tail house

[tel haʊs][teil haus]


  • So at last they went to Curly Tail 's house and knocked at the door .

    最终,它们去了卷 尾巴 ,敲响了它的门。

  • The determination of the optimal tail parameters of a power plant system with dry cooling tower an empty house

    电站 冷系统最佳 尾部参数

  • East corner Kang 's the Housing heart tail Kei shapes such as lung so called Orient House as a black dragon or black dragon ;

    东方的角、亢、氏、房、心、 、箕形状如龙,所以称 东宫为青龙或苍龙;

  • A hairstyle in which the hair is held back so as to hang down like a pony 's tail . As soon as Wolf came into the house his head fell and his tail curled between his legs .

    马尾辫一种将头发一把束于脑后的发型,垂下的头发就象一个马尾每次小狼一进 屋子 ,它就垂着头,夹着 尾巴

  • I turned tail and fled in the direction of the main house .

    掉头,朝主 方向逃去。