target configuration

[ˈtɑrɡɪt kənˌfɪɡjəˈreʃən][ˈtɑ:ɡit kənˌfiɡjuˈreiʃən]


  • Study and Application in Target Recognition of Mixed Configuration Data Fusion Algorithms Based on Rough Set Theory

    一种混合 结构的数据融合算法研究及在 目标识别中的应用

  • Effects of target configuration on the laser plasma momentum - coupling coefficient


  • Finally the target configuration is adjusted with mathematics morphology filtering and the boundary chain code is generated for reconstruction and query . In the practical application for 1 ∶ 50 000 maps satisfactory results are obtained .

    最后,采用数学形态滤波的方法实现对 目标 形态的调整,并生成边界链码以便重建和查询.用具有中等复杂程度的1∶50000的实际地图对该系统进行测试,取得了较为满意的效果。

  • Past perfect tense falls into two types of configurations in discourse : target-configuration and source / target configuration respectively profiling resultant state and event process in accordance with context .

    过去完成时在语篇中的应用有两种构形: 域构形和源/ ,根据语境分别突显结果状态和事件过程。

  • The first step in creating the project is providing a name target runtime module version and configuration .

    创建此项目的第一步是提供一个名字、 目标运行时、模块版本和 配置

  • The main equipment with text image processing function of computer systems including systems according to the different scale different target configuration data storage retrieval and communication environmental monitoring control equipment .

    主要设备是具有文字、图像处理功能的计算机系统,包括根据系统的不同规模、不同 目标 配置的数据贮存、通讯、检索和环境监测、控制等设备。

  • The dissertation expatiate the necessary of design target of design Scheduling flow and configuration .

    本文论述了长途数据调度子系统设计的必要性、设计 指标、设计内容、调度流程和数据资源 配置

  • Once the FPGA design has been captured and compiled and initially downloaded to the HW target configuration tracking needs to be maintained at the board level in the lab.

    当FPGA设计完成了设计捕获、编译并第一次下载到了 目标电路板上,就需要在实验室中开始维护板级 配置跟踪文档。

  • The results show that the peaks of target in SAR image have some stability with target 's orientation configuration and depression variability . So it is feasible to recognize target from SAR image using peak feature .

    结果表明,目标SAR图像峰值对于 目标 配置条件变化具有一定的“稳定性”,这说明,利用峰值特征进行SAR图像目标识别是可行的。

  • For the σ ~ + - rule when the initial configuration is fixed to be 0 and the target configuration is fixed to be 1 the corresponding predecessor existence problem is also called σ ~ + all-ones problem or all-ones problem 27 w_1013 simply .

    类似的,对于σ规则,当初始配制为0, 目标配制为1时,相应的前驱存在问题被称为σ全一问题。为方便起见, 目标 配置的前驱也被称为解。

  • Secondly according to the TD-LTE characteristics analyzed the network construction as well as target configuration principle .

    其次,根据TD-LTE的特性,分析了网络建设的 目标以及 配置原则。

  • In this paper the effects of the target configuration on the laser plasma momentum-coupling coefficient are investigated .

    就强激光与靶相互作用过程中, 结构对激光等离子体动量耦合系数的影响进行了研究。

  • A logging target configuration was configured to produce alerts based on logging events .

    日志 目标 配置用于根据日志事件生成警报。

  • Object that either grants or denies the marked target permission to access sections of configuration files .

    对象,该对象授予或拒绝访问 配置文件节的标记了的 目标权限。

  • This topic describes how to add target servers to a multiserver administration configuration .

    本主题介绍了如何将 目标服务器添加到多服务器管理 配置中。

  • This paper presents a method that the reasonable inclined cable forces during the construction process are determined by the target configuration of girder .

    本文提出了以主梁 线形为控制 目标的斜拉桥施工中张拉索力的确定方法。

  • Create a new Java project named myOrderCode and select it as a target in the Transformation Configuration wizard .

    创建一个名为 myOrderCode的新Java项目。并将其作为一个 目标选择。

  • The spatial spectrum estimation technology for ground target was introduced and the array configuration high accuracy location quasi-real time 2 dimensional spectrum estimation number of signal sources and other factors which affected location performance were also analyzed .

    简述了地面 目标的空间谱估计测向技术及其发展,并分析阵列 形状、高精度定位、准实时二维谱估计和信号源数等其他影响定位性能的因素。

  • Design for Target Evaluation System in Human Resource Configuration Efficiency

    人才资源 配置效能的评价 指标体系设计

  • For each dispatcher registered in the target system the configuration and activity will be logged saving information such as time taken to connect number of active processes and request duration .

    对于在 目标系统内注册的每个调度程序,相应的 配置及动作都将被记录,诸如连接花费的时间、活动过程的数量和请求持续时间等信息会被保存。

  • Alternatively you can use the command line to enter a single command that specifies the BAR file and the target Configuration Manager broker and execution group .

    或者,您可以使用命令行输入单个命令,其中指定BAR文件和 目标 ConfigurationManager、代理以及执行组。

  • After you import the intermediate XML file to the target server the settings of the transport configuration object have default values .

    将中间xml文件导入到 目标服务器后,传输 配置对象的设置具有默认值。

  • Mathematics relationship between modulation of LRR and target configuration is established .

    建立了低分辨雷达调制特征和 目标 结构的数学关系。

  • Embedded cross debugger resolves the problem that the debugger can not directly run on target host with low configuration . Embedded hosts run the debugger and the target client using the debug agents .

    嵌入式交叉调试器解决了在低 配置 目标主机上不能直接运行调试器的问题,实现在主机端运行调试器,目标端使用调试代理,两者通过网络或串口进行连接完成嵌入式交叉调试的任务。

  • You can think of a virtual appliance then as a software stack that incorporates the target applications libraries services configuration relevant data and operating system .

    您可以将虚拟设备视为一个软件堆栈,这个软件堆栈包含 目标应用程序、库、服务 配置、相关数据和操作系统。

  • How to run the target property configuration script

    如何运行 目标属性 配置脚本

  • The name of the target package can be specified in the transformation configuration .

    在转换 配置中可以指定 目标包的名称。

  • The primary difference is that add-ons are run before any custom scripts and they target the virtual machine configuration .

    二者的主要区别是:附件在自定义脚本之前运行,它们的 目标是虚拟机 配置

  • The last page in the package configuration wizard completing the wizard lists the target properties in the configuration .

    包配置向导的最后一页“完成向导”列出了 配置 目标属性。

  • Messages are logged in XML format in the target directory specified in the configuration file .

    消息将以xml格式记录在 配置文件中指定的 目标目录中。