target sales


  • The forecast on market demand and sales target ; the decision-making for market share how to set up the sales target how to disassemble the sales target .

    在坐标测量机销售上,从信息的收集及整理、市场需求及销售量指标预测、市场占有率预测决策、制定销售 目标销售目标的分解与落实五个方面进行了深入的研究分析。

  • This paper studies the optimal marketing mix on the basis of market response theories and marketing mix strategies and combines with the particularities of power then it gets the optimal marketing mix strategies for the different target sales markets .

    本文对供电企业最优化营销策略组合的研究是基于国外得到广泛应用的市场反应模型理论和最优化的营销策略组合,结合电力产品的特殊性展开,得到供电企业不同 目标 市场的最优化营销策略组合。

  • Affecting factors on the marketing element include target market product price sales channel and promotion .

    影响市场营销要素的因素有 目标市场、产品、价格、 渠道和促销。

  • Responsibility : achieve sales target according to the company 's sales strategy and farthest increase the company 's profits .

    根据公司既定的 营销策略,完成分管客户的销售 指标,最大限度地提高公司的利润。

  • Achieve the sales target : achieve the confirmed sales aim in terms of quantity and sales profit margin .

    完成销售 目标:在数量和销售利润两方面达成已既定的 销售目标。

  • The contracts underline how Huawei is moving beyond China and other emerging markets to target sales in Europe and the US .

    这些合同凸显了华为是如何走出中国及其它新兴市场,而将 销售 目标 对准欧美的。

  • That should help in achieving its target of double-digit sales growth in emerging markets in 2010 .

    这应该有助于实现该公司的 目标:2010年新兴市场 销售 收入增幅达到两位数。

  • Toyota aims to sell 900 vehicles in China this year a conservative target compared with the previous estimate that sales would reach 1 million in 2012 .

    丰田今年计划在华销售90万辆车,和此前估计2012年实现100万辆的 销量相比,这算是一个保守的 目标

  • Dongfeng commercial vehicle company helps DFM to target million sales in2007 .

    东风商用车:2007年助东风汽车 剑指百万辆。

  • Abracadabra is already turning a profit and on target to reach $ 240 in gross sales in its first year .

    Abracadabra目前已经盈利, 目标是开业第一年 销售总额达到24万美元。

  • It is behind target on handset sales partly because global manufacturers with big marketing budgets are rushing out flash new models .

    TCL的手机 销量没有 达到 预期 目标,这部分是由于具有大额营销预算的全球制造商正在推出令人眼花缭乱的新机型。

  • How to make sales promotion policy scientifically so as to shoot the target of sales volume to maximize the return on the investment of sales promotion becomes a question that business managers have to answer .

    如何在整个市场营销的框架下科学的制定销售促销组合和销售促销策略去 实现既定 销售 目标,如何最大限度的提高销售促销资金的投资回报成为企业决策者必须要面对的问题。

  • Selling company 's products and services to achieve the assigned sales target in terms of sales margins and market share and contributing to maximize organization 's results ;

    负责销售公司产品及服务,在 销售量、利润和市场占有率上完成指定的销售 任务,最大限度为公司做出贡献;

  • It has made China a priority target both for increased sales and industrial co-operation .

    由于 销售额上升和工业合作加强,该公司已将中国定为它的首选 目标

  • On Thursday R é my said the global macroeconomic environment continued to be mixed but it stood by its outlook for the full year – confirming its target of achieving organic growth in both sales and operating profit .

    人头马君度周四表示,全球宏观经济环境继续有好有坏,但它仍坚持全年展望&确认其 目标是实现 销售和营业利润的有机增长。

  • The companies that successfully target this segment have higher sales and larger market shares year in and year out .

    看准了并打进市场区间的企业,每年就能有较高的 业绩和市场占有率。

  • Following company 's target to promote sales .

    根据公司 目标进行 销售推广。

  • Yanai has set a wildly ambitious target of nearly quintupling sales to $ 50bn by 2020 .

    柳井正制订了雄心勃勃的 目标:到2020年,年 销售额基本上要翻5番,达到500亿美元。

  • Complete shift target of fuel sales ;

    完成油站当班油品 销售 目标

  • ' The ( 2013 ) target was very ambitious to motivate staff ' Mr. Xu said but he maintained the division 's target of reaching $ 10 billion in sales by 2017 four times the sales figure achieved last year .

    徐文伟表示,2013年的目标定得很高,这主要是为了激励员工。但他坚持企业业务到2017年 销售额将达到100亿美元的 目标,这些对于去年销售额的四倍。

  • The target group is AD sales and their downstream clients .

    目标团体是西元 售卖和他们的下游客户。

  • One way is to try to target in-app sales ; give away the app for free get users hooked and then sell them the chance to enhance their experience at a low fee .

    一种方法就是尝试应用内 销售&他们推出免费的应用程序,一旦用户被吸引,再以较低的价格 卖给他们体验增强版。

  • On average the top 20 tracked by Citigroup target sales growth of 25 % this year while the overall market is expected to grow just 8 % .

    花旗集团(Citigroup)追踪的20家大开发商平均 预计今年 销售增长25%,而整体市场预计只会增长8%。

  • We hope that in the next three years we can realize the1000 caves in the restaurants sales target and every shop realizes the basic sales of12 imported wines .

    我们希望在未来的三年内,能够实现1000家“店中店”的销售 目标,每家店达到每天12瓶进口酒的基本 销量

  • Finally it is indicated that Company A should specialize in SBR business choose East-China region as target sales area and position the small-sized manufacturing plants and trade companies as the target customer group .

    选择丁苯橡胶作为A公司专一经营的产品,选择华东地区作为A公司的 目标区域 市场,并将该区域内的小型生产厂家和贸易商定位为目标客户群。

  • She has assisted key IDC clients with the development of market-specific competitive strategies including target market selection and sales strategies .

    她帮助主要客户制定特定市场的竞争策略,包括 目标市场选择和 销售策略。

  • At current growth rates the target would raise the share of new annual sales growth from the initiative from about 25 per cent to more than 60 per cent .

    以目前的增长速度,这个 目标将使得“联系+发展”项目占新的年 销售额增量的比例从25%提高到60%以上。

  • Minmetals 25 times bigger than its target in sales appeared to hold all the cards .

    五矿 销售额的规模是其 购公司的25倍,似乎掌握着全部的主动权。

  • Audi recently reduced its sales target in the U.S.to95 units from the100 in sales it previously had targeted for this year a spokesman for the company said Friday .

    公司的发言人周五说,奥迪最近降低了它在美国的 销量 目标,从今年的100000的最初目标降低到95000辆。