


  • It sought to tamp down on the reflexive notion that newer is better or that VC firms must become platforms in order to achieve future success .

    文章旨在 反驳这样的观念:越新越好,或者说风投公司必须构建“多平台”以便获得日后成功。

  • APPLICATION OF SITE MIXING AND LOADING SYSTEM FOR EXPLOSIVE TO CASTING BLAST TECHNIQUE IN LARGE OPEN PIT COAL MINE The paper introduces a new technology of explosion to tamp the underwater stone-tossing base of ship outfitting quay .

    炸药现场混装技术在大型露天煤矿抛掷爆破中的应用介绍了用炸药爆炸方法使船用 舾装码头水下抛石基床密实的新技术。

  • Mr Tucker has suggested that minimum haircuts could tamp down asset bubbles .

    塔克提出,设定最低折价能够 抑制资产泡沫。

  • When the Buddha himself intervenes in Monkey 's fate stretching forth a giant blue hand to tamp down his unruly excesses this ornery creature has the nerve to urinate in his palm for which he pays a heavy price .

    佛祖本人后来也被请来制服猴子,他伸出巨大的蓝色手掌 压制猴子不守规矩的过分行为,这只坏脾气的猴子居然还有胆量在他的手掌上撒尿,他为此付出了沉重的代价。

  • Finally this paper gives the contrast analysis of the whole effect of the power tamp treatment It also point out the reliability and applicability of applying the power tamp method to the loess foundation treatment .

    最后,对 处理前后效果进行了对比分析,指出了强夯法应用于湿陷性黄土地基处理的可靠性和适用性。

  • Tamp down the soil around the post .

    把柱子周围的 土夯实

  • Meanwhile China 's leaders are still searching for a formula to stimulate innovation in science and industry and grappling with how to tamp down credit and housing bubbles .

    与此同时,中国的领导人仍在寻找促进科技和工业创新的方法,并想方设法为信贷和楼市泡沫 降温

  • To Deepen the publicity of Class Affair To Tamp the Basement of Management and construct Harmonious Development Atmosphere

    深化班务公开 夯实管理基础凝心聚力营造和谐发展氛围

  • Tamp the Foundation of Comprehensive administration Guarantee the security of One District & Investigation and Reflection on the Comprehensive Administration of Dan Jia-miao Town in Huoshan County


  • Philpott tamped a wad of tobacco into his pipe .

    菲尔 波特烟斗里塞了一卷碎烟叶。

  • Farmers education should tamp basic .

    农民教育应 夯实基础性。

  • Then I tamp down the soil with the back of a rake

    然后我用 耙子的背将土壤

  • Spongy people who start to feel uneasy in company will often dismiss or tamp down their feelings but a better idea is to let those emotions loose .

    和人在一起的时候开始感觉不安的海绵人通常会排掉或者 压缩了自己的感觉,一个更好的主意是让这些情绪放松。

  • Meanwhile read the books having something to do with our specialty so as to tamp the basic skills in speciality .

    同时,阅读自己的专业书籍, 夯实专业基本功。

  • A Study on Times of Dynamic Compaction Tamp Based on Element Deformation Energy Dissipation

    基于单元体变形耗能的强夯 次数研究

  • Lee has tried to tamp down some nationalist disputes with Japan since he took office last year saying he thinks the two countries'relationship should be'future-focused .

    自去年就任总统以来, 李明博努力缓和与日本的一些民族争端,他认为韩日两国的关系应该“着眼于未来”。

  • The timing could be tailor made for cash-rich mainland Chinese eager to diversify their assets amid a continuing campaign by Beijing to tamp down its domestic property market .

    随着北京不断采取 措施为中国大陆的房地产市场 降温,那些拥有大量现金的大陆投资者急于丰富其资产组合。

  • This time it isn 't royals imposing rules to tamp down the bourgeoisie but the middle class creating rules to drag down the wealthy .

    这次,不是皇室颁布法令 压制 布尔乔亚 ,而是中产阶级制定规则压制富人。

  • The optimal refractory and its component in the shaft furnace tamp layer obtained through test were introduced while the practical operational effect after innovation was introduced too .

    介绍通过试验获得 竖窑 层的最佳耐火材料和组成及改造后的实际运行效果。

  • Tamp the coffee grinds in the container to make espresso .


  • On Monday the White House aimed to tamp down expectations .

    周一,白宫试图降低人们对 这次 会议的预期。

  • But a global slowdown could help tamp inflation by bringing down the prices of key inputs like oil and commodities .

    但是全球经济的低迷将有利于 印度控制通胀,因为包括石油和商品在内的重要进口物资的价格都将下降。

  • Use the back of the rake to tamp down the soil and lightly rake the surface once more .

    使用 耙子背面压紧土壤,再轻轻地耙一次表面。

  • Derivation or interpretation in these two levels not only promote the development of special regulations of traditional law but also tamp self governed base of environmental departmental law .

    这两个层面的派生或阐释工作不仅促进了主流法规范的丰富和发展,还 夯实了环境部门法的独立基础。

  • It will tamp the financial foundation and complete the financial system .

    而且有利于我国金融体制 改革和经济结构的 调整夯实我国的金融基础,完善金融体系。

  • Besides we design shop image POP design and decoration provide the instruments of lab test inspection cleaning of gold and jewels electronic weight imported lamps and tamp boxes .

    提供各类黄金珠宝测试、鉴定、清洗用仪器及电子秤、进口灯具、 广告灯箱等。

  • Form the advantage of equipment and tamp the development foundation of hospital .

    着力打造设备优势, 夯实医院发展基础。