tape cable

[tep ˈkebəl][teip ˈkeibl]


  • Influence of the Changing of Steel Tape Thickness for the 0.6/1 kv Power Cable Producing

    铠装 钢带厚度变化对0.6/1kV电力 电缆生产的影响

  • In the case of Non-metallic pipe a coat of aluminum tape should be used between external wall of pipes and heating cable to expand heat transfer area .

    非金属管道应在管外壁与伴热 电缆之间 一层铝 胶带,用来增大接触传热面积。

  • According to running characteristic of tape transveyer of four mine vehicle it introduces selection of sizing and type of joint illustrates construction process and technical requirement of wire cable core-heavy tape curing joint which has guiding meaning for production .

    针对四台矿装车系统 胶带输送机的运行特点,介绍了胶料的选择以及接头的形式,对 钢绳芯强力胶带硫化接头的施工工艺与技术要求进行阐述,对生产有一定的指导意义。

  • The GB / T 12706-2002 adjusts the thickness of armouring steel tape of power cable and the thickness of corresponding protective jacket changes too and material usage reduces correspondingly .

    GB/T12706-2002对电力 电缆铠装 钢带的厚度进行了调整,相应的护套厚度也发生了变化,材料用量相应降低。

  • Subsets of noise are AC power-related hum and buzz electronic crackling vinyl record clicks and pops between-station radio noises tape modulation noise and the triboelectric cable effect .

    噪音可分为交流电源产生的嗡嗡声、电器开关弹开声、塑胶磁带咔哒声、台间无线电噪音、调制 磁带时的噪音、摩擦 效应噪音等几个不同的组。

  • After 4 stages of modification of equipment and process the quality of aluminum-polyethylene tape for cable is improved greatly .

    经过4个阶段对工艺和设备的改进,铝-塑复合 的质量大 幅度提高。

  • The application of fire resistant mica tape in wire and cable

    耐火云母 在电线 电缆中的应用

  • Lead-covered oil impregnated paper tape insulated cable

    铝制缆(不包括绝缘的)铅包油浸渍纸 绝缘 电缆

  • Improvement on Process and Equipment of Aluminum - polyethylene Tape for Cable

    复合 电缆 生产设备和工艺的改进