tariff concession

[ˈtærɪf kənˈsɛʃən][ˈtærif kənˈseʃən]

[经] 关税减免

  • In chapter 2 the author mainly studies the relationship between the Harmonized System and the Tariff Concession in WTO .

    第二章主要研究了《协调制度》与WTO 关税 制度的联系。

  • In addition the article explains Regional Cooperative System 's influence on Tariff Concession and the consideration about Regional Cooperative System .

    此外,本文还论述了区域合作制度对 关税 的影响及笔者对区域合作制度的思考。

  • One key of the negotiation is the market access which mainly touches upon how WTO members continue to make tariff concession to agricultural products import .

    农业谈判的关键问题之一是市场准入,主要涉及各成员如何继续降低农产品进口 关税

  • After China 's accession to WTO the question about how to fulfill the obligation of Tariff Concession has become the hot topic and the key point in the discussion in academic circles and in judicial practice .

    入世后,我国如何履行 关税 义务的问题已成为理论界和司法实践中讨论的热点和重点。

  • Discussion on the tariff concession of WTO and the development of automotive industries in China

    论WTO逐步 削减 关税 原则与我国汽车工业的发展

  • The Characteristics of Regulation of Water Tariff of Charges by Shanghai International Settlement Municipal Council The Analysis on Public Health Management in Shanghai International Concession 1854-1910 ;

    近代上海公共租界工部局的 水费监管及特征分析晚清上海 租界公共卫生管理探析(1854&1910)

  • On the Setting of Optimal Tariff Structure in the Process of Tariff Concession

    关税 过程中最优关税结构的设置

  • The research will discuss the tropism of our country 's agricultural tariff reduction based on the backdrop of tariff concession .

    文章在充分考虑我国农产品 关税 背景的基础上,探讨我国农产品关税减让的取向。

  • New Round of Negotiation on the Agriculture of WTO and the Tariff Concession and its effect

    WTO新一轮农业谈判与 关税 模式及其影响

  • Preferential tariff treatment of the Commonwealth Preference System tariff and non-tariff concession

    英联邦特惠税的优待 关税和非 关税优惠待遇

  • Development of some tariff concession operations in China and readjustment of bank loans

    我国部分 关税 行业发展与银行信贷结构调整

  • After the WTO under the influence of factors that tariff concession quota licensing system loosening and monopoly sales canceling gradually domestic cigarette market open further tobacco trade can 't rely on the support and protection of national tobacco 's monopoly system totally .

    WTO后,在 关税 、配额和许可证管制放松以及专卖专营制度逐步取消因素的影响下,国内卷烟市场将进一步开放,烟草行业不可能再完全信赖国家烟草专卖制度的支持和保护。

  • In line with the WTO commitments the cancellation of non-tariff barriers tariff concession and granting of trade right and distribution right to foreign companies are supposed to be done within five-year transitional period .

    根据入世承诺,在未来五年内,中国石化业将取消非关税壁垒, 关税,以及给予外国公司贸易权和分销权。

  • Tariff and non-tariff concession

    关税和非关税 优惠 待遇