shoot-distance we design a new laser target practice system without the wire between the gun and target .

    为了提高激光 打靶器的适应性和实用性,增加射击距离,我们对传统激光打靶器进行分析、改进,设计出一种新型的靶枪分离型无线激光打靶器。

  • The application of advanced technology of computer simulation in the process of research and development of complex weapon system greatly reduces the number of live ammunition target practice and shortens the development cycle .

    在复杂武器系统研发过程中,采用先进的计算机仿真技术,能够减少实弹 打靶次数,可以缩短研制周期。

  • Looks like somebody had some late-night target practice .

    看来这些人被当成午夜 活靶了。

  • Design of Laser Target Practice for Simulation Training

    模拟 实弹激光 打靶训练器的设计

  • Design of A New Laser Target Practice System

    新型激光 打靶器的设计

  • It became a blood sport she whined . I became target practice .

    这变成了一场血腥运动,她抱怨道,而我成了 靶子

  • They found the three engaged in target practice .

    他们发现那3个人在 练习 打靶

  • Aiming at the distributed virtual target practice system a development flow of distributed simulated system based on HLA is presented .

    针对分布式虚拟 系统,探讨了HLA框架下的分布式仿真系统开发流程。

  • Result Analysis in Target Practice of Missile for Fuze - Warhead System

    引信战斗部系统的实弹 打靶结果分析方法

  • The drone could also simulate the manoeuvres of fighters and attackers to make the target practice more realistic .

    无人机也可以模拟战斗机和攻击机的动作使 打靶变得更真实。

  • Everytime you hold target practice .

    而每次都是你来 进行 练习

  • Implementation of PLC & PC in the Intelligent Target Practice System for the Police

    PC+PLC在警用智能 打靶机系统中的应用

  • In order to effectively solve the contradiction between the development of criminal justice activities and public opinion and target practice of criminal justice activities in criminal justice activities should pay due consideration to public opinion .

    因此为了有效的解决刑事司法活动的发展与民意的矛盾,为了有效的 实现刑事司法活动的 目标,在刑事司法活动中应当对民意予以适当的考虑。