Y position


  • Fifty & three subjects were exposed to random vibration in X Y Z directions in sitting position .

    53位受试者以 坐姿承受了X、 Y、Z方向的随机振动。

  • Also the voltage relate with the X / Y coordinate are read by using Waiting for Interrupt Mode and Auto X / Y Position Conversion Mode then the control of touch screen is complete .

    并利用S3C2410的等待中断模式和自动 XY 坐标转换工作模式,读出与XY坐标有关的电压值,完成对触摸屏的控制。

  • Each series line should graphically show the position of each point in the series with reference to the X and Y reference lines .

    每个级数线都应该以图形形式显示出引用X和 Y引用线的那些级数中的每个点的 位置

  • True multitouch capability would allow for an X and Y coordinate reading of each finger position .

    真正的多触点功能将允许读取每个手指 位置的X和 Y坐标。

  • Locates the tail of the board in the X and Y position ( centre of the stringer aligns with the line on the tail stop ) . The tail of the board butts up with the wooden tail stop .

    用于将板材固定在X和 Y 位置上(支撑架中点与尾部止点上的线对齐)板材尾部顶住木头尾部止点。

  • If you think that f of x y z t will be the temperature at a point in space at position x y z and at time t then this tells you how temperature changes over time .

    想象一下f就是,在空间处,在时间t 的温度,这个方程告诉我们,在给 定点处温度随时间的变化。

  • The mathematical model of camera imaging is studied and a calibration method for 3D machine vision which combines height calibration with position calibration is introduced .

    研究了摄像机透镜成像的数学模型,提出了基于非共面点的摄像机 自动标定方法,给出了高度和 相位之间的映射 关系,以及坐标( xy)的 标定 方法

  • A positioning signal is received by a low-pass filter ( 103 ) that produces filtered position data for driving the X-and Y-axis translation stages .

    定位信号由低通滤波器(103)接收,低通滤波器(103)产生滤波后的 位置数据以驱动X与 Y 平移台座。

  • My career path is important to me and Ive been very impressed with what Ive learned about this company and believe that this position in particular is a great fit for my skills in X Y and Z. Do you agree ?

    我的职业生涯路线是非常重要的,而且对贵公司的了解给我留下了深刻的印象,我相信这个 职位非常适合我,因为它所要求的X, Y,Z技能我都具备。

  • When you move the mouse over the rectangle the X and Y positions of the mouse are shown and change as the mouse moves ; clicking the mouse on the rectangle records the position of the click .

    将鼠标移动到矩形上面时,会显示鼠标的X和 Y位置,并且这两个显示的值会随着鼠标的移动而改变,在矩形上单击鼠标会记录下单击的 位置

  • Determines how much the X Y and Z position is increased ( or decreased ) for each instance .

    决定每一复制实例层之间递增的或者递减的在X, Y和Z轴上的 偏移量。

  • The paper describes adopting three stepping motors which have been carefully divided to drive working table moving along X 、 Y directions to make fixed position of the workpiece correctly so that the automatic measurement is to be realized .

    描述了采用三个步进电机经过细分后驱动工作台沿X、 Y方向移动来准确 定位工件,实现了自动化测量。

  • Using the cup option or cursor position in tput you can move the cursor to any X or Y coordinates in the device 's rows and columns .

    通过在tput中使用cup选项,或光标 位置,您可以在设备的各行和各列中将光标移动到任意X或 Y坐标。

  • Compensation and correction of the X Y stage position for the large scale ultra precision artwork generator

    大幅面超精密图形发生器 X-Y工作台 位置补偿校正

  • Under the automatic way the system shifts welding gun position and track in Y axis according to the supersonic focus sensor the welding machine turns down the workers labor strength increases welding automation degree .

    在自动工作方式下:系统根据超声波传感器的信号,实现焊接 Y轴跟踪:并使用涡流传感器进行Z轴 跟踪自动完成焊接任务。可大大减低工人的劳动强度,提高焊接自动化程度。

  • The position of the probe ( in X Y and Z ) is displayed on the computer and is used in building up C scan images on the screen as the probe is moved .

    计算机里会显示探针的具体 位置(X, Y和Z轴),并且随着探针的移动,在计算机屏幕上显示C扫描图像。

  • Once that was done the scales could be read in the X and Y directions and a very precise position could be assigned to the star .

    一旦完成,就可以以x和 y的指向阅读,这颗行星就可以非常精确的被 定位

  • The angle of incidence to be less than 70 ° was measured by using four light screens respectively at X and Y axis direction . The velocity angle of incidence and coordinate of position are gained after firing .

    在X和 Y方向分别采用四个成固定角度的光幕来实现入射角度的测量,一次射击可得到弹丸的速度、速度方向上的空间角和着靶 位置坐标。

  • You can also use the lineTo ( x y ) method to add a subpath to the current path and position the pen at the specified position .

    还可以使用lineTo(x, y)方法添加一个子路径到当前路径,并将画笔 定位在一个指定的位置。

  • X axis and Y axis electric moving stages are driven to track object based on its position which is calculated by improved 3 frame difference algorithm .

    通过改进的三帧差分法计算运动目标的 位置,控制X、 Y轴电动位移台跟踪目标。

  • Black and white cameras acquire an optical intensity signal as a function of X position and Y position .

    黑白相机捕捉光的明暗度信号就好比是X坐标和 Y 坐标

  • The measured object of the three degree-of-freedom measurement mechanism is moving along X Y Z three coordinate axis . That is only to trace and measure the position of the motion part .

    三自由度测量臂的测量对象为沿X、 Y、Z三个坐标轴的平动,即仅对运动部件进行 位置跟踪与测量。

  • It has been obtained that under the initial position and under the general condition this mechanism possesses three moving DOF along the directions of x y z axes namely after a shift happened under the initial position this mechanism still possesses three moving DOF .

    得出该机构在初始位置下和在一般情况时,机构有沿x、 y、z轴方向的三个移动自由度,即初始 位置下发生移动后,该机构还有3个移动自由度。

  • The running of axes X and Y is driven by servo motor and ball screw shaft and the punching position is controlled by double axes numerical control system .

    轴及 Y轴运行由伺服电机及滚珠丝杠驱动,由双轴数控系统控制冲孔 位置

  • The scheme makes use of strict collimation of the beams full solid angle detection of the reaction products with a x y position sensitive Δ E E counter telescope mixing trigger and pileup rejection to carry out the measurement of angular distribution under low beam intensity .

    采取次级束的严格准直、反应产物的 位置灵敏全立体角探测、抗脉冲堆积和混合触发电子学线路等一系列措施,成功地实现了低流强条件下反应角分布的测量。

  • Using the moveTo ( x y ) method the pen can be moved to a new position .

    通过使用moveTo(x, y)方法,可以将画笔移动到一个新的 位置

  • Unless otherwise approved gauges and fixtures will be built in car position with X Y and Z start points stamped into base .

    除非有批准,否则产品在检具的 位置心汽车 坐标 为准,X、 Y,和Z基准值需印在底座上。

  • Moves slices out from a pie chart ; it actually takes some offset on slice 's x and y position when a user hovers over an element with the mouse .

    此动作将切块移出饼图;当用户将鼠标悬停于一个元素上方时,此动作实际上是使切块略微偏离其x和 y 位置