I suggest that we can take the ferry from Hong Kong Island to Kowloon area at dusk then you can see the full picture on both sides of Victoria Harbour .
我建议大家可于黄昏的时候 乘坐渡轮从香港区到九龙区,这样便可同时观看到维 港两旁的全貌。
The freighter put in at the port to take on cargoes . Does the steamer call at Shanghai harbour ?
货轮在港口 靠岸装货。轮船在上海 港 停靠吗?
The pilot will take this ship into the harbour . application for permission to land crew member on discharge in Hong Kong
领港员将 把这一只 船领 进港 内。申请准许离职船员在本港登岸事
Pilot : How long does it take to reverse the engine from full ahead to full astern ? What is the harbour speed ?
引航员:主机从全速前进到全速后退 用 多长时间? 进港速度为多少?
Later Mum and I will take you on the harbour for breakfast and this afternoon your grandparents will come over and spoil you rotten .
我以后也 要象他们一样,感谢自己的孩子,感谢他们来到这个世界来 陪伴我们。好好享受跟孩子相处的时光!
To experience the energy take a ride on the Star Ferry a harbour cruise or a ride in a traditional Chinese junk .
不妨登上天星小轮、观光船,甚至中式帆船,置身 海港中央,以全新角度感受香港的活力和动感。
In residential design at the same time should take into account the cultural connotations of the design not only provide people with a warm shelter also provides a harbour of the spirit .
在设计住宅的同时应 考虑文化内涵,使设计不仅为人们提供温馨的庇护所也提供了一个 寄托精神的 港湾。
Tomorrow we 'll take a boat trip around the famous Victoria Harbour .
明天我要 乘船游览著名的维多利亚 港。
美[tek ˈhɑrbɚ]英[teik ˈhɑ:bə]