task force

[tæsk fɔrs][tɑ:sk fɔ:s]


  • The task force includes vessels from the United States and the European Union .

    这一 特别 行动 小组包括美国和欧盟的战舰。

  • He 's acting director on this task force .

    他是这支 部队的指挥官。

  • The task force still had to face the enemy 's air force .


  • The task force could save itself a lot of energy by considering approaches proposed by this guide .

    通过本指南所建议的方法, 特别 工作 自身能够节省大量精力。

  • I am establishing a task force to implement these structural changes over the coming months .

    我将建立一个 专题 小组,在未来数月中实施这些结构调整。

  • Other partners in the Task Force are UN agencies donors international and national nongovernmental organizations .

    专题 小组中的其它伙伴为联合国机构、捐助者、国际和国家非政府组织。

  • Disarmament demobilization and reintegration task force ;

    解除武装、复员和重返社会 工作

  • Along with its other activities the task force assembled a team of scholars to survey the relevant literature .

    在各项活动中, 特派 小组也成立了一个学者小组,调查相关文献。

  • But we 've got a customs and border protection task force onsite .

    但是在我们的 指示下海关边防 部队已经到了现场。

  • The commander of the German task force radioed that he was breaking off the action .

    德国 部队指挥官用无线电发报称他将中止这次行动。

  • You worked the organized crime task force right ?

    你在制止有组织犯罪的 特别 行动 工作,对吗?

  • Planning and Coordination Task Force and / or Group

    规划和协调 工作 和/或组

  • Global Task Force on Health and Development

    全球卫生和发展 工作

  • Two industry organisations Distributed Management Task Force and the IT Service Management Forum are also involved .

    两个行业组织分布式管理 任务 和IT服务管理论坛也加入了这个理事会。

  • Codex also created a Task Force to address the issue of antimicrobial resistance in food of animal origin .

    法典委还建立了一个 专题 小组处理动物源食品中的抗微生物药物耐药性问题。

  • Retired teachers have formed a task force to help schools in poland .

    退休的教师已组成一个 特别 工作 ,去支援波兰的学校。

  • Also named to the task force was Diana Farrell deputy director of the National Economic Council .

    特别 工作 中还包括国家经济委员会副主席法瑞尔(DianaFarrell)。

  • We have set up a task force to look at the question of women returning to work .

    我们已经成立了一个 工作 去调查妇女复工的问题。

  • This task force & the search for mulder I 'm running it right ?


  • Task Force on Long-Term Development Objectives Youth blossomed into maturity .

    长期发展目标 工作 青春已发展到了成熟期。

  • The next stage of work of the task force is to deal with the issues of principle .


  • Working group of the United Nations Inter-Agency Task Force on africa 's critical economic situation recovery and development ;

    联合国非洲经济危机情况、复苏和发展问题机构间 工作 的工作组;

  • The task force emphasized the danger of armed rebellion and guerrilla warfare in the Carribbean and Andean countries .

    工作 小组强调了加勒比海国家和安第斯山脉国家进行武装叛乱和游击战争的危险。

  • Now that 's what I call a task force .

    现在,是我称为 部队的。

  • This is not something very complex that needs a task force .

    这不是很复杂,需要一个 工作

  • Secretary-General 's Task Force on Economic and Social Development of the Gaza Strip and Jericho

    秘书长加沙地带和杰里科经济和社会发展 工作

  • United Nations secretary-general 's task force on cambodia ;

    联合国秘书长柬埔寨 问题 工作

  • The task force is comprised of congressional leaders cabinet heads and administration officials

    工作 小组由国会领导人、内阁首脑和行政官员组成。