Tasteful conservative and attractive cuts and styling are varied and well within acceptable standards .
有吸引力的 发型和款式是可接受的标准。
The decor is tasteful and restrained .
装饰风格 素雅 简约。
Mini Discotheque with luxurious equipment in a quiet and tasteful environment is the Best meeting place for lovers .
迷你迪斯科舞厅,设施豪华、环境 幽雅,是情侣们约会的最佳选择。
Accept my congratulations your decoration is very tasteful .
恭喜了,你的画很 有 品味!
In fact it 's the most tasteful and high-tech museum I 've ever seen .
实际上,这是我见过的最 有 味道也是科技 化 程度 最高的博物馆。
You are probably the most truly tasteful people of the zodiac .
你或许是黄道带中最具 品味的星座。
Their layouts can be quite tasteful . - give that to me right now !
听说他们的封面很 不错的。-马上还给我。
It looks good thanks in part to 16 pages of beautiful color photographs and hundreds of tasteful black-and-white images .
它的视觉效果相当不错,部分原因在于书中有16页精美的彩色照片和数百张 雅致的黑白图像。
Suzhou embroidery is famous for its delicate workmanship beautiful designs and tasteful colors .
苏绣以其精致的工艺、漂亮的设计和 雅致的色彩而举世闻名。
Refined and a tasteful they are a spectacular flower to give and receive .
完善和 品味,他们是一个壮观的花,以给予和接受。
The bedroom was simple but tasteful .
卧室陈设简单但 很 高雅。
Tang poetry is like a noble prince whose behaviour is refined and tasteful .
唐诗如贵介公子,举止 风流。( 谢榛 《 四 溟 诗话 》)
And there you have some excellent tasteful and healthy breakfast items .
这样,你会吃上极好的, 美味的,健康的早餐。
These 'll be very tasteful .
这会非常 有 鉴赏 力。
The format of the figure is very tasteful .
该图表的格式很 雅致。
The ornamentation Vincent used to decorate his house at Christmas was very tasteful .
圣诞节期间,文森特家里使用的装饰品非常 有 品味。
I chose to go to San Juan Puerto Rico. My goals for each day were simple & to find a fun cultural activity a great place to eat and a shop where I could buy something interesting and tasteful .
我选择波多黎各的圣胡安作为此行的目的地。我每一天的目标都很简单:找到一项有趣的文化活动,一个好吃的地方和一个可以买到有意思和 有 品位东西的商店。
Black dress shoes are easy & they 're understated and tasteful .
黑色礼服鞋非常从容&它们低调而且 有 品位。
This imagery presents such a tasteful way to experience the textures and imperfections of the facades of the urban canvas in which most of us live and work .
这种比喻提出这样一个 雅致的方式来体验质地和城市画布中我们多数人生活和工作的外墙缺陷。
On entering his house we at once perceived him to be tasteful .
我们一进他的房子,立刻感觉到他是个 高雅的人。
The dingy cottage was converted into a neat tasteful residence .
那间脏黑的小屋已变成一个整洁 雅致的住宅。
A man 's ring should be classy tasteful and moreover suit his personality .
优质、 有 品位、彰显个性是对男戒的总概括。
During a two years'sojourn in Italy he had collected many good paintings and tasteful rarities .
他在意大利盘桓的两年中,收集了许多名画和 雅致的珍贵物品。
It is located near the Granville Street Bridge and it has tasteful furniture and a brightly lit lobby that is welcoming .
它位于靠近威街大桥和有 品位的家具和明亮的大堂是欢迎。
Amanda : Okay those were tasteful and he told me he loved me .
好啊,那些 照片 挺 漂亮的,而且他跟我说过他爱我。
Charming witty and tasteful Libras work best when dealing with the public .
机智迷人、 鉴赏 力强的天秤座人善长处理公共性事务。
It 's a very tasteful costume .
这是件十分 文雅的衣服。
Refined and tasteful in appearance or behavior or style .
外貌、行为或者风度优雅、 有 品味。
The t-shirt 's message in short is about as timely as it is tasteful .
简而言之,t恤衫上的话既过时也不 得体。