tar gas

[化] 焦油气

  • However high content of tar in the production gas limits its application widely .

    但是, 生物质 气化产品 中的高 焦油含量严重制约了产品 的应用。

  • The results show that : ( 1 ) The injection of secondary air is an effective way to reduce the primary tar concentration in gas .

    结果表明:(1)二次空气的加入对降低 煤气 焦油的含量作用明显。

  • Such as the tar content in gasification gas is high and hard to purify and the gas heating value is low etc. These problems directly affect the popularization and application of biomass gasification technology .

    例如气化 燃气 焦油含量偏高而且净化困难、燃气热值偏低等。这些问题直接影响了生物质气化技术的推广和应用。

  • Developments of the catalysts for conversion from tar in cracking gas of biomass

    生物质裂 解气 焦油转化催化剂的研究现状

  • Studies on Shape Selective Isopropylation Products of Coal Tar Naphthalene by Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry

    焦油萘择形异丙基化产物组成的 相色谱/质谱分析

  • For pyrolysis with temperature increasing the yields of pyrolysis tar and gas increased while that of pyrolysis char was decreased ; when temperature was or over 600 ℃ the yield of pyrolysis gas reached about 60 % .

    结果表明,随热解温度的提高,热解 与热 解气产量增大,热解炭产量减小,热解温度达到600℃及以上时,热解气产量达到60%左右;

  • Determination of Biphenyl and Phenanthrene in Coal Tar Wastewater by Gas Chromatography with Thin Layer Column after Extraction Concentration

    萃取浓缩-薄涂柱 相色谱法测定煤 焦油废水中的联苯和菲

  • While purifying outside the gasifier which transforms tar from gas state and collects but the energy in tar is not reclaimed sufficiently which may arose secondary pollute .

    炉外净化则是将 焦油 转移并收集,对焦油中的能量并未充分回收,还可能引起二次污染。

  • The yield of both tar and gas is decreased with the decrease of exhausting temperature of liberated matter .

    降低挥发物的出口温度,可以降低 焦油 气体收率。

  • The circulating fluidized bed multi-product cogeneration system developed by Zhejiang University achieves coal targas 、 steam and power cogeneration and has a very broad application prospects .

    浙江大学开发的循环流化床煤部分气化多联产技术实现了热、电、 焦油 煤气的多联产,具有很广泛的应用前景。

  • Effect of char on catalytic cracking of tar from biomass gasification gas with toluene as a model compound

    热解焦对生物质 焦油催化裂解的影响

  • Employing limestone as the catalyst made a research on the variation of tar yields and gas composition while employing the recycled gas as the gas agent with the difference of the rate of Ca / S on the 1 MW hot test-bed .

    采用石灰石为催化剂,在1MW热态实验台上进行了实验,研究 焦油 煤气成分在循环煤气作气化剂时不同钙硫比工况下的变化情况。

  • Experimental research of decreasing the tar content of gas from biomass by using absorbent

    采用吸收剂降低生物 焦油含量的实验研究

  • Tar content in the gas was influenced by the gasification conditions such as the gasification temperature residence time of feedstock in the gasifier and the type of feedstock which can help us to investigate the mechanism of tar production in gasification process .

    研究了热解温度、物料在热解反应器内滞留时间、生物质原料类型等因素对 煤气 焦油含量的影响,探究焦油产生的机理。

  • The main way to process local produced coal is carbonization at lower temperature with semicoke coal tar coal gas and so on as the products .

    利用陕北低变质煤为原料进行低温干馏,得到半焦及煤 焦油煤气等产品,是目前陕北地方煤化工的主要工艺。

  • The existence of coal tar in the gas may erode and jam the pipelines ; on the other hand it may waste energy and pollute environment .

    煤气 焦油的存在一方面堵塞管道、腐蚀设备,另一方面损失能量、污染环境。

  • The dynamic pressure and turbulent kinetic energy contours showed that a strong turbulent zone was formed by tar particles carrying with gas stream impacted detergent droplet which promoted purification efficiency of tar .

    由等动压与湍流动能分布云图得出: 燃气流携带 焦油颗粒冲击碰撞洗涤剂液滴形成强烈的湍流区,促进了焦油的净化,但也是造成 文丘里 洗涤器压力损耗的主要区域。

  • And the mechanism and regularity of chlorine transferring to tar and gas was studied the method controlling chlorine in tar and gas was put forward .

    并根据这些规律提出了减少 焦油 煤气中氯含量的 技术方法。

  • Determination of coal tar and dust of gas in urban area

    GB/T12208-1990城市 燃气 焦油和灰尘 含量的测定方法

  • Investigation of factors of treatment process with waste acid tar residue for producer gas washing wastewater

    废酸& 焦油渣处理发生炉 煤气洗涤水工艺因素探讨重钢焦化废水处理系统技术改造

  • Study on Emulsion Breaking Dehydration of Tar by Gas Phase Let-off Method

    相导出法 焦油破乳脱水的试验研究

  • Dry ethanol can be turned into ethylene and 25.16wt % wood tar gas into organic gases gas conversion rate was increased by 1.21 times .

    使无水乙醇可以转化为乙烯,25.16wt%木 焦油转化为有机气体,气体的转化率提高了1.21倍。

  • But high tar content of the gas is a important factor that constraints rapidly and healthy development of fixed bed gasification .

    但气化 煤气 焦油含量高是制约固定床气化炉快速健康发展的重要因素。

  • It shows that cracking reaction can reduce tar content in gas but also change its component improve its quality .

    这说明裂解反应不仅可降低 煤气 焦油含量,还能改变 煤气的组成,改善 煤气品质。

  • A method for the determination of naphthalene in coal tar by capillary pillar gas chromatography has been researched .

    研究了毛细管柱 相色谱法测定煤 焦油中萘含量的方法。

  • Compositional Studies of High-Temperature Coal Tar by Capillary Gas Chromatography / Fourier Transform Infrared ─── Analysis of Middle Oil Fractions

    高温煤 焦油组成的毛细管 相色谱/傅立叶变换红外光谱研究&中油馏分的分析

  • Analysis of Heavy Oil Fractions in High Temperature Coal Tar by Capillary Gas Chromatography / Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry

    毛细管 相色谱/傅立叶变换红外光谱分析高温煤 焦油中的重油馏分

  • Influence of Pyrolysis Parameters on Tar Content in the Gas

    生物质热解 煤气 焦油含量的影响因素

  • Influence of Catalytic Cracking of Tar on Gas Component

    焦油的催化裂解对 燃气组成的影响

  • Residue has higher conversion tar gas volume yield and less water yield than parent coal .

    残渣与父本煤相比有更高的转化率、 焦油收率和 解气体积收率,而 热解水收率较低。