tariff schedule

[ˈtærɪf ˈskɛdʒul][ˈtærif ˈʃedju:əl]


  • The nine countries also have agreed to develop a single tariff schedule as well as common rules of origin that will make it easier for businesses to take advantage of the agreement .

    九个国家还同意建立一个单一的 关税 时间表,以及共同的原产地规则,这将使它更容易为企业参与该协议的优势。

  • The US said that it believed additional and extra additional duties imposed by India are in excess of those listed in India 's WTO Tariff Schedule .

    美国相信,印度征收的附加税和额外附加税超过了印度WTO 关税 中的承诺。

  • The tariff reductions agreed upon by each Member shall be implemented in five equal rate reductions except as may be otherwise specified in a Member 's Schedule .

    每一成员同意的 关税削减应分5次均等税率削减实施,除非一成员 中另有规定。

  • Customer Service : Directly communicating with the customers offering the services including but not limited to rates & tariff shipping information shipment status tracking shipping schedule .

    客户服务:直接联系客户,提供 运价,航运信息,货物跟踪查询等服务。