write off for

[raɪt ɔf fɔr][rait ɔf fɔ:]


  • We 'll just have to write off the arrangement if we can 't find the money for it .

    这项计划如果筹不到钱就只得 取消

  • Let me use an example from FedEx . If we buy a 777 aircraft from Boeing under the current tax code we generally write that asset off over seven years for tax purposes .

    请让我用联邦快递的一个例子来说明:如果我们从波音公司订购一架波音777飞机,按照先行的税收制度,在税务处理上通常 应该在7年内 支出进行 摊销

  • He generously agreed to write off the debt in return for certain services .

    他慷慨地同意 取消这笔债款,但要 某些服务工作作为交换条件。

  • She says the American government 's decision to write off twenty six million dollars in debt owed by Costa Rica will be the biggest debt for nature swap the U.S has implemented so far .

    她表示,美国政府决定 勾销哥斯达黎加向其借贷的两千六百万美元债务,这是迄今为止美国执行的金额最大的一笔 债务转换自然资源的销账决议。

  • Don 't write off jobs that don 't sound perfect for you & apply for them anyway !

    不要 放弃那些看起来并非完美的工作,不管怎么样 应聘吧。

  • Therefore if you want to write a somewhat longer program you are better off using a text editor to prepare the input for the interpreter and running it with that file as input instead .

    所以,如果你想 一个能保存长一点的程序,你 最好使用一个文本编辑器保存这些代码,把保存好的文件作为Python解释器的输入。

  • It 's easy to write off President Obama 's announcement of his support for gay marriage as a political ploy during an election year . But don 't believe the cynics representatives from the news magazine told Politico in a statement about the article .

    该杂志的代表在有关这篇文章的声明中告诉政客新闻网:在总统大选之年, 奥巴马总统表态支持同性恋写成是政治策略很容易,但不要相信这些愤世嫉俗的人们的言论。

  • Provided that any such write off shall take effect for the purpose of accounting records alone and shall not extinguish any right of the fund to recovery of any such asset or debt .

    但任何此等 冲销会计纪录的目的而有效,而不得使基金在追讨任何上述资产或债项方面的权利终绝。

  • To write off an account receivable is to reduce the balance of the customer 's account to zero . Full refund will be given to the customers who wish to cancel the order for such shipment delay mentioned in point 8 .

    核销这项应收账款是要将该客户的账户余额减至零值。客户如因第八项 理由欲取消订购,将可获全数款项退回。