




  • The taunt is called Hand of Judgement .

    嘲讽 命名为审判之触。

  • But all the kids used to taunt me with this lame song .

    但是所有的孩子都用那蹩脚的歌 嘲笑我。

  • Don 't taunt him with cowardice with being a coward w_447 .


  • It 's too cruel to taunt Jim with his failure in the examination .


  • However we do not use it to ridicule or taunt another soul as that is not our way .

    然而,我们并不用它来嘲弄或者 奚落其他的灵魂,因为这不是我们的方式。

  • I like to taunt small barking dogs in parked cars .

    我喜欢 逗弄在车里叫的小狗。

  • When our paths crossed during the campaign I often had to suppress the rather uncharitable urge to either taunt him or wring his neck .

    当我们在竞选期间狭路相逢的时候,我经常得压制有点无情的冲动,克制自己不去 嘲弄他或是扭他的脖子。

  • His genial sufficiency was a taunt and a mockery to many .

    他那么和蔼自满的态度,许多人都认为是一种 辱骂和嘲弄。

  • Don 't taunt him with cowardice .


  • If I cry you would taunt after only me alone to vulnerable .

    是不是我哭泣了之后,你们都会 嘲讽,唯有我独自一人去脆弱。

  • If I did not know it to be beyond you I might think you were trying to taunt me .

    如果我不知道这个超出了你的能力范围,我想连你都可以 嘲笑我了。

  • Weapon taunt powers should be more effective now .

    武器 挑衅技能现在更加有效了。

  • Sometimes people feel uncomfortable when you take some changes and in order to get rid of this discomfort they come up with different jokes and begin to taunt you .

    当你做出一些改变时,有时人们会感到不安。为了消除这种不安,他们会讲许多笑话开始 奚落你。

  • He became the taunt to his neighbors .

    不能忍受他的邻居的 嘲笑

  • He would laugh at any one who tried to taunt him .


  • I 'd also hear an occasional taunt ; Hey where 's your monkey and cup ?

    偶尔还听到 奚落:嗨,你的猴子和奖杯哪里去了?

  • Eugene knelt beside the checkers with his last half-dollar in his palm heedless of Sinkers bitter taunt .

    尤金跪在地上跳棋盘边,手心里握着最后的半元钱,不理会旁边辛格的 冷言冷语

  • By now it was a taunt to him .

    这已经成为对他的一种 讽刺了。

  • Taunt is potentially your highest threat move because it gives permanent threat .

    嘲讽 永远是产生仇恨 最多的技能,因为他给了永久的仇恨

  • A gang taunted a disabled man

    一伙小 混混 嘲笑一位残疾人。

  • A defamatory or abusive word or phrase . The final taunt drew him .

    最后那句辱骂的话 激怒了他。

  • He became a taunt to his neighbours .

    他成了邻居们 嘲讽 对象

  • He always feels behind a taunt laughter followed him .

    他总感觉身后有一阵 嘲讽的笑声跟着他。

  • The behaviour of taunt is surprisingly simple once you remember the 10 % rule .

    当你想到10%规则 发觉 嘲讽 原理如此简单!

  • The other children used to taunt him in the playground because he was fat and wore glasses .

    其他孩子常在操场上 嘲笑得胖,还戴眼镜。

  • His classmates taunt him with cowardice .

    他的同学 讥笑他胆小。

  • Other youths taunted him about his clothes .

    其他年轻人 笑话他的衣服。

  • Taunt him after every score .

    每次得分以后都要 嘲弄他们。

  • Taunt - Causes nearby enemies to switch their attack to the Mountain Giant .
