


  • If it is found that the small teeth have tartar then use gauze to gently wipe .

    如果发现小牙上已经有 牙垢,则要用纱布给轻轻擦去。

  • She can be quite a tartar .

    她有时真是个 悍妇

  • It is often mixed with cream of tartar a fine powder commonly used in cooking .

    它通常被和 酒石常用于烹调的一种细粉混合在 一起

  • You should also check his teeth to be sure there is no tartar buildup .

    您还应该检查他的牙齿可以肯定的是没有 酒石建设。

  • Tartar hordes scattered on the plain .


  • Now make way for immunity-enhancement via your chopped salad and salmon tartar .

    现在,又通过切碎的沙拉和鲑鱼 为增强免疫力开辟了一条道路。

  • Mouthwash ingredients can penetrate between the teeth rapid removal of tartar teeth stains .

    漱口水成份,能深入牙缝,快速地去除 牙垢,牙渍。

  • You are hereby appointed Sub-Lieutenant RNVR of HMS Tartar

    你被任命为皇家海军舰艇“ 鞑靼人”号的皇家海军志愿后备队中尉。

  • The menu for lunch in Berlin with German chancellor Angela Merkel consisted of shrimp tartar with salad followed by veal escalope asparagus and potatoes and then strawberries .

    与德国总理默克尔在柏林的午餐菜单包括虾 鞑靼沙拉、小牛肉炸块、芦笋和土豆、然后草莓。

  • The use of a toothbrush to keep tartar down is very helpful .

    使用牙刷 去除 牙垢很有帮助。

  • With HCS white formula will help clean teeth eliminate the tartar .

    含HCS亮白配方,有助洁白牙齿,祛除 牙垢

  • Study on Effects of Mannoprotein Added to Wine Tartar Stability

    酵母甘露糖蛋白对葡萄酒 酒石稳定性影响的研究

  • Within 24 hours plaque can harden to form tartar which can only be removed by a professional .

    24小时内,牙垢膜便会硬化,形成 牙石必需由牙医清除。

  • Tartar forms on the inside of a cask in which wine is fermented .


  • Those kind of candy with viscosity such as chocolate do not let children eat too much because viscous candy can become tartar to brush hard then result in tooth decay .

    带黏性的糖果如巧克力等,最好不要给孩子吃得太多,因为黏性的糖果很容易形成许多难刷的 牙垢容易 演变成蛀牙。

  • The inside of these incisors is also particularly prone to tartar because there are-salivary glands here .

    但因为唾液腺位置的缘故,门牙上也非常容易有 牙垢的出现。

  • He took a fancy to a nice Tartar pipe in a musical instrument shop .

    他在乐器店看上了一个 做工 精细

  • Not everyone who orders a steak Tartar knows it consists of raw meat .

    不是每个人在点 鞑靼牛肉的 时候都知道这道菜 有生肉。

  • Minerals in saliva combine with plaque to form hardened tartar . A build-up of tartar can cause-irritation that gradually makes the gum and jawbone shrink .

    唾液中的矿物质在结合之后,会形成硬化的斑块 牙垢,而当牙垢积累到一定的程度之后,可能会引起牙龈与颚骨的萎缩。

  • Lemon juice vinegar and cream of tartar also known as tartaric acid are all inexpensive ingredients you might have in your kitchen pantry .

    柠檬汁、醋和 酒石酸都价格低廉,是家中厨房必备的圣品。

  • Removing tartar from red grape juice during its processing

    红葡萄汁加工工艺中 酒石的去除方法

  • Our oldest son has dark slightly Asian looks as my husband was16th American Indian and I have Mongolian Tartar from my German background .

    我们的大儿子有轻微的亚洲人外貌因为我的丈夫是第16代美国印第安人(不知道翻译对不对)而我的德裔背景中有蒙古 鞑靼血缘。

  • Mix 8 grams of alum with 7 grams of cream of tartar in a small amount of hot water .

    将八克明矾和七克的 酒石混合在少量的热水中。

  • Unsweetened cracker leavened slightly with soda and cream of tartar .

    用少许苏打和奶油 酒石发酵的不加糖的薄脆饼干。

  • Place the egg whites and cream of tartar in a large bowl and whisk until frothy .

    将蛋白和 塔塔 放在一个大碗里,打至起泡。

  • Golden-fried fillet of fish served with tartar sauce and French fries .

    炸成金黄色的鱼柳片配 塔塔酱和薯条。

  • He is a tartar each time I met him he would jump down my thraot .

    他是个 刺头,我每次遇到他,他都那么火气十足。

  • Both the design and the formulation of the treat contribute to plaque and tartar reduction .

    双方的设计和制订治疗有助于菌斑和 牙垢减少。

  • Mix eight grams of alum with seven grams of cream of tartar in a small amount of hot water .

    将八克明矾和七克 石膏用少量的热水混合在一起。

  • Troubled modern Chinese oral health main seven big problems including dental caries plaque and tartar bleeding gums teeth sensitive nature teeth are white and tone .

    困扰现代中国人口腔健康主要有七大问题,包括龋齿, 牙石,牙菌斑,牙龈出血,牙本质敏感,牙齿不洁白和口气。