talk sense

[tɔk sɛns][tɔ:k sens]


  • I wish I could talk some sense into you .

    我只希望我能够 清醒点。

  • Talk about the sense of vision concern of the webpage designing

    网页设计的 视觉关怀

  • See if you can talk some sense into him .

    看你能否给他 道理

  • Too late to talk sense to him now .

    现在跟他 道理太晚了。

  • Put the gun down all right ? I came here to talk some sense into you .

    把枪放下!我是来这里 条件的。

  • See how long you can talk ( and make sense !) without using a common word like'and ' 'but ' 'the'or'that ' .

    看看不用“和”,“但是”,“那个”和“就是”这样常见的词,你可以 多少正确的

  • I want you to talk some sense into your mother .

    我想让你跟你妈 谈谈 道理

  • Just trying to talk some sense into you .

    只是想给你 忠告

  • It 's high time we talk some sense into her .

    是时候我们 讲讲道理了。

  • Nurse please talk some sense !

    奶妈,请你 清楚一点!

  • I look back on myself the way I was * stupid kid who did that terrible crime * wish I could talk sense to him .

    我回顾过去,我还是个不懂事的孩子的时候犯下的罪过,真希望能够 理智地交谈, 告诉他人生 道理

  • I wish you 'd talk sense .

    要是你 意义 就好了。

  • Do not tell me of a man 's is able to talk sense ; everyone can talk sense-can he talk nonsense ?

    别讲会说要道理的话的人的事情了;谁也会 道理的话&他会说废话吗?

  • And I 'll buzz over to talk some sense into old Ocker .

    我会不厌其烦地给那个固执己见的澳大利亚老头 道理

  • He had already tried to talk sense into lisa .

    他已 过莉萨要 理智

  • Talk sense boys you 're losing me .


  • He was trying to convince her to talk some sense into you .

    他是在说服她对你 道理

  • You 're the only one who can talk some sense into him .

    现在只有 说话 的进去。

  • At least they 've got someone who can talk sense on the subject .

    至少他们有一个地这方面 懂行的人。

  • They reflect on the negative factors in the oriental culture looking for the Chinese people face talk about the human sense of privilege the negative effects of modernization .

    他们反思东方文化中的消极因素,寻找中国人爱面子、 人情、特权 意识等为现代化发展带来的负面效应。

  • I wanted an opportunity to talk some sense into him and try to make him see the error of his ways .

    我想找个机会 开导他一下,好让他认识到自己做错了。

  • I want to try and talk some sense to him tell him the way things are .

    告诉他我现在的 感受,告诉他还可以有其他的方式解决问题。

  • Here I will not talk about sense of shame ( about and western man go to bed the first article I have mentioned ) we know behavior by thought control thought by desire control .

    这里我不再 羞耻之心”(关于和西方男性上床,上篇我有提及)我们知道,行为受思想支配,思想受欲望控制。

  • Remember how you can talk about your sense of anticipation about something in the future e.g.

    记住怎样 谈论你对将来发生的 事情的期待。

  • Doctor monica 's been trying to talk sense to him .

    莫妮卡医生在试着跟他 道理

  • If you were here you could talk some sense into him .

    你要是在这的话,还可以给他 道理

  • My son 's having a bee in his Bonnet . I 'd like you to come over and talk sense into him

    我那个儿子是鬼迷心窍了,你来 开导 开导他吧

  • Let 's talk some sense into her .

    我们 说说 道理