


  • Changes of Blood Circulation of Anterior Eye Segment due to Tenotomy of the Musculus Rectus in Dogs

    直肌 致前节血循环变化的实验研究

  • The control group received no laser irradiation after tenotomy .

    对照组 4 跟腱 切断 缝合 手术 不进行激光照射;

  • 11 patients ( 18 eyes ) in the group A were treated by central tenotomy of levator aponeurosis .

    A组11例18只眼采用上睑提肌中央腱膜 切断 矫正;

  • Objective To make an Achilles tenotomy rat model to observe the change in soleus weight and expression of myosin heavy chain ( MHC ) isoform mRNA and to find some clues for elucidating the mechanisms of soleus disuse .

    目的建立大鼠跟腱 切断模型,观测 比较 跟腱 切断 尾部 悬吊大鼠比目鱼肌重量与肌球蛋白重链(MHC)异构体mRNA表达的变化,为探讨骨骼肌废用性萎缩的机理提供实验线索。

  • In 15 cases of complete dislocation with traction before reduction and tenotomy of adductor all succeeded in reduction with narcosis .

    15例全脱位中有6例复位前行牵引 ,并 内收切断,在麻醉下均复位成功。

  • There were no significant differences ( P > 0.05 ) between the effects of tenotomy or partial ectomy of bilateral superior oblique muscles .

    上斜肌 旋转 度数 变化与上斜肌部分切除术 比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

  • Lipid Peroxidation of Iris and Ciliary Body Following Recti Tenotomy

    直肌 对虹膜睫状体的脂质过氧化损伤

  • Endocytosis of horseradish peroxidase ( hrp ) in mouse skeletal muscle after tenotomy tenotomy of synergistic muscle and botulinum poisoning

    小鼠骨胳肌在 、协同肌切腱和肉毒杆菌毒素中毒后对辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)的胞纳作用

  • Conclusion The appearance of atrophy of rat soleus induced by Achilles tenotomy is similar in time and extent with that induced by tail suspension .

    结论 跟腱 切断引起的SOL萎缩在出现时间与程度上,与尾部悬吊相似。

  • INTERVENTIONS : The patients received LSPR of L5 and S1 dorsal roots together with bilateral adductor tenotomy .

    干预:本组患者均采用选择性L5、S1脊神经 切断 ,同时联合双侧 内收 治疗

  • The Application of Adjustable Sutures for Rectus Muscle in Curb Tenotomy of Orthopia

    直肌徙后调整缝线法在斜视矫正 中的应用

  • Animal model of heterotopic ossification induced by Achilles ' tenotomy in Sprague-Dawley rat

    跟腱 切断 诱导大鼠异位骨化动物模型的建立

  • CO_2 laser tenotomy and vocal process resection for treatment of bilateral vocal cord paralysis

    CO2激光 软骨声带突切除与 肌腱 切断治疗双侧声带 外展麻痹