technical literature

[ˈtɛknɪkəl ˈlɪtərəˌtʃʊr][ˈteknikəl ˈlitəritʃə]

[经] 技术资料(文献)科教读物

  • The technical literature ; one aspect of Waterloo has not yet been treated in the literature .

    技术 文献;滑铁卢的一个方面还没有被视为文献。

  • Most elements of a software architecture are derived from a previous system of the same kind another system with overall similar characteristics or an architecture found in technical literature .

    一个软件构架的绝大多数元素都是来自于先前类似的系统,也就是另一个性能基本类似的系统,或者在 技术 文献的基础上建立的构架。

  • Through researching of existing scientific or technical literature we find that scholars agree that the individual characteristics of starting enterprises have an important impact on business success but more discrepancy on which is the biggest affecting factor .

    通过对现有 文献的研究,本文发现学者们一致认为创业者的个体特征对创业成功有着重要的影响,但是究竟哪些个体特征对创业成功的影响比较大,学者们却分歧较大。

  • A detailed account of rubber stretch structure and technical literature were given .

    详细介绍了橡胶伸缩节的结构、 技术参数及其在汽轮机抽汽 管路上的布置。

  • At the same time access to a wide range of digital technical literature databases such as the China Journal Full-text database and the Foreign ABI / ARL databases . I also use Internet search engines such as google and Baidu .

    同时,进入多种数字 技术 文献数据库,如中文的中国期刊网全文数据库等,外文的ABI/ARL数据库等;在互联网上使用Google和Baidu搜索引擎,查找相关发展动态与研究评论。

  • On the basis of technical literature the paper studies various engineering properties of the polymer material with the method of theory analysis combined experiment in lab.

    本文采用 查阅 资料、理论分析和试验相结合的方法,通过对所用高聚物材料组成上的改进,并通过一系列针对桥面防水要求的室内试验,研究高聚物防水材料的各项工程性质。

  • Building the Medical Scientific and Technical Literature Information Resources and Service Platform in Shanxi

    建设山西省医学 科技 文献信息资源与服务平台

  • METHODS : The concept and elements of nurse competency were studied through grounded theory methods ( technical literature open coding axial coding ) and quantitative meth ( inventory investigation and correlate analysis etc ) and behavior event interview ( BEI ) etc.

    方法运用 技术文献分析、开放性译码、主轴译码等质性理论研究方法,结合问卷调查和相关分析等量性研究手段,以及行为事件访谈技术对护士胜任特征概念和成分进行了研究。

  • Research on the Cross-language Information Retrieval System Based on Scientific and Technical Literature Resources

    基于 科技 文献资源的跨语言信息检索系统研究

  • Careful collection of literature and active service as well as ensuring the availability of technical literature are of great importance to the development of scientific research work .

    认真做好 文献的收集、收藏工作,并积极提供服务,努力提高文献利用率,促进科研工作的发展。

  • I think there 's been some misunderstanding ; I meant that we should look up the technical literature concerned first not dismantle the machine now .

    我想是有些误会,我的意思是我们应该先 查阅有关 资料而不是现在就把机器拆卸开来。

  • In the process of studying this topic for a professional conference a few months ago I was surprised to find how firmly the technical literature comes down on the No side of this proposal .

    在处理这类问题的专业会议中,我惊奇地发现 技术性的 文章有多么坚定地站在反对方这边。

  • Tang zh Wu sx 2000.heredity and evolution of insect resistance to pesticides . shanghai : shanghai scientific and Technical Literature Publishing house .

    唐振华,吴士雄,2000.昆虫抗药性的遗传与进化。上海科学 技术 文献出版社。

  • And Arc an OAI Service Provider for Digital Library Federation provided an open source realization of OAI services provider . Based on the research of OAI and Arc The research established Retrieval System of Agricultural Scientific and Technical Literature .

    通过研究OAI协议和Arc项目,在Arc项目源代码的基础上构建一个农业文献信息的OAI服务提供者,提供农业 科技 文献资源的检索服务。

  • Research on the Construction and Sharing of Scientific Technical Literature Resources in the Xinjiang Production & Construction Corp

    新疆生产建设兵团 科技 文献资源建设与共享的研究

  • Although NSTL plays an important role in guaranteeing and supporting the scientific and technical literature services in China the depth and the breadth of its services still stand some improvement .

    NSTL在国内 科技 文献服务领域具有重要的保障和支撑作用,但仍存在服务深度和广度的问题。

  • At present the scientific and technical literature is fostered to the medical science water conservancy forest etc. development function of the respect is studied more but the development function on gardening is studied less .

    目前, 科技 文献对医学、水利、森林培育等方面的发展作用的研究较多,但对园艺学的发展作用研究较少。

  • Innovative Practice and Exploration of Resource-sharing Mechanisms for Jiangsu Scientific and Technical Literature

    江苏省 科技 文献资源共享机制创新实践与探索

  • In the light of actual on-site conditions and on the basis of the assimilation of a huge amount of relevant technical literature the authors have come up with a new hot-state hydrodynamic adjustment method for vertical water-wall once-through boilers .

    针对现场实际情况,在研究大量 文献的基础上,提出了一种新的垂直管屏式直流锅炉水动力调整方法&热态调整法。

  • Online Retrieving and Utilizing of Scientific and Technical Literature on Internet

    Internet上 科技 文献的在线检索与利用

  • Based on extensive reading related books and scientific and technical literature both at home and abroad the caves roof stability evaluation and consolidation mechanism and technical research are summarized up . 2 .

    具体工作如下:1.在广泛阅读相关专著和国内外 科技 文献的基础上,总结了溶洞顶板稳定性评价及强夯加固机理和技术的研究现状。

  • Semantic coherence is an important guiding principle for the translations of technical literature .

    语义连贯是 科技翻译中的一条指导性原则。

  • Observe the technical literature of pag the manufacturer of the measuring equipment and the manufacturer of the measuring platform .

    请遵守测量设备制造商和测量平台制造商pag的《 technicalliterature技术参考文件)

  • We explored the concepts and elements of the mental quality of middle school students using questionnaires and factor analysis methods combined with grounded theories such as technical literature analysis open coding and axial coding etc.

    运用问卷调查和因素分析等量性研究方法,结合 技术文献分析、开放性译码、主轴译码等扎根理论质性研究方法,对中学生心理素质概念和成分进行了探讨。

  • Auto trans of automotive is so complicated that many technicians fail to get an in-depth understanding of their mechanism such as one-way clutches in auto trans and a systematical analysis is still unavailable in some technical literature .

    汽车自动变速器的部件比较复杂,许多从事自动变速器维修及相关工作的技术人员对其某些机构(如单向离合器)的理解不够全面,许多 专业 资料对于单向离合器的作用也没有系统的分析。

  • The subject selection scheme preparation theoretical analysis experiment and development appraisal of achievements in scientific research are all based on scientific and technical literature .

    从科学研究的选题、制定方案、理论分析、实验研制到成果鉴定等各个阶段,无不以 科技 文献为依据。

  • Patent is an important part of scientific and technical literature and it is playing a more and more important role in scientific research and technological innovation .

    专利是 科技 文献的重要组成部分,在科学研究和技术创新中发挥越来越重要的作用。

  • European Association for the Exchange of Technical Literature in the Field of Ferrous Metallurgy

    欧洲黑色冶金学 技术 文献交流协会