Because there seem to be tasteable correlations between certain sorts of wines and the vineyards that produced them tasters have liberally applied rocky terms to wines .
由于特定类型的葡萄酒和生产这些酒的葡萄园好像 总是有 着一些可以从 口感上 感知的关系,品尝者们 常在 品鉴 中 写意 地 使用 很岩石感( rocky)的词汇。
Being the European country most at risk from drought is likely to have a shrinking effect on the amount of wine produced in Spain and very possibly a tasteable effect on the quality of that made in the worst-affected regions .
作为一个 总面临干旱风险的欧洲国家,西班牙 出产的葡萄酒量有可能减少,而且在受影响最严重的地区, 那里出产的葡萄酒 口感质量很有可能受到影响。