written order

[ˈrɪtn ˈɔrdɚ][ˈrɪtn ˈɔ:də]


  • Make sure that logs you are counting have been created and written to in order to avoid this problem .

    确保您要计数的日志已经创建且已经有条目 写入避免此问题。

  • The above-mentioned written order shall be served on both parties and the arbitral organ .

    裁定 应当 送达双方当事人和仲裁机构。

  • The police had earlier issued him with a written move-on order but Chua defied this and subsequent warnings said the police spokesman .

    警方发言人说,警方早些时候曾给他发出 书面 命令要求其离开,但蔡蔑视命令,并无视随后的警告。

  • To serve ( a person ) with a written order to provide lodging for soldiers .

    把为士兵提供 民宿 命令给(个人)

  • This list is in no particular order just written in the order that I could think of them .

    这个列表没有什么特殊的 目的,我只是想 记住它们。

  • For that the relay selection scheme and the relaying techniques used to transmit the information should be written in order to achieve energy efficiency .

    为此,中继选择方案及 中继传输技术成为 实现能源效率的关键技术。

  • There is sufficient new evidence to set aside the original judgment or written order ;

    (一)有新的证据,足以推翻原判决、 裁定的;

  • Applications software can be purchased off the shelf or written & or it can be written to order by qualified programmers .

    应用软件可以购买市场上现成的,也可预先 约请合格的程序 编写人员编写。

  • An Analysis of the Rites Procedure and Written Order of Pardon

    浅析唐代 宥实施的仪式、程序及赦

  • If a party refuses to accept an order of first instance by a people 's court he shall have the right to file an appeal with the people 's court at the next higher level within 10 days of the serving of the written order .

    当事人不服人民法院第一审裁定的,有权在 裁定 送达之日起十日内向上一级人民法院提起上诉。

  • The text was written in order to find the method of the insurance service and service management through analyzing the characters of service product and the insurance company and product .

    保险行业属于服务型行业,本文通过对服务产品特性的深入研究,以及对保险公司及其服务的分析, 探寻保险服务及服务管理的方法, 从而达到提高保险服务质量的目的。

  • The first phase translates the sequence of characters from byte order ( how the characters are stored in memory ) to the proper written order ( as it would appear on paper ) .

    第一个阶段是将字符序列从字节顺序(字符在内存中如何存储)转换成正确的 手写 顺序(字符如何在纸面上显示)。

  • No one can go in or out except by the door we entered the others are locked and barred and then only with my permission or a written order from me .

    我们进来的门是唯一可以进入这个房间的路径,其他的门都已经用铁棍封闭住了。只有我的允许或者拿着我的 书面许可 能够进来。

  • The contents of the iterator are written in order starting with the string Java Bridge ! then the Java Date object and finishing with the PHP array containing five numbers .

    迭代器的内容按 顺序 写入,首先是字符串JavaBridge!,然后是JavaDate对象,最后是包含五个数字的PHP数组。

  • A written order issued by a court commanding the party to whom it is addressed to perform or cease performing a specified act . WY : The models follow your specific directions on the scene ; you don 't let them improvise .

    令状由法院发布的 书面 命令,要求接受令状的团体做或不做令状指定的行为王寅:模特在现场完全是按照你的指令去摆布,不是让她们即兴发挥。

  • The term also includes a written order left by a commander with an enemy subject or posted upon enemy property for the protection of the individual or property concerned .

    此名词亦包括指挥官有关敌军或有关保护敌方个人或相关财产之 明文 命令

  • I 've written off to order the second edition of the dictionary .

    我已 发信 订购该词典的第二版。

  • I 'll be able to have it written in short order .

    我马上就可以把 发言 稿 写好

  • Article58if a party is not satisfied with the order he may apply for reconsideration once within five days of the date of receiving the written order .

    第五十八条当事人对裁定不服的,可以在收到 裁定 之日起五日内申请复议一次。

  • A written order for a sum of money to be paid by the one who owes to the one who is collecting .

    收款人所 签发的票据, 命令付款人与收款人支付相应的款项。

  • For federal income tax purposes alimony paid under a written court order is deductible by the spouse who pays and is taxable to the recipient of the alimony .

    缴付联邦税时,法庭 裁定支付赡养费的一 减免税项,而领取的一方则要交税。

  • The main evidence for ascertaining the facts in the previous judgment or written order was insufficient ;

    (一)原判决、 裁定认定事实的主要证据不足的;

  • Rule11J states : train operators and conductors must not allow any person to ride in their operating cab without a written order from the Chief Transporting Officer .

    规章的第11J条规定:没有来自最高运输官的 书面 命令,火车驾驶员和售票员绝对不能允许任何人在他们的驾驶室乘车。

  • The thesis uses modern marketing managing theories learns from other logistics companies the successful experience of marketing applies both qualitative and quantitative methods and the written order is problem suggesting problem analyzing problem solving .

    本文运用了现代营销管理理论,并大量借鉴物流企业在营销管理方面的成功经验,将定性方法和定量方法相结合, 按照 提出问题分析问题解决问题的思路来进行。

  • A written order usually on a standard printed form directing a bank to pay money .

    书面 命令,通常以标准的印刷形式,引导银行支付款项。

  • The written order confirmed his telephone message .


  • Article 182 Application for a retrial made by a party must be submitted within two years after the judgment or written order becomes legally effective .

    第一百八十二条当事人申请再审,应当在判决、 裁定发生法律效力后二年内提出。

  • That implies that more CDs are being written in order to offset existing CDs positions and that less money will change hands in case of a default .

    换言之 用于抵消现有CDS头寸的 合同数额增加,如果出现违约, 易手金额下降。