tax certificate


  • When there is doubt about the invoice or certificate related to tax payment which the examinee obtained from abroad they may ask the examinee to provide certificate confirmed by overseas notary organs or licensed accountant .

    对被检查人从境外取得的与 纳税有关的发票或者凭证有疑义的可以要求其提供境外公证机构或者注册会计师的确认 证明

  • Please fill out the Tax Certificate Form for Sale and Payment of Foreign Exchange .

    请问如何办理售付汇手续?请填写《售付汇开具 税务 凭证 申请表》。

  • Tuition fee will be lowered down to $ 150 / 3 months including tax and also an Intermediate Level student uniform + a certificate .

    学费降至三个月$50(含 )另外会有一套中级学员制服和一张 证书

  • For those applications in compliance with regulations registration shall be granted and a tax registration certificate shall be issued .

    符合规定的,予以登记,并发给 税务登记 证件

  • When one needs to transfer the invoice out of the county ( city ) for examination one shall contact the county ( city ) tax authorities and use local invoice-changing certificate .

    需要调出外县(市)的发票查验时,应与该县(市) 税务机关联系,使用当地的发票换 票证

  • And your road tax certificate .

    还有你的养路 证明

  • Standing Order Form for Tax Reserve Certificate train composition notice

    长期委购储 通知书列车编组顺序通知书

  • Levy on driving licence Tax official : the tax registration is due within 30 days after you have received business certificate .

    向驾驶执照持有人另征的 税项税务局:在领取营业 执照后30日内提出 申请

  • You can check the balance of your tax reserve certificate account including the total amount of unused electronic TRC and the accrued interest .

    你可查询你的储 帐户结馀,包括电子储税券及利息总额。

  • How can I open a tax reserve certificate account ?

    如何申请储 帐户?

  • The main results are as follows : 1.The application framework of digital certificates for the new online tax declaration system consists of two parts : PKI / CA ( Certificate Authority ) platform and PKI accessing platform .

    其主要成果如下:1、网上 申报系统数字证书应用框架设计包括两部分: PKI/CA平台和PKI应用接入平台。

  • Focus on further strengthening tax propaganda and expand its taxpayers the right to know and improve the quality of service tax department tax certificate issued to the taxpayer and optimize tax environment .

    重点是进一步加强税法宣传,扩大纳税人知情权,提高税务部门的服务质量,为纳税人开具 纳税 凭证,优化纳税环境等方面。

  • This is the attached sheet of my Tax Registration Certificate .

    好的,这是我的 税务登记 副本

  • Because of the particularity of international transportation tax management the State Administration of Taxation will make specialized regulations on the tax certificate submission in relation to the international transportation proceeds .

    由于国际运输收入税收管理的特殊性,国家税务总局拟就国际运输收入 税务 凭证 出具问题做出专项规定。

  • You can acquire electronic tax reserve certificates into your tax reserve certificate account for tax payment .

    您可于您的储 帐户购买电子储税券,作缴税之用。

  • The tax registration certificate issued to taxpayers and the tax withholding or tax collection certificate issued to tax withholding agents shall not be permitted to be lent to others altered damaged sold or forged .

    纳税人领取的 税务登记 证件和扣缴义务人领取的代扣代缴、代收代缴税款凭证,不得转借、涂改、损毁、买卖或者伪造。

  • Here is your Tax Registration Certificate . Please don 't lose it .

    谢:这是您的 税务登记 ,请拿好。

  • Clients should provide copy versions of trademark registration certificate business license tax registration certificate enterprise code certificate and sign the OEM entrust contract with meisheng .

    客户需提供商标注册证、营业执照 税务登记 和组织代码证复印件并签定委托加工合同。

  • However the electronic filing process requires the taxpayer to sign the tax return personally by using his digital certificate or his registered e-tax password .

    不过,电子 报税系统要求纳税人使用他的数码 证书或他已登记的税务易通行密码亲自签署。

  • The recipient of the investment must provide full and complete legal documents such as documents of feasibility analysis business license and tax registration certificate .

    受资方所提供的可行性分析资料、公司营业执照、 税务登记 等法律文件必须完备。

  • Tax payers have the right to ask for invoice returning certificate when tax authorities take away invoices for examination .

    24税务机关调出发票查验时, 纳税人有索取发票换 票证的权利。

  • The format of a tax paid certificate shall be determined by the State Administration of Taxation .

    税务局:如果是 故意的,就要被定为偷税。完税 凭证的式样,由国家税务总局制定。

  • Nice thanks ! Need I go to the state tax bureau to apply for another tax registration certificate ?

    好的,谢谢!我还要去国税办理 税务登记 吗?

  • The format of the tax registration certificate shall be determined by the State Administration of Taxation .

    税务登记 证件的式样,由国家税务总局制定。

  • Please present the original copy of the duplicate of your tax registration certificate .

    请提供 税务登记 副本原件、复印件和单位 介绍