temporary suspension

[ˈtɛmpəˌrɛri səˈspɛnʃən][ˈtempərəri səˈspenʃən]

[计] 暂停,暂时挂起暂时罚出场

  • Standards for determining suspected illegality or obviously irregular transactions of accounts under the preceding paragraph and operational procedures and regulations for temporary account suspension shall be prescribed by the competent authority .

    前项疑似不法或显属异常交易账户之认定标准,及 暂停账户之作业程序及办法,由主管机关定之。

  • Article 40 Temporary Suspension of Operations

    第四十条业务 暂时 中止

  • A period of temporary suspension of the usual functions of government or control .

    过渡期政府或统治正常运转的一段 暂时 中间期。

  • Decide with the traffic controller on identifying the crossover to turn short and which stations will result in temporary suspension of train service

    与行车调度员一同确定短距回转所用转线以及会导致哪个车站“列车运行 暂时 终止

  • Wind-Induced Fatigue Analysis of Temporary Connection on Girder of Suspension Bridges

    悬索桥钢箱梁 临时连接件风致疲劳分析

  • This temporary suspension allows them to act outside the boundaries created by a belief in order to see what happens .

    这种 暂时 怀疑会让他们打破信念的障碍,并看看会有什么事发生。

  • There are five teaching witty tactics in allusion to the investigation result namely problem on strategy plan clever strategy temporary suspension strategy humor ridicule strategy and make the best use strategy .

    针对调查结果给出了五个教学机智的运用策略,即:问题转嫁策略、计划灵动策略、 暂时 悬挂策略、幽默调侃策略和因势利导策略。

  • France has agreed to a temporary suspension of military activities .

    法国同意 暂停军事行动。

  • An interruption or temporary suspension of progress or movement .

    暂时 进步或运转。

  • An immediate temporary suspension of that mandate would give some respite to the market and allow more of the crop to be channelled towards food and feed uses .

    立即 暂停执行上述联邦法令,将为市场提供一定的喘息空间,让更多的玉米流向粮食和饲料用途。

  • They feel that you 'd better announce a temporary suspension anyhow .

    总之,他们觉得你还是宣布 暂时 停业为好。

  • An authorization to a debtor such as a bank or nation permitting temporary suspension of payments .

    延缓偿付对于借款人,例如一个银行或国家,允许 暂时 延缓偿还借款的授权。

  • In our opinions reprieving the applicable scope of temporary suspension expands to the fine punishment has its positive significance and the necessity when we vigorously advocate modest and restrained penalty in our country .

    在大力提倡刑罚谦抑 的今天,将 缓刑适用范围扩大至罚金刑有其积极意义和必要性。

  • Research on Stiffening Girders Erection and Temporary Connection of Suspension Bridge ; Experiment on Ultimate Bearing Capacity of U-stiffened Plate of Orthotropic Steel Box Girder

    悬索桥钢箱加劲梁安装过程及 临时连接的研究正交异性钢箱梁U型肋加劲板极限承载力试验

  • The fine penalty is the one kind of the property punishment there are many different views on setting up a system of temporary suspension of it .

    罚金刑是财产刑的一种,对于罚金刑应否适用 缓刑在刑法学界一直存在不同声音。

  • After the temporary suspension of traffic in the Mediterranean our shipping soon moved again through this invaluable corridor .

    在地中海的交通经过 短期 中断后,我们的船只不久重新通过这个宝贵的走廊而来往。

  • Revelation induces complete but temporary suspension of doubt and fear .

    启示能 一时却全面 撤销人的疑虑及恐惧。

  • But Mr Trichet said that the temporary suspension of voting rights is something that should be explored .

    但特里谢表示,“应该探讨 暂时 中止某些方面的投票权的做法”。

  • Provided that any break in service caused by temporary suspension of employment not arising from misconduct or voluntary resignation shall be disregarded for the purposes of this paragraph .

    但任何由于 暂时 停职而导致的服务期中断,如 暂时 停职非因行为不当或自动辞职而致使的,则就本款而言无须理会。

  • It is important to note that repeated offenses for any area detailed above will often result in temporary suspension from the game .

    值得注意的是在任何区域再三的违反上述规定将会频繁的导致游戏 停权