talk type

[tɔk taɪp][tɔ:k taip]

[计] 对话方式

  • So let 's quickly talk about our last type of hybridization that we 're going to discuss today which is s p hybridization .

    我们今天要 讨论的最后一个 类型的杂化,也就是sp杂化。

  • And when we talk about any type of ion channel there are just tons of different kinds of ion channels and you can characterize them in a few different ways .

    而当我们 讨论任何一 离子通道时,离子通道有非常多种,你可以用几种不同的方法来描述它们。

  • The so-called History-Intoned Poetry refers to the historical figures events and the basic starting point for the subject matter its chant talk think as a way to express feelings express opinions and insights of a poetic type .

    所谓咏史诗,是指以历史人物、事件等为题材和基本出发点,对其进行吟咏、 议论、思索,以此来抒发感情,表达见解和感悟的一种诗歌 类型

  • The growth momentum of television talk show is swift and violent in recent years because of its unique program type advantage .

    由于具有独特的栏目 类型优势,电视 谈话节目近年来发展势头迅猛。

  • A Brief Talk about Breaking through Various Zone Defences by Using 1-4 Type

    浅谈篮球比赛用1&4进攻 阵式破各种区域联防

  • Sometimes you stop and talk for a minute as you say hello . This type of greeting is followed by a conversation .

    有些时候你在说过你好后还会停下来再和 对方 交谈一两分钟,这种 类型的问候将会引出一段谈话。

  • Talk about Type Selection of Differential Protection of Main Transformer in 110 kV Substation with Internal Bridge Connection

    110kV内桥接线变电站主变压器差动保护装置的 选型

  • Thus when we talk about the effects of mass communication we should consider the type of information because different types of information conduces different communicational effects .

    不同的信息类型会导致不同的传播效果,因此,我们在 讨论大众传播效果的时候,应该考虑信息 类型这个要素。

  • In the third part we will talk about the types and range of application of literal communication and the main work is on the characters and suitable occasion of each type .

    第三部分 论述文字交际的类型和使用范围,指明文字交际各种 类型的特点适用场合。

  • TV talk show as a special type of conversation between interpersonal interaction and mass communication is often considered artificial and well-prepared . However it is still equipped with common features of natural-occurring conversation .

    电视 秀作为介于人际交往和大众传播之间的特殊交际 类型,尽管被认为是人为的、预先准备的言语交际,但它仍具备自然发生的对话的一般特征。

  • The whole staff will talk abt merging possibility with a foreign company in the afternoon . That 's the second type .

    图四下午全公司可能都在 议论被国外公司吞并的可能性,这就叫第二 谣言。

  • You talk a certain type of English and then you have to cover that up on you way to school so you don 't get your butt kicked .

    你一 口音 英语,然后你不得不在上学路上掩盖这样的口音,这样你才能不被当成笑柄。

  • Talk about Safeguard type of Japan 's Information Security Strategy


  • Nowadays the talk shows have increasingly popularized and became a special conversation type .

    目前 谈话类节目日益普遍,成为一种特殊的会话 类型

  • Clapper talk between two people is one type of clapper talk . Double-station plate-type quick change screen

    对口 快板儿是快板的一种 形式,由两个人共同表演。双工位板式快速换网

  • TV talk show is a popular entertainment program nowadays in China which is also a particular conversation type .

    电视 谈话节目是当今国内流行的一种娱乐节目,同时也是一种特殊的会话 类型

  • With the establishment of television as the dominant means of mass media in the 20th century the talk shows on TV have increasingly popularized and grown into a special dialogue type among which the news interview is a popular and prominent style .

    随着20世纪电视业在媒体领域主导地位的确立,电视 谈话节目逐渐普及并发展为一种特殊的对话 类型

  • In tomorrow 's program I will talk more about the type of music and television that English people enjoy .

    在明天的广播时间里我将 谈论英国人喜欢的音乐和电视。

  • If you think cross talk is one person or two doing a comedy dialogue or talking jokes every culture every language in the world has a similar type of performances .

    如果你认为 相声是一两个人做幽默对话或是说笑话,那么世界上每种文化、每种语言都有类似的表演 形式

  • A Brief Talk on the Design of Horizontal IC Shell Type Hot-Water Boilers

    浅谈卧式内燃锅壳 热水锅炉的设计

  • The relative studies abroad on teacher talk are mainly focused on the amount and type of teacher talk its effects on language comprehension teacher questions feedback and error correction .

    国外在此领域的相关研究主要集中在教师 话语的数量和 类型、教师话语对语言理解的影响、教师提问、反馈和纠错等方面。

  • This text regards The True Feelings Melody in Hebei satellite TV as the case probes the spread law of talk show of emotion type .

    本文以河北卫视《真情旋律》为个案,探索情感 电视 谈话节目的传播规律。

  • TV talk shows gain much development as the media of radio and television increasingly become rich and gradually become popular as a special conversational type .

    随着广播媒体的日益丰富,电视 谈话节目也得到飞速发展,逐渐成为一种特殊的会话 类型而为人们所喜爱。

  • Talk show is a special type of speech communication in media communication the two-way communication and interactive characteristics of it make this dynamic process more specific and visual .

    谈话节目作为媒介传播中一种特殊的言语交际 类型,其双向交流和互动性的特点使言语交际这一动态过程更加的具体化、形象化。

  • A Brief Talk on Combined Type Mechanical Transmission for Heavy Vehicle

    浅谈重型汽车组合 机械交速器

  • In report language it uses one kind of sounds and talk to discuss the type of style .

    在报道语言上,它采用了一种 娓娓而谈、讨论 的风格。

  • Talk on the Application and Construction of Different type of Excavation Support in one large-scale excavation

    不同 类型 基坑支护方法在同一大型基坑施工中的应用

  • Brief Talk on Industrial Index of Karst Stack Type Bauxite Deposit in Pingguo

    浅谈平果岩溶堆积 铝土矿的工业指标