
[医] 拟步行虫属

  • Study on Extracting Technology of Fat and Chitosan from Tenebrio Molitor


  • A certain nutrition and health function of Tenebrio molitor Linneeus on Kunming mice was studied in this paper .

    为了解黄粉虫的营养保健作用,以昆明种小鼠为实验动物,进行了 黄粉虫营养保健作用的试验研究。

  • The effects of several factors such as temperature density the turning point of growth velocity feed moisture and fermented feed on the growth and population amounts of Tenebrio molitor were studied .

    本论文研究了温度、密度、幼虫生长速率转折点、饲料含水量、生物饲料对 黄粉虫生长发育和种群数量的影响;

  • The thermal stability test results show that the Tenebrio molitor antimicrobial peptides have better thermal stability .

    抗菌肽 液的热稳定性试验结果表明, 黄粉虫抗菌肽具有较好的热稳定性。

  • Scanning Electron Microscopic Observation on the Antenna Sensilla of Tenebrio molitor Linne of Two Color Types

    2种色型 黄粉虫触角感器的扫描电镜观察

  • Larvae of Tenebrio molitor is relatively rich in protein especially suitable for the preparation of insects bioactive peptides .


  • Effects of different dosage of Ice nucleating active ( INA ) bacteria on substances and cold tolerance of Tenebrio molitor were studied through two kinds of inoculation methods bathing and feeding .

    采用水浴和喂食两种接种方法,研究了冰核活性细菌(INA细菌)分别在不同接种浓度下对 储粮 害虫 黄粉虫幼虫体内物质及耐寒性的影响。

  • Effect of Storage Temperature and Time on Nutrition Content of Tenebrio molitor Pupae

    贮存温度和时间对 黄粉甲蛹营养物质含量的影响

  • Effects of Ice Nucleating Active Bacteria on Cold Tolerance of Tenebrio molitor

    冰核活性细菌对 黄粉虫幼虫耐寒性的影响

  • Preliminary Test on Several Kinds of Tropic Scrap Material as Additives for Breeding Tenebrio Molitor

    几种废弃物作添加料养殖 黄粉虫的试验

  • Using DNA probe method and random primer method the full DNA sequence of Tm-GRP is screened from the cDNA library of Tenebrio molitor .

    利用DNA探针法和随机引物法从 黄粉虫的cDNA文库中筛选TmGRP的全部DNA序列。

  • Inducement and production of antibacterial substances in Tenebrio molitor larvae and their antibacterial activity


  • Objective To identify the proteins associated with PO-induced melanin synthesis ( MAPs ) in Tenebrio molitor larvae .

    目的鉴定 黄粉虫幼虫体内与酚氧化酶(PO)诱导的黑色素合成相关的蛋白(MAPs)。

  • It is important that tenebrio rich in amino acids .

    重要的是, 黄粉虫 含有丰富的氨基酸。

  • The Effect of Tenebrio Antiviral Peptide Induced by Newcastle Disease Virus

    新城疫病毒诱导 黄粉虫抗病毒肽的效果分析

  • This study provides a basis for full use of protein of Tenebrio molitor and is useful to improve economic value of Tenebrio molitor .

    本研究为 黄粉虫蛋白的充分利用提供了依据,提高黄粉虫的经济价值。

  • Study on the antibacterial activity of the antibacterial substance of yellow mealworm ( Tenebrio molitor ) larvae


  • Purification and partial biological functions of β - 1 recognition protein from Tenebrio molitor ( Coleoptera : Tenebrionidae ) larvae


  • Study on Extraction of Tenebrio Molitor Protein and Its Physical and Chemical Properties


  • The effect of cold storage of the Tenebrio molitor pupae on the breeding of Scleroderma guani was investigated .

    研究了低温贮存 黄粉虫蛹对繁育管氏硬皮肿腿蜂的影响。

  • Effects of Temperatures on Survival Rate and Protection Enzymes of Tenebrio molitor Larva

    不同温度对 黄粉虫幼虫存活率和保护酶系的影响

  • Effects of farnesol on the larval growth and development of Tenebrio molitor

    法尼醇对 黄粉虫幼虫生长发育的影响

  • Biological Properties and Preliminary Purification of Antibacterial Peptide from Tenebrio molitor


  • Studies on induction and Actvity of antibacterial peptides in the larvae of Tenebrio molitor


  • Cloning and bioinformatics analysis of antifreeze protein from Tenebrio molitor


  • The Effects of Fenoxycarb on the Development and Immunity of Tenebrio Molitor

    苯氧威对 黄粉虫生长发育及免疫功能的影响

  • Study on Extraction of Protein from Tenebrio Molitor and Preparation of Protein Powder


  • Analysis on Antibacterial Activity and Antibacterial Peptide of Different Growth Stages from Tenebrio molitor

    黄粉虫不同生长阶段 诱导抗菌肽的效果分析

  • After separation and purification five kinds of bacteria were isolated from the larvae of Tenebrio obscurus Fab .

    幼虫肠道环境中分离、纯化、 培养,获得5个细菌菌株,对其 培养 性状、染色反应、 菌体形态、生理生化反应等进行了系统研究。

  • Method of Using Larva of Tenebrio molitor to Manufacture Skull Specimen of Small Mammals

    利用 面包虫制作小兽 头骨标本方法的探讨