tank air


  • An expansion tank has a chamber in which air is locked inside a bladder or diaphragm .

    一个膨胀 水箱空气中有一个是膀胱或隔膜内锁定室。

  • Presents the characteristics of closed water systems . Discusses the volume calculation of expansion tank in air conditioning water systems and the determination of installed position of water tanks pre-charging pressure of closed water tanks constant pressure value of pumps .

    介绍了闭式水系统的特点,讨论了 空调水系统膨胀 水箱容积计算、水箱安装位置、闭式水箱的预充气压力值、水泵定压值的确定等问题。

  • The application of damping type surge tank with air hole in hydropower station having long tailrace tunnel Method of explicit calculation for stochastic analysis of the highest water level in surge tank

    式调压 在带有长尾水隧洞的水电站中的应用调压室涌波最高水位随机分析的显式计算方法

  • In the circulating cooling system of 4m × 8m × 4m oil tank circulating full air cooling system has been used instead of conventional circulating water cooling system .

    研制的4m×8m×4m油 循环冷却系统,采用全 风冷循环冷却系统代替常规的水冷循环冷却系统。

  • The gas storage tank of united compress air system have various size specifications but it 's shape is conform .

    压缩 空气系统所联接的储气 有多种尺寸规格,但它的形状基本是一样的;

  • Presents the method in thermal storage retrofitting using an existing fire tank for a large supermarket air conditioning system .

    介绍了某大型超市 空调系统利用消防 水池进行水蓄冷的改造方法,指出两种冷源应采用板式换热器间接连接;

  • Simulation of Charging Process of An Ice Storage Tank Air Conditioning System The Computation for the Cold Roll Forming Process

    冰蓄 冷柜 空调系统的充冷过程模拟

  • The random harmless examination for the major tank 's air intake system car world

    主战 坦克 进气系统随车无损检测

  • Electric fuel pump is an important part of automobile fuel feed system which absorbs fuel from fuel tank and provide it to the air crocks of engine by fuel injection .

    电动燃油泵是汽车燃油供给系统的重要组成部分,其功用是将燃油从 油箱 泵出并通过喷油器供给发动机各个 气缸

  • A pipeline system consisted of motor-pump or engine-pump operated with branch pipeline is adopted in many tank farms and air strips in order to improve the filling speed for vehicles aircrafts and oil drums .

    为了提高车辆和飞机加油以及油桶灌装量的速度,不少 油库和野战 机场采用了电动机泵或发动机泵与枝状管路联合工作的管路系统。

  • The relation equation of pressure drop in oil tank vers burning time and the air volume is established .

    导出了 油箱容积、 容积、充气间隔的压力降和燃烧时间的关系。

  • Accumulator Tank : A sealed air chamber combined with a water reservoir provides expansion volume to reduce pump cycling from minor pressure changes and give a steady flow .

    压力鼓:你个密封的 空间结合 水箱来提供充足的空间来减少泵循环时较小的压力改变和稳定的水流。

  • In this Paper the linear regression equation between the quantity and density of stringed resin sent to the former adsorption tank Per minute by air hoisting machine was established through the regression analysis of the data obtained from on-the-sPot shakedown of this gold extraction technology .

    本文根据现场调试中积累的数据,采用回归分析的方法建立了 空气提升器每分钟向前一个吸附 提串树脂量和树脂密度之间的线性回归方程。

  • The water temperature distributing in the tank of an air source heat pump water heater with cylindrical condenser

    柱状冷凝盘管 空气源热泵热水器 箱内水温分布研究

  • Ground construction : the toilet room kitchen bridges water tank sewage tank air defense project swimming pool gym underground pipes and other special parts can be accompanied by the coating .

    地面建筑:厕所间,厨房、桥梁、饮水池、污水 人防工程、游泳池、运动场馆、地下管道等特殊部位可随行而涂。

  • The power property of the compressed air in pressure reduction control processes between the high-pressure compressed air tank and the lower pressure air engine were analyzed ;

    分析了 汽车动力源与 发动机之间的高压气体 减压控制过程及气动系统能量变化的特性;

  • Construction control of vault tank air - rise invert method

    拱顶 储罐 顶倒装法施工控制

  • NOTE : The water tank is pressurized by air from the pneumatic manifold or an different pressure source connected to the air valve on the water service panel .

    注: 水箱由来自气源总管的 空气增压,或由连接到水勤务面板上的空气活门的不同压力源提供。

  • The frequency characteristics of partial discharge in transformer oil and in the air are studied and the attenuating characteristics of ultra high frequency ( UHF ) signals in metal tank and in the air are measured in high voltage laboratory .

    研究了变压器油中局部放电的频率特性,并与 空气中局部放电的频谱特征作了比较;超高频信号在金属 体内的传播具有振荡特性;

  • The article introduces the inverting way of assembling an oil tank by air jacking and analyzes the pressure and air flow needed by air jack system .

    介绍拱顶 油罐 充气顶升倒装之施工方法,对充气所需风量、风压进行了分析。

  • The space between tank lid tank body is water sealed with no air leaking .

    箱盖和 箱体之间采用水密封结构,无 气体溢出。

  • The carburetor is a mixer . It mixes gasoline from the tank with air 2 gallons of air with every gallon of gas .

    化油器是一个混合器,它把来自 油箱的汽油和 空气加以混合,1加仑汽油混合2千加仑空气。

  • Technological Improvements on the Flotation Tank and the Air Saturator in Treating Petroleum Refining Wastewater

    炼油废水处理设施气浮 及溶 气罐的改进

  • Optimization study of inlet tank structures of air - air charge - air cooler

    -气中冷器 进气结构优化设计研究

  • Our mute tank adopts S-shaped intake and exhaust air structure with two heavier mufflers .

    音箱采用了S形进排 结构,采用二级加重消音器, 箱体内侧采用了高级吸音材料。

  • Numerical Calculation on Thickness of Varied-Temperatured Water Layer in Chilled Water Storage Tank of Chilled Water Thermal Storage Air Conditioning System


  • Investigation of water saving and energy saving effects of the filter tank air and water back flushing techniques

    滤池 、水反冲洗技术的节水、节能效益研究

  • A whole tank regiment is completely immobilized by enemy air attack .

    敌军的 空袭将整个 坦克团完全钳制住了。

  • It is studied in the thesis on the principle the usage conditions the computational methods of the air valve general surge tank the air surge tank one-way surge tank and the boundary conditions .

    对通气阀、调压 气压 调压室、单向调压室等调压设施的原理、使用条件、计算方法及相应的边界条件进行了较详细的研究。