tax year

[tæks jɪr][tæks jə:]


  • However last week the HMRC published its forecasts for all income tax revenues for the current tax year .

    上周皇家 税务海关署出版了关于当前 财年所得税总额的预测报告。

  • The White House embraced the principle of a millionaires ' tax last year and set the minimum rate at 30 per cent in January .

    奥巴马政府 去年采纳了百万富翁 税收原则,并在今年1月设定了30%的最低税率。

  • The company added that its 3G networks are on track to achieve positive earnings before interest and tax this year .

    该公司还补充称,其3g网络的息 税前盈利将在 今年实现正值。

  • We are meant to pay income tax every year .


  • If the income of the following tax year is not ample the making up may continue no more than five years .

    下一 纳税 年度所得不足弥补的,可以延续弥补,但最长不得超过5年。

  • Within Japan the fiscal authorities raised a consumption tax this year aiming to rein in budget deficits in a country with the highest public debt in the world relative to the size of its economy .

    在日本国内,财政机构 今年提高了消费 ,旨在控制预算赤字。相对于其经济规模,日本的公共债务是全世界最高的。

  • Generally neither you nor your spouse can claim tax treaty benefits as a resident of a foreign country for a tax year for which the choice is in effect and you are both taxed on worldwide income .

    通常你和你的配偶都不允许再到做为居民的其他外国 报税,你们全球的收入都应在美国 申报

  • London like New York is also bracing for the possibility of an additional tax next year with a proposal to charge a mansion tax on properties valued at more than 2 million pounds Mr. Bailey said .

    伦敦和纽约一样,也在考虑 明年额外设立一个 税种的可能性。有提议说,要对价值超过200万英镑(约合人民币1969万元)的房产征收豪宅税,巴莱如是说。

  • For example the first 10 I earn this tax year will be tax-free !

    例如,我首次挣的10000本 纳税 年度将免税。

  • Enterprises that undergo liquidation shall use the period of liquidation as the tax year .

    企业清算时,应当以清算期间作为一个 纳税 年度

  • The start of the tax year .

    课税 年度的开始 时间

  • However Luis de Guindos economy minister made it clear Madrid was not abandoning austerity and announced plans to raise value added tax next year something the government had promised repeatedly not to do .

    不过,西班牙经济大臣路易斯德金多斯(luisdeguindos)明确表示,马德里方面没有放弃紧缩,而且宣布了 明年提高增值 的计划西班牙政府曾一再承诺不会提高增值

  • According to one measure the median wage for people in full-time employment rose just 0.1 per cent in the past tax year & well below the rate of inflation .

    根据一项衡量指标,全职就业人士的中位数工资在上一个 纳税 年度仅上涨0.1%,远低于通胀率。

  • The storekeeper got a $ 10000 tax this year .

    今年这位店主获得了10000美金的 免税额。

  • Nor are they persistently shy of going to court : the number of prosecutions for tax evasion rose by a third in the 2013 / 14 tax year .

    此外,该机构也并不总是不愿走上法庭:2013至2014 纳税 年度,与避税相关的公诉案件数目增加了三分之一。

  • Fill in a tax form and pay income tax every year .


  • Britons have also been wary of tax liabilities caused by returning before April 1 the new UK tax year .

    英国人也一直在警惕4月1日英国新 税收 年度开始前回国所导致的税务负担。

  • Losses incurred by a foreign enterprise in a tax year may be carried over to the next year and made up with a matching amount drawn from that year 's income .

    外国企业发生 年度亏损 可以从下一年度的所得中提取相应的数额弥补;

  • Beer industry is a high tax industry which provides 3.7 billions Yuans Consuming Tax every year .

    啤酒行业是一个高课税行业,以平均每千升150元消费 计,全国啤酒行业 每年消费 就向国家交纳37.5亿元。

  • This publication contains EITC guidelines for the2009 tax year .

    本手册包含2009年 税务 年度的低收入者工薪退税优惠(EITC)指标。

  • In the past all the peasant households had to hand in a lot of land tax every year .

    旧时农户 每年都要交纳繁重的 田赋

  • Duo Co pays tax one year in arrears at an annual rate of30 % and can claim capital allowances ( tax-allowable depreciation ) on a25 % reducing balance basis .

    Duo公司在一 后要付年税率30%的 ,还可以要求资金补贴( 税收允许的降值),按25%在余额递减的基础上计提。

  • We 'll probably pay more in tax this year .

    我们 今年可能要缴纳更多的 税金