temporary difference

[ˈtɛmpəˌrɛri ˈdɪfərəns][ˈtempərəri ˈdifərəns]


  • What is a temporary tax difference ? What are some examples ? What is a permanent tax difference ? What are some examples ?

    什麽是 暂时 差异?请举例。什麽是永久性差异?请举例。

  • The diversity of metonymical temporary appellation shows its character with the difference of the specific communicative partner and aim .

    这种 称谓的表现形式多样,随着具体交际对象与交际目的等的 变化呈现出各自的特色。

  • 88.57 % ? 93.88 % . Fixation with temporary crown is obviously different from fixation with ligation wire but there 's no significant difference between fixation with temporary crown and with band .

    结果:裂隙 临时采用结扎丝、带环、临时冠固定后治疗和修复的成功率分别是69.44%、88.57%、93.88%, 临时冠固定与结扎丝固定的差异有显著性,与带环固定的 差异无显著性;

  • Now we have already reached agreement on permanent difference it is very important for us to choose and apply temporary difference .

    在人们对永久性差异会计处理已经达成基本共识的前提下,对 暂时 差异 会计处理的选择与运用就显得十分重要了。

  • But this adjustment is just temporary each region has obvious difference .

    但这种调整只是 临时 ,各地区 差异 很大,具有明显的 随意 和不 确定性

  • Generally staffing professionals such as accountants lawyers and information technology specialists comprises about one-third of the temporary employment market while general staffing makes up the difference .

    一般而言,招聘专业人士例如会计师、律师和信息科技(it)专业人士占 临时就业市场的三分之一左右,而统一招聘则弥补了这一 缺口

  • Research on the temporary shielding plugging experiment in considering fracture-pore reservoir of fracture width and pressure difference

    考虑裂缝宽度及压 的裂缝&孔隙型储层屏蔽 堵实验研究

  • On the balance sheet date where there is any exact evidence showing that it is likely to acquire sufficient amount of taxable income tax in a future period to offset against the deductible temporary difference the deferred income tax assets unrecognized in prior periods shall be recognized .

    资产负债表日,有确凿证据表明未来期间很可能获得足够的应纳税所得额用来抵扣可抵扣 暂时 差异的,应当确认以前期间未确认的递延所得税资产。

  • The division of Germany after the war and the temporary division between the two sides of the Straits are questions of a different nature the difference lying mainly in three aspects .

    战后德国的分裂和两岸 暂时分离是两个 不同性质的问题。

  • In partial thyroidectomy RLN temporary injury occurred in exposure group in 10 cases and non-exposure group in 2 cases there was significant difference between two groups .

    在甲状腺部分切除术中, 暂时 损伤显露组10例,非显露组2例,两组 比较 差异有统计学意义。

  • Because of the local modification and temporary structures during the platform manufacture there is often a great difference between the final weight and the designed one of the structure .

    由于平台制造过程中的局部修改和 临时结构等因素的影响,结构物的最终重量与设计重量往往 相差较大,导致重量控制很困难。

  • Arbitrageurs are individuals who take advantage of any temporary difference in exchange rates across markets to buy low and sell high .

    套汇商是利用市场间 暂时的汇率 差额低价买进,高价售出的人。

  • With the change of the accounting environment the asset-liability view take place of the income-expense view gradually . Thus Balance sheet liability method appeared to confirm temporary difference China proposed this method in the latest income tax standard .

    随着会计环境的改变,资产负债观逐渐取代了收入费用观,衍生出资产负债表债务法确认 暂时 差异,我国也在所得税准则中提出运用此方法。