target voltage


  • Voltage is one of the most important target aims of power quality in power system . Reactive power balance in power system is important condition to ensure the voltage quality .

    电压是电力系统电能质量的重要 指标之一,而系统的无功平衡是保证 电压质最的重要条件。

  • Pure Cr coatings were deposited under different target voltage and bias voltage & duty cycle by closed-field unbalanced magnetron sputtering .

    本文采用闭合场非平衡磁控溅射离子镀技术在不同的 电压、偏压、占空比下制备了纯Cr镀层。

  • Considering the distribution network loss minimum for target function the node voltage the reactive power compensation capacity and DG output as constraint conditions established distribution network with DG reactive power optimization mathematical model .

    考虑以配电网网损最小为 目标函数,节点 电压、无功补偿容量和DG出力等为约束条件,建立了含DG配电网无功优化的数学模型。

  • The influence of target voltage and deposit rate varying with oxygen flow is discussed . The optimized oxygen flow of deposite oxide film is presented .

    讨论了 电压及沉积速率随氧流量的变化的磁滞回线效应,分析得出了沉积氧化物薄膜的最佳氧流量。

  • The target of reactive power optimization is to ensure the security of power system and to undertake power supply with the minimum power loss and maximum voltage stability on the condition of satisfying reliability and power quality standard of power system .

    电力系统无功优化的 目标是在满足电网安全和一定电能质量要求的前提下以最小的有功网损和最大的 电压稳定裕度保证对用户可靠而满意的供电。

  • The discharge spots change into discharge stripes and finally into the spiral or target pattern when the applied voltage is increased further .

    继续升高 电压,放电丝变为条状进而形成螺旋波或 波。

  • The Influence of Power Mode on the Target Voltage When Sputtering the ZnO Film by DC Pulse

    用中频脉冲电源溅射ZnO薄膜时脉冲参数对 溅射 电压的影响

  • Deposited at high target self-bias voltage the BST thin films are highly ( 100 ) - orientation and have smooth surface excellent crystallinity and good withstand voltage properties .

    在较高自 偏压下制备的BST薄膜具有高度的(100)择优取向,且结晶性好,表面平整,耐压能力强。

  • The relationships between thermal signal peak voltage measured by infrared seeker and distance from missile to target and time-to-go of missile and thermal signal peak voltage are discussed .

    探讨了红外导引头测得的热源信号峰值 电压与导弹至 目标之间距离、导弹剩余时间与热源信号峰值 电压之间的关系。

  • At present the measure target of battery is open-circuit voltage .

    目前,对于电池出厂检测 指标主要是开路 电压

  • Battery voltage sense input above target charging voltage during engine operation .

    在引擎运转时,电池电压感应输入高于 标准充电 电压

  • On the basis of one-knob linear regression analysis the unified adjusting of CO_2 welding current target signal and welding voltage target signal has been realized by using hardware circuit and welding voltage target signal can be fine adjusted .

    在一元线性回归分析的基础上,应用硬件电路实现了CO2焊接电流 目标信号与焊接 电压目标信号的一元化调节,并且具有焊接电压目标信号的微调功能。

  • Our results reveal that high pyroelectric property of BST thin film could be achievable using inverted cylindrical RF sputtering with high target self-bias voltage .

    研究结果表明,利用倒筒式射频溅射方法,适当提高自 偏压,可以制备出热释电性能优良的BST薄膜。

  • Experiment result shows that the designed device has achieved anticipative target . And the development of a new advanced low voltage distributed power line protection device is well completed .

    实验结果说明本课题设计的 低压配电线路微机保护及测控装置达到了给定的技术 指标,已经完成研制开发一种全新的 低压配电线路微机保护及测控装置的任务。

  • By using C8051F040 SCM to control the neutron tube ′ s filament voltage the target voltage and the pulse of the anode the downhole tool can work at an ideal state .

    通过C8051F040单片机对中子管的灯丝电压、 以及阳极脉冲进行控制,使其工作在一个理想状态,是提高仪器测井效率、延长中子管使用寿命的重要手段。

  • Measurement and analysis have been made on the target voltage induced by the effect of spatial charge seperation at various power densities .

    观测并分析了不同功率密度下,由于激光等离子体的空间电荷分离效应而产生的 电压

  • The chief deposition parameters in multi-arc ( Ti Cr ) N film processes include the target composition deposition time bias voltage partial pressure of nitrogen and arc current concerning their influences on the film performance and quality .

    利用正交试验确定最佳工艺参数,讨论 靶材成分、沉积时间、 偏压、氮气压力和弧电流对膜层性能和质量的影响,并对该膜层的耐蚀性能和摩擦学性能进行了研究。

  • In order to increase neutron output of minitron it is necessary to use the high-voltage multiplier with high target voltage strong target current and high-power output .

    但为了克服其中子产额低的缺点,需要高 、大靶流及输出功率大的高压倍加器。

  • In order to meet the needs of national economic development China State Grid Corp proposed the strategic target of constructing ultra high voltage ( UHV ) power grid .

    为满足国民经济发展的需要,国家电网公司提出了建设特 高压电网的战略 目标

  • In chlor-alkali industry the target of the ion-exchange membrane electrolysis is high current efficiency and low voltage .

    氯碱行业中,离子膜电解槽运行的 目标是较高的电流效率、较低的 电压和长寿命的离子膜。

  • The test demonstrates that the proposed method can effectively balance the pressure from optimal target function and constraints of the variables and improve the voltage quality .

    计算结果表明,该算法较好地平衡来自 目标函数最优化和约束条件限制的压力,有效地改善 电压质量。

  • The target voltage outputs were lower than 1.0 V.The target pulse width outputs ranged from 0.33 ms to 0.45 ms during different follow-up periods .

    目标 电压输出值在术后不同的随访时期均低于10V。目标脉宽输出在术后1周到6个月在033~045ms之间。

  • Second this paper determines the evaluation function which the target is the total harmonic distortion rate of the output voltage and current and builts the three-level and five-level inverter models in Matlab / Simulink based on the PSO algorithm .

    其次,本文建立了以输出 电压和电流总谐波畸变率为 目标的评价函数,并在Matlab/Simulink中搭建了基于PSO算法的三电平和五电平逆变器谐波抑制模型。

  • The influence of target self-bias voltage on the microstructure and electrical properties of sputtered BST films was investigated .

    研究了自 偏压对BST薄膜结构及电学性能的影响。

  • Influence of various factors including microwave power target voltage and gas pressure on the plasma properties in diamond-like carbon ( DLC ) film growth was also discussed .

    研究结果表明,微波功率、 电压和真空度等参数对等离子体特性具有重要的影响。

  • The signal current increases linearly with light intensity r is about 0.95 . The dark current is about 1-3 nA at operating target voltage .

    信号电流随照度线性增加,γ值约为0.95。在工作 电压下暗电流约为 1&3nA

  • Regression equation shows that one-knob linear regression coefficient for welding current target signal and welding voltage target signal in CO_2 welding process will increase with an increase in ( welding ) wire diameter but constants of regression equation will decrease .

    回归方程表明,CO2焊接随焊丝直径增加,其焊接电流 目标信号与焊接 电压目标信号的一元线性回归系数增加,回归方程的常数项减小。

  • Measurement of target voltage in laser plasmas

    激光等离子体中的 电压测量