


  • John was a woodcutter who had being served a company for five years but never got a promotion .

    约翰是一名 木工,他为公司干了五年却从未得到提升。

  • Once again the woodcutter was persuaded by his wife .

    再一次地, 樵夫又被他的太太说服了。

  • The woodcutter 's wife is very angry .


  • Hermes like his honesty so he gave all three axes to the woodcutter .

    赫尔墨斯很欣赏他的诚实,于是把三把斧子都给了 樵夫

  • I never stopped looking for you guys @ the woodcutter said .

    我从未停止找寻你们俩, 樵夫说。

  • The woodcutter again makes a fire for the children and goes away with his wife .


  • Once there was a poor woodcutter .

    从前,有一个很贫穷的 木工

  • Then the woodcutter let his axe fly — Thwack ! Everyone heard it .

    然后那个 木工脱手甩出了斧头。哐!每个人都听见了。

  • She found a woodcutter nearby .

    她发现附近有一 樵夫

  • He despised the woodcutter 's children and the other children of the village .

    他瞧不起 樵夫的孩子和村里其他的孩子。

  • His brother turned mayor while he remained a woodcutter .

    他哥哥当了市长而他还是一名 伐木 工人

  • A woodcutter and his family live in a forest .

    有一 樵夫和家人住在一座森林里。

  • With that they held forward the bags filled with gems and food to show the woodcutter .

    接着,他们就把装满宝石和食物的袋子拿出来给 樵夫

  • I must be losing my strength the woodcutter thought .

    “我一定是力气 越来 了。” 木工 暗自 思忖

  • The woodcutter entered the cottage and killed the wolf .


  • The woodcutter was overjoyed that his children had returned . Millions are homeless and unemployed .

    樵夫 对于孩子们的归来感到高兴万分。数百万人无家可归和失业。

  • The woodcutter carried her to his own house to take care of her .


  • The woodcutter 's wife has an idea .

    樵夫的妻子 有一个点子。

  • From that day on the woodcutter and his children lived happily ever after .

    从那天以后, 樵夫和他的孩子们从此过着幸福快乐的生活。

  • My father is a woodcutter .

    我的爸爸是一个 伐木 工人

  • The woodcutter felled the tree .


  • Peter became a newspaper reporter while John remained a woodcutter .

    彼得成了记者,而约翰仍然是个 木工

  • I 'm so happy to see you says the woodcutter .

    “我很高兴在能看到你们”这个 伐木 说。

  • And Star-Child was brought up with the woodcutter 's children .

    星子和这位 樵夫的孩子们一起被扶养长大。

  • We can take the children into the forest @ she tells the woodcutter .

    我们可以带小孩到森林里,她跟 樵夫说。

  • And he came across a woodcutter .

    他偶然遇到一个 伐木

  • How could you even suggest such a terrible thing ? @ yelled the woodcutter .

    “你怎么能提出这么可怕的建议?” 樵夫喊道。

  • Some power were trying to turn it into a woodcutter 's hut or a snug log-cabin .

    某种力量在设法使它变成一座 木工的小棚屋,或一所温暖舒适的圆木小屋。

  • You are the woodcutter 's children aren 't you ? @ says the bird .

    “你们不就是 樵夫的小孩吗?”这只鸟说。

  • A lion demanded the daughter of a woodcutter in marriage ( 1 ) .

    一头狮子强烈地要求与 樵夫的女儿结婚。