



v.(使)工作( work的过去式和过去分词 )(使)运作运转(使)产生效果

  • The manufacture and process techniques of the wrought Mo alloy piercing mandrel have been introduced .

    介绍了 变形态钼合金穿管顶头的研制及其工艺技术。

  • Strong as his nature was the absence of Marius had wrought some change in him .

    无论他的性格是多么顽强,马吕斯的 出走 使他的心情多少改变了一点。

  • A glance had wrought all this .

    这全是 了一眼的 后果

  • Unutterable destruction and devastation were wrought last autumn .

    去年秋天 造成了无以言宣的破坏和毁灭。

  • Be changed or change for thee & and love so wrought .

    都会变,或因你而变。&这样, 微妙的爱。

  • Minerva wrought on her web the scene of her contest with Neptune .

    密涅瓦在她的织物上织 了她与海神竞赛的场面。

  • Designation and composition of wrought magnesium and magnesium alloys

    GB/T5153-1985 加工镁及镁合金牌号和化学成分

  • It is known that They wrought Azeroth from pure chaos and formed it into the world it is today .

    正如我们所知的,他们将从纯净的混乱中 制造艾泽拉斯,并使之成为了今天的世界。

  • On the other hand Hyperpowers have also wrought terrible destruction .

    另外一方面,超级强国也 造成了巨大的破坏。

  • It was made of wrought iron .

    它由 锻铁制成。

  • For the man was above forty years old in whom that miraculous cure had been wrought .

    原来那因奇迹治好了的人,已有 四十多岁了。

  • Chile and Botswana stand out as success stories on continents where the resource curse has otherwise wrought havoc .

    在资源 诅咒 制造了广泛灾难的两个大陆,智利与博茨瓦纳的成功故事引人注目。

  • Steel made by the mixture of molten wrought iron charcoal and other substances in a crucible .


  • He had wrought an individuality which carried him beyond the definitions of class and race region and religion .

    他已经 产生了一种个性,使他超出了阶级和种族、地区和宗教的范围。

  • The effects of some trace elements on structures and properties of wrought aluminium alloys are summarized .

    总结了一些微量元素和痕量元素对 形变铝合金组织、性能的影响。

  • That moment had wrought a profound change in him .

    那一时刻 使发生了深刻的改变。

  • The flood wrought havoc and drowned the villages .

    洪水 肆虐,村落沦陷。

  • Events in Paris wrought a change in British opinion towards France and Germany .

    巴黎 发生的事件改变了英国对法国和德国的看法。

  • The steel roof has been coloured to match the finish of the original wrought iron .

    钢屋顶上了色,以便和原先的 锻铁 外观相搭配。

  • Wrought iron of high purity made in Sweden .

    瑞典制造的高纯度 锻铁

  • We are astonished at the pandemonium wrought on our household by this puppy .

    我们感到惊讶,在混乱 造成的对我们的家庭是由这小狗。

  • Microstructures and Properties of Superlight Mg-Li-Al-Zn Wrought Alloys

    超轻变形 Mg-Li-Al-Zn合金的显微组织和性能

  • High strength wrought magnesium alloys had received extensive attention and researches at home and abroad for their excellent mechanical properties and bright prospects .

    高强 变形镁合金因其优异的力学性能和良好的应用前景,受到国内外广泛的关注和研究。

  • Several beggars stood outside the wrought iron gate of the mosque .

    几名乞丐站在这座清真寺 做工 精细的铁门外。

  • Iron or wrought iron can also be washed with dish wash powder without causing scratches .

    铁或 熟铁也可洗洗碗粉,而不会造成划痕。

  • In their times it shall be told to Jacob and to Israel what God hath wrought .

    时候一到,自会启示与 雅各伯和以色列;天主要作什麽。

  • This concentration of airborne firepower wrought havoc with the enemy forces .

    这次机载火力的集中攻击 敌军 造成很大破坏。

  • The course focused on their uses in bioremediation of the damage that has been wrought by human activities .

    课程内容主要针对它们对人类活动所 造成的破坏所进行的生物性修复作用。

  • Changes in the climate have wrought havoc with = severely changed the city 's usual weather pattern .

    气候变化 已经严重影响了这个城市正常的天气状况。

  • Compositions of paper cloth wrought iron wood sheet metal ;

    用纸、布、 熟铁、木头和金属片构成的 图画