target signature

[ˈtɑrɡɪt ˈsɪɡnətʃɚ][ˈtɑ:ɡit ˈsiɡnitʃə]


  • In the signature waveform detection aspect the target 's late-time response is adopted as the signature waveform then the adaptive beam formation arithmetic is used to detect this signature waveform .

    在特征波形检测中提出用 目标冲击响应的晚期响应作为目标的 特征波形,再利用自适应波束形成的算法来检测待测目标的特征波形。

  • A Comprehensive Review on the Radar Target Signature of Aircraft and Space Vehicle

    综论航空和航天 目标的雷达 特征

  • The comparison between the radar target 's signature at 35 GHz and 94 GHz is made by the results of simulation and measuring in chamber .

    通过仿真结果及暗室测量结果比较可得,94GHz比 35GHz会反映出更多的雷达 目标散射截面细节;

  • Have connected with IR target signature research this paper deals with the principle and realization for the IR imaging terminal-guidance technology of an air-to-air missile in clutter backgrounds .

    本文结合对 目标红外 特性的研究,论述了在复杂背景条件下空- 空弹红外成像末制导技术的原理和实现,分析了地面背景的辐射和散射的特征;

  • Theory Analysis of Back Projection Imaging Algorithm and Target Signature Restoring

    反向投影成像算法的理论分析及 目标 特征恢复

  • Test results show that the technique can be used to generate false target with flight path signature to netted radar system thus is effective .

    试验结果表明:采用本技术可对组网雷达产生 空间相关的假 目标 航迹

  • An inverse filter for return signal to restore target signature and a restraining image sidelobe method used matched filter are provided .

    提出了对回波信号逆滤波以恢复 目标 特征及采用匹配滤波来抑制成像旁瓣的方法。

  • The theoretical modeling of target light scatter is an important part of optical signature of space targets .

    目标光散射特性理论建模研究是空间目标光学 特性研究的重要组成部分。

  • This paper introduces a technique used for deceiving the radars which generates false target with signature of flight path and gives its operational principle and implementation in detail .

    为此,本文介绍了一种具有航迹 特征的雷达假 目标的产生技术,详细分析了其工作原理,给出了实现算法。

  • A method of target classification based on JEM periodic signature is proposed .

    提出了基于JEM周期 特征 目标分类方法。

  • An implementation of Onboard IR video stream Acquisition / Recording System is presented in this paper which has been applied in the Ground-based Tracking System for Target IR Signature Measurement .

    给出了一种机载吊舱环境下的红外视频采集记录系统的实现方案,应用于地面跟踪 目标红外 特性测量系统中。

  • Design of Monitor System for Moving Target Based on Digital Signature

    基于数字 标识器的移动 目标监控系统设计

  • Extracting of target signature is the key of automatic target identification .

    特征提取是 目标自动识别的关键。

  • In radar target recognition research it is very important to obtain effective radar target signature signal .

    在雷达目标识别研究中,获取有效的雷达 目标 特征信号非常重要。

  • Novel Method of Ultra-Wide-Band Target Signature Measurement

    一种超宽带 目标 特性测量方法

  • In order to solve the problem of the underwater target feature extraction and recognition this paper analyzed the frequency spectrum signature of the passive sonar target noise and proposed a kind of method to extract the object signature based on Welch power spectrum density estimation .

    为解决被动声呐 目标的特征提取与识别问题,通过对被动声呐目标噪声频谱 特性的深入分析,给出了一种基于Welch谱估计的目标特征提取方法。

  • The Top Level Research on Basic System of Warship Target Signature Information Research and Application

    舰船 目标 特征信息研究与应用基本体系的顶层研究

  • The system enables such functions as target auto tracking locating and IR signature measurement .

    该系统可对 目标进行自动跟踪、空间定位以及红外辐射 特性的测量。

  • A comprehensive review on the radar target signature of aircraft and space vehicle essentially from the view point of ECM and radar remote sensing has been delivered .

    本文着重从电子对抗和雷达遥感角度综合评论了航空和航天 目标的雷达 特征问题。

  • Infrared target signature of rarefaction wave gun is too obvious so it needs to control gun mechanism accurately and to study relevant technology such as interior ballistics and gun automatic mechanism .

    膨胀波火炮红外 目标 特征太明显,要求能精确控制火炮相关机构,需系统、全面地研究探索内弹道技术、火炮自动机技术等相关技术。

  • This paper mainly deals with the bispectrum of complex-valued signals analysis techniques as well as their applications to conventional radar target signature analysis .

    本文主要研究了复信号双谱分析方法及其在常规低分辨雷达 目标 特征分析中的应用。

  • A Ground-based Tracking System for Target IR Signature Measurement

    地面跟踪 目标红外 特性测量系统

  • An Approach to the target identification using the target inherent poles as the target signature is described in this paper based on the fact that the poles of the radar target pulse response do not change with the angle of observation .

    本文根据雷达目标脉冲响应的极点不随视角而变的特点,选用 目标的固有极点作为目标识别的 特征

  • Target IR Image Signature Detection Based on Morphology Filtered Genetic Algorithm

    基于形态滤波遗传算法对 目标红外图像 特征检测

  • The improvement of the capability to detect moving target with very small radar signature is usually realized by long term accumulation .

    提高 雷达对微弱 目标探测能力的主要 方法是增加积累时间。

  • A Technique for Generating the Radars False Target with Signature of Flight Path

    一种具有航迹 特征的雷达假 目标产生技术

  • The result can meet engineering precision requirement and can be used for the target optical signature extraction recognition and classification .

    计算结果可用于 目标 特征提取、识别和分类,满足工程精度需求。

  • The study of radar target 's signature at 35 GHz and 94 GHz of millimeter band is presented .

    针对毫米波雷达的典型频率 35GHz和94GHz,对雷达 目标的雷达散射截面及一维距离像 特征进行研究。

  • It analyzes the radiation signature of clutter earth backgrounds and gives the comprehensive analysis of the target IR radiation signature types of military jet fighter as the mainly attacked target for air-to-air missile . Also it discusses the extraction and algorithm for target IR signature .

    对复杂地背景的辐射特征和主要空中攻击目标军用喷气战机的目标红外辐射源类型作了分析,研究了红外 目标 特征的提取方法和算法。