If you raise taxes for the low-income bracket - as Gordon Brown did by abolishing the 10p rate of income tax - then you discourage overtime for people in that bracket .
如果增加低收入人群的税负就像戈登•布朗取消10%的起始收入 税率所做的那样你就会抑制这 部分人的加班热情。
Equally clearly the value of the deduction goes up when you are rich enough to fall into the top tax bracket .
同样显而易见的是,当你富到适用最高 一档 所得 税 税率时,扣减额也会上升。
You 'll be in a different tax bracket .
就会有不同的 税收 负担。
The top income tax bracket in China is 45 percent compared with 40 percent in the United States . That top bracket for the Chinese also kicks in at $ 12 a month after deductions .
中国所得 税的最高 税率是45%,美国是40%。此外,中国人每月最终收入达到1.29万美元(8万元人民币)就需要按照最高税率 纳税。
THE SUPREME Court has stood pat on the legality of a tax code provision freezing cigarette tax categories and as a result placing new brands on the top tax bracket .
据《商务世界》报道编译菲律宾最高法院维持了一项税务法案规定的合法性,即冻结卷烟税收类别并因此将新品牌列入最高 税率 的 类别中。
Wurzelbacher explained that he wants to buy the small plumbing business where he works and said he was worried that would put him into the upper tax bracket of Obama 's plan .
沃泽尔巴赫说,他想买下他供职的小型水暖公司。但是他担心这样一来,他会变成奥巴马要 加税的高 收入 阶层。
Bracket creep : a shift of personal income into a higher tax bracket when the taxable income increases over time .
税档潜升:当应征税收收入增长一段时期后个人收入进入一个更高的 纳税 等级的变动。
You 're in a new tax bracket .
你就要 达到 交 富人 税 的 水平了。
His talk of raising the top tax bracket to just under 40 % and making sure that millionaires pay at least as high a rate as their secretaries is a far cry from Franois Hollande let alone Robespierre .
他提议把最高 税率 等级提高到40%以下,并要确保百万富翁所缴纳的税率起码要同他们的秘书一样高,这同弗朗索瓦奥兰德(franoishollande)的主张大相径庭,更别提同罗伯斯庇尔的了。
The tax bracket for this example is28 % .
在这个例子中的 税率为28%。
The academia put forward the adjustment of nine grades excess progressive rates in recent year namely : increase tax exemption reduce tax bracket reduce tax rate .
近几年学术界针对工资薪金的九级超额累进税率提出了提高免征额、减少 级次、降低 税率的调整意见,笔者认为其中有 欠妥当。
If Mr Brown cut taxes on the ? 20 to ? 30 income bracket he would encourage more work from everyone in that group but lose tax revenue from everyone above that income bracket .
如果布朗降低对2万至3万英镑收入人群征收的税率,那他就会鼓励这个群体的每个人做更多工作,但会损失高于这一收入 等级 的 人群 的 税收。
Loans to smallholder farmers will be waived more people will fall out of the income tax bracket and there will be lower duties on a range of goods .
小农户贷款将获得贴息补助,更多民众将无需交纳所得 税,一系列商品关税亦将下调。
美[tæks ˈbrækɪt]英[tæks ˈbrækit]