

[医] 距骨小腿[骨]的

  • While the females were damaged mostly in fingers ( 69.4 % ) then talocrural joint ( 62.5 % ) and knee joint ( 39.8 % ) .

    女子损伤部位主要是手指 关节 挫伤(69.4%),其次是 小腿关节和膝关节(62.5%、39.8%)。

  • According to the results combined distal tibial and fibular osteoperiosteal flap pedicled with the peroneal vessels was designed for repairing the defect of the tibia and the reversed osteoperiosteal flap could be used to repair the talocrural joint .

    根据解剖结果,设计了以腓血管为蒂的胫腓骨远段联合骨(膜)瓣,移位修复胫骨骨不连、骨缺损或逆行行 关节 融合等。

  • The pathologic changes of joint constitution : Right feet of rabbits were treated with adjuvant after 10 hours right talocrural joint was red swelling of the skin significantly and lasting 1 week it was still significantly .

    关节组织的病理变化:家兔右足 注射佐剂后10h,右 小腿关节明显红肿,持续1周仍较明显。

  • Fingers talocrural joint and knee joint are the dominant locus of sports injury .

    手指 挫伤 小腿关节、膝关节是发生运动损伤的主要部位。

  • So the swelling level of joint in rats with gouty arthritis was taken as perimeter margin of talocrural joint before and after model establishment .

    以造模前后的 小腿关节周径差值作为痛风性关节炎大鼠关节肿胀度。

  • The males were damaged mainly in talocrural joint ( 69.1 % ) then knee joint ( 62.5 % ) and fingers ( 54.1 % );

    男子损伤 部位主要是 小腿关节损伤69.1%,其次是膝关节和手指 挫伤,为62.5%和54.1%;

  • A large number of neutrophil in synovial tissue of right talocrural joint and wet monocyt showed up under light microscope 7 days after adjuvant injection .

    注射佐剂后7d光镜下右 小腿关节滑膜组织中大量中性粒细胞、单核细胞浸润。