target group

[ˈtɑrɡɪt ɡrup][ˈtɑ:ɡit ɡru:p]


  • As women represent one third to one half of the migrant population the main target group has been young and female migrants as they face double discrimination both as migrant workers and as women .

    女性农民工占民工总人数的三分之一或更多,我们的主要 目标 人群是年轻女性民工,因为她们作为民工,作为女性承受双重的歧视。

  • Adolescents and young adults who are becoming sexually active for the first time are particularly exposed and are therefore an important target group for preventive action .

    步人性活跃期的青少年和刚成年的人特别容易暴露于病毒,因而是预防行动的重要 目标 人群

  • I 'll mostly explain the results of the target group evaluation .

    我主要是想说明采购 对象的评估结果。

  • The First Element of Advertisement Teaching & To Study the Customer Target Group Psychological

    研究当代 消费者 群体心理行为是广告学教学的第一要素

  • She adds : It is essential for employers to understand their target group so that they can build an attractive message .

    她还说:雇主需要了解他们的 目标 群体,这样,他们才能传达富有吸引力的信息。

  • This article is one such company through the construction site system better promotion of the companies on the Internet to enable target group well known and frequently visited the effect .

    本文是通过建设一个这样的公司网站系统,更好的将该公司在互联网上推广,达到让 目标 客户 熟知和经常访问的效果。

  • Study on Population Aging and Social Security for Target Group in Nantong City

    人口老龄化与 目标 人群社会保障研究&以南通市为例

  • From now on world wind is facing a specific target group instead of any product alone .

    从现在开始,‘世界风’所针对的是一个 客户 群体,而不是哪一种产品。

  • The brand is positioning itself to represent taste affluence and confidence and its target group are mid and upper class commercial clients .

    它的品牌定位是尊贵、品位和自信, 用户 主要 社会上一些中高端的商务客户。

  • The Research of Policy Implementation Based on the Target Group at the Country Level

    基于 目标 群体的县级政府政策执行研究

  • After the report is created the target group and distribution form ( such as email or Web portal ) can be administered .

    当报告创建好之后, 目标 和分布形式(比如电子邮件和Web门户)都可以得到管理。

  • The identification of university students as a major target group for HIV / AIDS education also makes sense .

    确定大学生作为 爱滋病预防教育活动的 主体,也不无道理。

  • But the quality of your thoughtful and purposeful applications will produce a more focused target group of opportunities that can move your search forward .

    但你深思过和有针对性的申请会产生更集中的 目标 机会,让你可以进一步搜索。

  • We figure out a comprehensive plan for starting up a business then teach it to the target group helping them make more money and elevate their living standards she says .

    她说:我们制定一个全面的创业计划,然后把它传授给 目标 群体,帮助他们盈利,从而提高生活水平。

  • The target group is AD sales and their downstream clients .

    目标 团体是西元售卖和他们的下游客户。

  • As you grow in Christ God may give you a special target group of people to focus on reaching .

    当你在基督里成长时,神可能会给你一个特别的 目标 群体,让你向他们传福音。

  • Research on Safety Ratio Model of Target Group in Air Defense Combat

    要地防空作战中 目标安全率模型研究

  • What keywords are meaningful to that target group ?

    而哪些关键词能够吸引 目标 受众呢?

  • Contact the target group immediately and demand some straight answers .

    马上 对方联系要求某种直接的答复。

  • These adjustments have provided customers with more choices and enlarged its target group .

    这些调整为客户提供了更多选择,进一步扩大了 目标客户

  • Through research and positioning the products in front of the target group they could learn how to explore their own advantage and better see how to make use of that advantage .

    通过 针对 目标 群体进行产品调研及定位,他们可以学会如何发掘自身优势并善加利用。