tape drive

[tep draɪv][teip draiv]


  • This paper presents a calculating method of tape drive function cam and gives calculating formulas which are available .

    本文叙述一种 函数凸轮的解析计算法。

  • For example to display details about the tape drive rmt0 type

    例如,要显示有关 磁带 驱动器rmt0的详细信息,可输入以下命令

  • For more information about how to install a tape drive see the documentation for the windows operating system .

    有关如何安装 磁带 的详细信息,请参阅windows操作系统的文档。

  • An initiator can represent a SCSI device in a host computer and a SCSI target can be a disk drive CD-ROM tape drive or special device such as an enclosure service .

    发起者可以是托管计算机中的一个SCSI设备,而SCSI目标则可以是一个磁盘、光盘和 磁带 设备或特殊设备(比如箱体设备)。

  • Investigation into dynamic characteristics of harmonic gear-steel tape drive system

    谐波齿轮& 钢带 传动系统动特性研究

  • With a p5 system that has multiple LPARs this process becomes a little more cumbersome if you order a tape drive .

    在具有多个LPAR的p5系统中,如果您采用 磁带 驱动器,那么这个处理过程将变得比较复杂。

  • This paper also introduces the main usage and characters of the tape drive function cam briefly .

    除了对计算公式进行推导外,本文还对 函数凸轮的用途和特点作了简要说明。

  • The Application of Tape Drive in the Program Editing and Data Storing in TV Station

    磁带 在电视台节目编辑数据存储中的应用

  • A device containing a tape drive magnetic head and associated controls .

    包括 磁带 驱动器、磁头和相应控制器的一种装置。

  • Connect the cables to the back of the tape drive .

    将连接线连接到 服务器 后部

  • To back up the entire file system using tar to a SCSI tape drive excluding the / proc directory

    要使用tar来 除/proc目录之外的整个文件系统备份到SCSI 磁带 设备

  • A particular tape drive can use different density device files ;

    一个特制的 磁带可以应用不同密度的设备文件;

  • Remove the tape drive option and cables from their static-protective package .

    从保护包裹中取出 磁带机和连接线缆;

  • All these device files contain different attributes but refer to the same physical tape drive 0 and can be used at will .

    所有这些设备文件包含了不同属性,但都引用了相同的物理 磁带 驱动器0,且能任意使用。

  • Unable to detect tape drive or tape media .

    无法检测到 磁带 驱动器或磁带媒体。

  • No tape was found in your tape drive . Please insert a blank tape ( and close your tape drive door if necessary ) .

    磁带 驱动器中没有找到磁带。请插入空白磁带(如有必要,关闭磁带驱动器门)。

  • It was easy to do as long as the server had a tape drive in it .

    这种方法很容易实现,并且只需要服务器上 安装 磁带 驱动器即可。

  • To back up to tape you must specify the device name of the tape drive .

    要备份到磁带,必须指定 磁带 驱动器的设备名。

  • The process of removing a volume from a tape drive and mounting the next volume of the set .

    磁带 设备上卸下一个卷,再安装上同一数据集下一个卷的处理过程。

  • 4MM library-Define the4MM tape drive in a manual tape library

    4MM库&在手动磁带库中定义4MM 磁带 驱动器

  • You can back up the server to a tape drive or hard disk .

    您可以将服务器备份到 磁带 驱动器或硬盘。

  • To install a tape drive in a3.5-inch model server complete the following steps .

    要在安装3.5英寸硬盘的服务器上安装内置 磁带 ,完成下列步骤。

  • An inch-long piece of aluminum glued on the tape signalling the tape drive to begin a valid tape .

    粘结在磁带上的一英寸长的铝片,用来指示 磁带驱动到有效部分的始端。

  • If you have not attached the space filler from the tape drive option to the tape drive assembly do so now .

    如果还没有将空间填充物从 磁带 选件连接到磁带机托架上,那么现在就做;

  • VIOs Virtual tape drive support for client LPARs is another new offering that allows client LPARs access to SAS tape resources .

    客户端LPAR的VIO虚拟 磁带 驱动器支持是另一个新创新,该特性允许客户端LPAR访问SAS磁带资源。

  • Combining the work of program editing and data storing in TV station this article introduces the current main technology of tape drive .

    电视台大量的节目编辑数据文件需要安全存储,数据流 磁带 的大容量、高性价比等特点很适合这个 需求

  • Push the tape drive assembly into the bays gently pulling the cables farther into the server as you do so until the tape drive assembly stops .

    磁带 整体组件插入左下的 硬盘槽位,然后轻柔的拉数据连结线直到磁带机组件停止移动;

  • To first check if the AIX recognizes the4mm tape drive type lsdev-Cc tape and ensure that the4mm tape drive is'Available ' .

    首次检查AIX能否识别4mm 磁带 驱动器时,键入lsdev-Cctape并确保4mm磁带驱动器为“Available”。

  • Before creating the mksysb image you need to allocate the tape drive to the LPAR you want to back up .

    在创建mksysb镜像之前,您需要为希望备份的LPAR分配 磁带 驱动器