write back

[raɪt bæk][rait bæk]


  • After days of reflection she decided to write back

    想了几天之后她决定 回信

  • It will be interesting to see what I learn and write back to you next week .

    这将是有趣的,看看我学习和 你下周。

  • Remember when we met in Denver ? You said if I 'd write you you would write back .

    记得我们在丹佛的相遇吗?你说如果我写信,你会 回信的。

  • In Act V Antonio was able to write back his loss provisions in full even if it was too late to fulfil his banking covenant to Shylock .

    在第五幕, 安东尼奥能够全额 他的损失准备金,即使此时已来不及履行他与夏洛克签订的银行契约。

  • The German gave his surprise correspondent a new address to write to and promised to write back when he received his letter the Associated Press news agency reports .

    有关出版新闻机构称,该德国年轻人还给了这个惊讶的收信人一个新的通讯地址,而且答应 回信

  • Doing so means you must be able to read from files or standard input and write back to the terminal .

    这样做意味着您必须能够从文件或标准输入读取数据并 数据 终端。

  • Almost all of the CPU works can be divided into four stages : extraction ( Fetch ) decoding ( Decode ) executive ( Execute ) and write back ( Write back ) .


  • Wentworth confesses that he receives some eye-popping fan mail but is not always able to write back .

    米帅承认他有收到过一些弹眼落睛的粉丝 来信,也不能都

  • Meaning no built in support for mapped objects to write back to its original source unless the user specifically create a reverse mapping after the mapped object is updated .

    这意味着它并没有内建映射对象支持 来回 至原始源,除非用户在更新映射对象之后明确地创建逆向反射。

  • After receiving our letter please write back by return .

    收到信后,请 立即 回信

  • Also think about guest speakers or lecturers you may have heard while you were in school . Write them and see if they write back .

    另外,也可以给你在学校听他们讲课的讲师和特邀发言者写信,看他们是否 回函

  • There simply is not a good way to reattach them to a new context to write back their changes .

    重新附加它们到新上下文 来回 它们的更改,这并不是一个好办法。

  • Because the application does write back to the local directory where Apache hosts the PHP files and data the multiple Apache servers must share the same local directory ; this is done by hosting the directory on an NFS server .

    由于要将应用程序 回到Apache托管的PHP文件和数据所在的本地目录中,所以多台Apache服务器必须共享同一个本地目录;这是通过在NFS服务器上托管目录来完成的。

  • Macmillan wrote back saying that he could certainly help

    麦克米伦 回信说他肯定能帮忙。

  • We will write back at the first time .

    我们将 在第一时间。

  • Tomorrow we may not be around to write back .

    明天,我们可能就不能 回信了。

  • Please write back to us with your lowest FOB China & CIF mundra ( India ) price with others terms and conditions .


  • I wrote back to Meudon at once to fix up a meeting .

    我马上给缪顿 回信安排会面。

  • PS In case you want to write back we have enclosed a stamped addressed envelope .

    另,考虑到你可能要 回信,我们随信附上一张贴有邮票的回邮信封。

  • When will they write back to us ?

    他们什么时候给我们 回信

  • Take a look at the spray tip and write back to me with the markings you find on the tip .

    请参看 一下喷嘴梢,并 告诉我喷嘴梢上的记号。

  • When you write back tell him that I 'll try and see him next time he comes .


  • I forgot to write back to Tom .

    我忘了给汤姆 回信

  • I write back to him immediately to thank them for the invitation .

    我立即给他 回信以感谢他们的邀请。

  • I promise to write back even if it takes me a while . An acceptance once given cannot be revoked unless the offeror consents .

    我承诺会 回信 ,纵使那须要花我一些时间。除非要约人同意,承诺一经做出即不得撤回。

  • I sent him a letter but he didn 't write back .

    我给他 了一封信,可是他没有 我。

  • Seth Godin is often asked how he has time to do everything especially write back to everyone who emails him .

    SethGodin经常被问及如何有时间做每件事,尤其在 发给他电子邮件的人们 回复中。

  • Having received the letter I decided to write back .

    收到他的信后,我决定 回信