task processing


  • GPRS Task Processing for 2 . 5G Telecom Technology

    2.5G通信技术GPRS 任务 处理结构

  • By analyzing combating environment task and processing flow of information in radar regiment station a distributed simulation platform is proposed .

    在分析雷达旅(团)情报站的作战环境、 任务及信息 处理流程的基础上,提出了一种分布式的雷达网信息处理仿真平台。

  • As a fundamental task of video processing video foreground segmentation has a great impact on the subsequent steps .

    在整个视频 处理 过程中,视频前景分割作为基础 步骤,其分割效果对后续步骤影响巨大。

  • Design of Task Parallel Processing in Single Chip Multi-processor System

    单芯片多处理器系统 任务并行 处理设计

  • How to prevent infringement in OEM is an essential task which processing enterprises should face .

    防范定牌加工的商标侵权,是从事定牌 加工贸易业务企业面临的一个重要 任务

  • The Research and Implementation of Reusable Framework Technology Based on the Workflow Task Processing

    基于工作流 任务 处理的可复用框架技术的研究与实现

  • The task processing under exceptional situation can be done in the task management based on task status and PRI .

    基于作业状态及优先级的作业管理满足了异常情况下的 作业 处理

  • A program is a list of instructions directing the computer to perform a required task of data processing .

    程序是指导计算机完成所需的数据 处理 任务的一系列指令。

  • How to obtain useful information from large amount of texts is a very important task in information processing .

    如何从这些浩瀚的文本中发现有价值的信息是信息 处理 领域的重要 目标

  • Embedded systems are given computer system for special application but common embedded system have weakness which kernel is too redundancy and task scheduling processing are too complex .

    嵌入式系统是专用的计算机系统,但常用的嵌入式系统存在内核大、 任务调度 处理过于复杂等缺点。

  • Called at any time in task processing when you can cancel execution .

    在可以取消执行的 任务 处理中,随时可以调用。

  • Eddy current is an effective method in which the most difficult task is the processing of the signal .

    然而用涡流法对它进行检测的最大 难度在于检测信号的 处理

  • Detecting narrowband signal in intensive background noise is an important task in signal processing .

    检测淹没在强背景噪声中的窄带信号是信号 处理中的一个重要 问题

  • Suppose a processor-intensive task like processing large amounts of XML or displaying lots of data .

    现在考虑处理器密集型 任务,比如 处理大量XML或显示大量数据。

  • This task is still processing .

    这一 任务仍在 继续

  • CNPC refining enterprise is a subsidiary of China National Petroleum Corporation ( CNPC ) business which is an important pillar of national economy sectors shoulder to the refinery of the petroleum-based raw materials and other important task of processing .

    中油炼化企业作为中油集团公司的下属企业,肩负着以石油为基础原料的炼化及其他 加工的重要 任务,是国民经济的重要支柱产业部门。

  • Their Functional lateralization deficit may be a lack of cooperation between the hemispheres during dual task processing .

    任务 加工中的一侧化异常可能与两半球相互作用时对注意资源配置有关。

  • The results of the study showed that shared mental model developed as the task processing and it gradually developed in the later part of the decision-making task .

    研究结果发现,共享心理模型随着 任务 进行而逐渐演化,在任务的后期,共享心理模型的演化 速度逐渐变缓。

  • Its main task is processing and extracting effective information of images thus high-precision measurements is carried out .

    图像处理技术是视觉测量系统的 重要 环节,其主要 任务 正确 处理和提取图像中的有效信息,从而进行高精度的测量。

  • When using function partitioning method of task partitioning we first use obtained the node context information to estimate the task processing efficiency to set the directive factors and so on and then dispatch the tasks according to the estimated efficiency and the directive factors .

    使用功能划分方法进行任务分解时,先使用获得的节点上下文信息测算 任务 处理效率,再根据测算效率分配任务。

  • The engine of MATLAB accomplishes the task of signal processing and neural-network . Using the source of MATLAB can reduce the load of programming .

    而本软件中的信号 处理和神经网络 部分则是应用了集成的MATLAB引擎来完成的,利用这种方法既利用了MATLAB中的丰富资源又减轻了程序开发的工作量。

  • A multi task parallel processing scheme is prompted based on the transaction division .

    针对移动通信系统给出一种基于事务分解的多 任务并行 处理设计方案。

  • In this paper main task processing strategies of multi-tasking operating system RTX51 are discussed with summary analysis of its internal kernel .

    讨论多任务实时操作系统RTX51的主要 任务 处理策略,对该操作系统的内核进行了简要分析。

  • Programs use two task modules video capture task and video processing output task .

    程序使用二个任务模块,视频采集 任务以及视频 处理输出任务。

  • To input the details of the information into computer quickly and efficiently is a key task in information processing .

    因此,快速而准确的将信息中各种内容输入到计算机是信息 处理的一个关键 问题

  • The software implements all functions mention above and completes the task of 2D processing & 3D reconstruction effectively .

    该系统实现了上述的各项功能,运行良好,能较好地完成二维 处理及三维重建 工作

  • The compiling module takes the task of processing CNC program which means only the program that is translated by the compile module can be properly implemented .

    而数控系统的编译模块肩负着解析数控 加工程序的 任务,被译码器翻译过后的程序才能被正确的执行。

  • Multi - task processing in the integrated protection device

    综合保护装置中的多 任务 处理