temporary trade

[ˈtɛmpəˌrɛri treid][ˈtempərəri treid]


  • A temporary monopoly on a kind of commercial trade .

    暂时垄断某种商业 贸易的行为。

  • CSR and its temporary standard SA8000 make sense for our international trade corporate sustainable development .

    企业社会责任理论及其 暂行标准SA8000对我国 外贸企业的可持续发展很有借鉴意义。

  • Preliminary Analysis on the Temporary Rules of International Trade Barrier Investigation of China ;

    初步解读我国《对外 贸易壁垒调查 暂行规则》

  • According to the historical experience the suspension of the Doha Round is likely to be temporary and the new round global trade talks will resume and finally be finished through the great efforts made by the developed and developing WTO members .

    从历史经验来看,多哈回合谈判中止可能仅是 暂时 的,经过发达成员和发展中成员的积极努力,最终会重启并完成新一轮全球 贸易谈判。

  • In the aftermath of the crisis current account imbalances have narrowed but this in part reflects temporary cyclical factors such as sharp declines in world trade and in the price of oil .

    复苏还将依赖于对全球失衡的管理。在危机之后,经常账户不平衡缩小了,但这部分反映出 暂时的、周期性的因素,如世界 贸易和油价大幅下降。

  • I don 't think we ought to use a measure that is supposed to be timely temporary and targeted to set off trade wars he said . It 's a very bad idea .

    我认为我们不应利用一项及时、 临时而且肯定会引发 贸易战的措施,他表示,这是一个非常糟糕的想法。

  • After the establishment of New China the outbound trade became active with the enactment of A temporary Measure on Small Outbound Trade .

    新中国成立后,边境贸易是从1984年国务院颁布了《边境小额 贸易 暂行管理办法》以后,才真正活跃起来的。

  • Just 2.4 % of products imported by G-20 countries in 2013 were subject to temporary trade barriers & including duties designed to blunt the effect of alleged subsidies or dumping by a trading partner .

    2013年G20国家进口产品中只有2.4%会受到 临时 贸易壁垒的影响,其中包括用来抵御贸易伙伴国被指采取的补贴或倾销措施而征收的关税。

  • The policies that Chinese Mainland avoided and refused contact with Chinese Taiwan in the field of WTO are temporary and can not be the long-term tactics for dealing with cross-strait trade relationship .

    大陆早期刻意回避和拒绝海峡两岸在WTO领域依照规则正常接触的政策 只是 权宜之计,不可能作为长期策略来处理两岸 贸易关系。

  • The biggest target of U.S. temporary trade barriers is Ukraine with more than half of shipments from Ukraine affected the report said .

    该报告称,美国 临时 贸易壁垒的最大目标是乌克兰,乌克兰出口美国的半数以上产品都受到影响。

  • In practice however lags in this adjustment meant that reserves were needed to finance temporary trade gaps .

    然而在实践中,这种调整的滞后意味着各国需要储备货币为 短暂 贸易差额融资。

  • Our modular architectural systems are widely used in temporary constructions in the fields of trade fair and display office and public space museum and exhibition .

    这些系统被广泛运用于 展览展示、办公空间、博物馆、展示厅、商店和户外场所。